------- God Mode -------------- CAutoMessage Msg; Msg.Writeuint8(374); // or you can use Msg.Writeuint64(374); Msg.Writeuint16(100); //when you take a shot or impact, the game sends a message to the server with new blood to player Msg.Writeuint8(0); g_LTClient->SendToServer(Msg.Read(), MESSAGE_GUARANTEED); Code: CAutoMessage Msg; Msg.Writeuint64(135); Msg.Writeuint64(0); g_LTClient->SendToServer(Msg.Read(), MESSAGE_GUARANTEED); ------------------ instant respawn -------------- void cBase::InstantRespawn(void) { if(respawn == 1) { g_LTClient = *(CLTClient**)ADDIE; g_CommonLT = g_LTClient->Common(); if(Base.ValidPointer(g_LTClient)) { if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD0)&1){ CAutoMessage Msg; Msg.Writeuint8(113);//Respawn g_LTClient->SendToServer(Msg.Read(), MESSAGE_GUARANTEED); } } } } ------------------- Spammer -------------- #include #include #include using namespace std; char *Message[] = { "Mensagem aqui ! ", "Sua mensagem aqui" }; #include "main_functions.h" int main() { ACCESS.readConfig("Game.ini"); GameCheck(); int LOOPS = 0; int DELAY = 0; string TEMP; string TEMP2; TEMP = FileAccess[0].TEMP; LOOPS = atoi(TEMP.c_str()); TEMP2 = FileAccess[0].TEMP2; DELAY = atoi(TEMP2.c_str()); HWND hwnd = FindWindow(0, FileAccess[0].File); #include "Copyright.h" cout << "GAME: \"" << FileAccess[0].File << "\"" << endl; cout << "LOOPS: \"" << LOOPS << "\"" << endl; cout << "DELAY: \"" << DELAY << "\"" << endl << endl; while (true) { Sleep(500); if (GetAsyncKeyState(4)) { ReLOAD("Game.ini", LOOPS, DELAY); } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_HOME)) { HotKey(hwnd, LOOPS, DELAY); } if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)) { return 0; } } return 0; } #ifndef MAIN_FUNCTIONS_H #define MAIN_FUNCTIONS_H /****************************/ /***** main_functions.h *****/ /****************************/ const int MAX = 0; string FileContents; class FileInfo { public: char File[50]; char TEMP[50]; char TEMP2[50]; FileInfo(); inline FileInfo::~FileInfo(void) { ; } int readConfig(char ConfigFile[]); }; FileInfo ACCESS; FileInfo FileAccess[MAX]; FileInfo::FileInfo() { ; } int FileInfo::readConfig(char ConfigFile[]) { ifstream readFile; int X = 0; int ch = 0; int assign = 1; char line[500] = {'\0'}; readFile.open(ConfigFile, ios::in); if (readFile.fail()) { cout << "Unable to open Configuration file \"" << ConfigFile << "\"" << endl; system("PAUSE"); exit(0); } while ((ch = readFile.peek()) != EOF) { readFile.getline(line,1000); switch (assign) { case 1: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[X].File[x] = line[x]; } break; /* Read game name */ case 2: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[X].TEMP[x] = line[x]; } break; /* Loop count */ case 3: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[X].TEMP2[x] = line[x]; } break; /* Send delay (miliseconds) */ } assign++; if (assign == 4) { assign = 0; X++; } } readFile.close(); return 0; } /************************************************** ***** /***** Listed Functions in order *********************** /************************************************** ***** /* ReLOAD(char Filename[], int& LOOPS, int& DELAY) * Reloads the configuration file /* readConfig(char Filename[]) * Sets *Filename to listed in Config.ini /* GameCheck() * Initially checks if the game is open /* PressButton(HWND hwnd, BYTE vk) * Send's out the messages /* TypeText(HWND hwnd, char String[]) * Filter's out text /************************************************** *****/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int ReLOAD(char Filename[], int& LOOPS, int& DELAY) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HANDLE hConsole; hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi); DWORD count; fstream readFile; string TEMP; string TEMP2; LOOPS = 0; DELAY = 0; int X = 0; int ch = 0; int assign = 1; char line[500] = {'\0'}; readFile.open(Filename, ios::in); if (readFile.fail()) { cout << "Unable to open Configuration file \"" << Filename << "\"" << endl; system("PAUSE"); exit(0); } while ((ch = readFile.peek()) != EOF) { readFile.getline(line,1000); switch (assign) { case 1: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[0].File[x] = line[x]; } break; case 2: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[0].TEMP[x] = line[x]; } break; case 3: