snowflake: I like how the genders are Male, Female, & Transgender....and it doesn't give FtM or MtF snowflake: That's fucking stpid jake: At least transgender is an option abby: yeah it wasn't for awhile :/ jake: Thats more than you see on most sites me: this might be a stupid question, but if you are trans identifying as x, why don't you just put x rather than complicating it? Shitlord: I'm so confused are u a trans ? snowflake: Yeah snowflake: You're cis aren't you....? Shitlord: Are all of u trans ? snowflake: Yeah you're cis snowflake: No abby: No xD snowflake: I'm trans male me: if you identify as male, why not just tick male instead of saying trans male jake: Shes saying just put male snowflake: @me Because there are medical things jake: Why would you assume that were all trsnsgender? me: true, but does anyone on the internet need to know exactly what is downstairs? snowflake: Yeah that was fucking stupid snowflake: Omg Shitlord: Cause ur all talking a out it me: (i know, dramatic simplification) snowflake: You are so cis jake: I agree with @me snowflake: Fuck it me: i mean, the only real benefit of gender on a sign up is to know what pronoun to use. abby: btw I don't understand why gender matters besides pgp. jake: Idek what pgp is abby: preferred gender pronoun(s). Yeah but basically I meant what @me said xD jake: Gender matters because you gotta know if youre the stick of the hole and if you wanna rub sticks or rub holes or put stick in holes jake: Yknow Jess: oh gosh..... me: not when you are only talking online abby: Oh I was meaning for online me: gender is the identity, sex is what is between the legs abby: ^ snowflake: You are all dumb snowflake: Omg me: rub sticks/holes is sexual orientation Shitlord: what she said is trye me: not the same as gender identity snowflake: ok snowflake: Stfu jake: I thought sex and gender were the same thing snowflake: Y'all are making me mad snowflake: You literally don't understand anything me: and this is why so many cis people have given up trying to talk to trans snowflake: Sex is X and Y chromosomes snowflake: There are 6 X and Y chromosome pairs snowflake: So there are 7 genders. And one of them is a lack there of. snowflake: There's XY, XX, XO, XXX, XXY, & XYY. So yes snowflake: There are 6 sexes Shitlord: 2 real genders the others are jut kinda snowflake: @Shitlord You are stupid snowflake: so fucking dumb jake: I think there are like 5 real genders abby: Yeah even ik that's ignorant xD Shitlord: no I'm not sorry if the whole world doesn't agree with ur trans talk snowflake: Fucking white cis people Shitlord: bitch James: No actually it's 2 real genders, or that you talk about the most Shitlord: ^^ snowflake: Gender is a social construct.... jake: Nah theres boy girl, girl who wants to be a boy, boy who wants to be a girl, both, and none Shitlord: That is the truth snowflake: Sex is biological me: that right there is why we have given up talking to trans people jake: Theyre angry @me snowflake: Because you guys just like...refuse to understand me: it is straight to insult, and each fucking individual has a different definition Jess: everybody is who they are end of story Shitlord: Thank u jake: I'm a real boy James: Why are you guys even discussing this? Shitlord: we try but u guys r just really complicated and it can get annoying me: because someone complained that the only options were m, f or trans jake: Because only have 3 gender options instead of 6 snowflake: I'm a real boy too. James: "everybody is who they are end of story" yes, exactly Jess: @Shitlord oh, im not agreeing with the only 2 genders comment, i just think that if someone wants to have a different gender then they should be allowed to do so without being judged Shitlord: But I think that we all have our opinions and they need to accept mine then I'll accept theres snowflake: But the FACT is that there are more than two genders so like snowflake: You're wrong both ways. abby: @jake There are more than that honestly, but I'm gonna shut up now xD snowflake: Lol jake: More than 6? Jess: I give up, fuck this rn Ash: Guys it's not that hard to understand. Biological sex is your reproductive organs Gender is how you feel or want to look. Which is subjective and mostly individual. Shitlord: No I'm not and u don't even look like a guy you look like a girl who is jut really skinny with short hair snowflake: WTF snowflake: Now you're being transphobic jake: Its not about whats on the outside. Its what your brain thinks Shitlord: no I'm stating what I see Ash: How am I being transphobic? o-o jake: snowflake brain is a boy so physical whatever doesnt matter James: yeah, that wasn't something nice to say snowflake: I'm a boy. jake: not you @Ash snowflake: And you can fuck yourself XD Shitlord: I'm stating what I see snowflake: I'm stating what I know James: if he/she wants to be he/she then nobody should complain anon3693: Why don't you all STFU. You all clearly disagree and no one is really on another persons opinion and it is going around in circles. Why not just accept you just don't fucking know. Jess: @Shitlord bitch, snowflake is allowed to be here, she is just like any of the rest of us so just fuck off snowflake: HE Ash: Like why does this even matter. Let people be whatever they want to be. You're not fucking/dating them it doesn't matter. >.> Stay out of stuff that's not your business. James: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Stop being rude @Shitlord Jess: @snowflake sorry snowflake, i was ranting Shitlord: ALL SHE FUCKING DOES IS TALK ABOUT IM A GIY BLAH BLAH BLAH LIKE SToP FOR ONCE PLEASE snowflake: Especially trans men Shitlord: WATEVER jake: the worst part is shes not even a troll shes just ignorant Jess: exactly Ash: People get so hung up on the semantics it's so trivial. @Shitlord Stop purposely misgendering him. You come across like a cunt and you're going to be treated like one. snowflake: @Ash (ily) Shitlord: I don't like them talking about it constantly its annoying Shitlord: K Jess: @Shitlord shut up, no one asked your opinion Ash: @Shitlord Than please gtfo. Do you have any idea how alienated transpeople are in the world? Shitlord: yep Shitlord: and no Ash: Let them have one place to chat with other people for god sakes Ash: You can't just shove people in a box and push them a way when it inconveniences you Jess: @Shitlord they are who they are, you need to get over yourself Shitlord: theres the Jenners there obviously not is isolated Ash: and pull them out when you want to play snowflake: b/c they are rich! snowflake: And famous snowflake: And Catilyn is getting a lot of shit snowflake: already snowflake: Soooooo Shitlord: theres showrs on trans people now THERW NOT FUCKING ISOLATED jake: If I could strangle people over the internet -_- snowflake: HAh snowflake: Ok Ash: @Shitlord First of all Katherine is the minority. They're more priveleged. Not every transperson can avoid hormone therapy and corrective surgery Jess: @Shitlord you are judging people, which is a boochie fucking move. Just gtfo, no one wants your ignorant ass here snowflake: Afford snowflake: Yeah Ash: afford yeah sorry >.< me: honestly, transpeople do seem to do alot of the alienating themselves Ash: o____o you're shitting me right? snowflake: :I me: like, innocent questions without malice are constantly met with anger snowflake: ::::::IIIIIIIIIII hungerpoint95: Excuse me? me: of course we fucking give up trying to talk snowflake: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII snowflake: :I Ash: It's you people who don't like them and are making a big deal. Why can't you just use male pronouns? Why do you have to argue about this for 20 minutes? Shitlord: Just stop talking about it for one goddamn day Ash: nope me: i have no once used a female pronoun Ash: it's their life me: i simply asked