for (int x = 0; line[x] != '\0'; x++) { if (line[x] == '\t') { break; } FileAccess[0].TEMP2[x] = line[x]; } break; } assign++; if (assign == 4) { assign = 0; X++; } } readFile.close(); TEMP = FileAccess[0].TEMP; LOOPS = atoi(TEMP.c_str()); TEMP2 = FileAccess[0].TEMP2; DELAY = atoi(TEMP2.c_str()); /* Clear the line */ COORD clear = {0, 5}; FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hConsole, ' ', csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, clear, &count); SetConsoleCursorPosition(hConsole, clear); cout << "GAME: \"" << FileAccess[0].File << "\"" << endl; cout << "LOOPS: \"" << LOOPS << "\"" << endl; cout << "DELAY: \"" << DELAY << "\"" << endl << endl; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void GameCheck() { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int null = 0; int temp = 0; ACCESS.readConfig("Game.ini"); for (int ctr = 0; ctr <= 227; ctr++) { if (FileAccess[0].File[null] != '\0') { null++; } else { break; } } while (FileAccess[0].File[temp] != '\0') { FileAccess[0].File[temp] = FileAccess[0].File[temp]; temp++; } if (!FindWindow(0, FileAccess[0].File)) { system("Title Game Window not found"); cout << FileAccess[0].File << "'s Window not found"; MessageBox(0, "Game Window not found", " ", 0); exit(0); } return; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void PressButton(HWND hwnd, BYTE vk) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, vk, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CHAR, vk, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, WM_KEYUP, vk, 0); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TypeText(HWND hwnd, char String[]) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// for(int i = 0; String[i] != 0; i++) { // if (String[i] == 'y') { PressButton(hwnd, 'Y'); continue; } PressButton(hwnd, String[i]); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void HotKey(HWND hwnd, int& LOOPS, int& DELAY) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (!FindWindow(0, FileAccess[0].File)) { system("Title Game Window not found"); cout << FileAccess[0].File << "'s Window not found"; MessageBox(0, "Game Window not found", " ", 0); exit(0); } int maxMessages = (sizeof Message) / (sizeof Message[0]); for (int LOOP = 0; LOOP <= LOOPS; LOOP++) { cout << "\rITERATION: " << LOOP << " out of: " << LOOPS; if ( ( (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)) ? 1 : 0) ) { cout << "\rPAUSED\t\t\t\t\t\r"; break; } for (int NUMBER = 0; NUMBER < maxMessages; NUMBER++) { if ( ( (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END)) ? 1 : 0) ) { return; } PressButton(hwnd, 0x0D); // Enter key TypeText(hwnd, Message[NUMBER]); Sleep(DELAY); PressButton(hwnd, 0x0D); // Enter key } } return; } #endif #ifndef COPYRIGHT_H #define COPYRIGHT_H HANDLE hConsole; hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, 5); // PURPLE cout << "********************" << endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, 3); // GREY (default) cout << "Game Spammer! v1.0 (C) 2008 Confused Software" << endl << "Written by Danielle" << endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, 5); // PURPLE cout << "********************" << endl << endl; SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, 7); // GREY (default) #endif --------- LifeTaker ------------- void cBase::Lifetaker(int Status) { if(Status) { if(Tools.ValidPointer(g_LTClient)) { CAutoMessage Msg; Msg.Writeuint8(50); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(27); Msg.Writeuint8(1); Msg.Writeuint8(1); g_LTClient->SendToServer(Msg.Read(), MESSAGE_GUARANTEED); keybd_event(0x33,0,0,0); LT = 0; } else { g_LTClient = *(CLTClient**)dwLTClient; g_CommonLT = g_LTClient->Common(); return; } } } -------------- Message Guaranteed -------------- #define MESSAGE_GUARANTEED (1<<7) ---------- weapon ids ------------ Unlimited Respawn - 113 Crasher - 200 Zombie Hands - 110 P90TR CBS - 410 Guitar Gun - 402 Pumpkin Grenade - 106 HR1860 - 134 C1860n - 141 Skorpion Mark II - 412 M39 EMR - 42 ACR Sandfire - 70 CX4 Storm - 71 M960 - 72 Rec7 Rangers - 76 G3 - 77 M200 - 78 M200 Ghillie - 79 SPR - 80 Kriss - 81 Kriss SpecOps - 82 M21E - 84 DSR1 Tactical - 85 M32 Stun - 86 American Eagle - 87 Quar Virus Hands - 88 Guillotine - 89 Barons M416 CQB - 90 DSR1 - 91 Ultimax 100 - 93 Negev - 94 FS2000 - 95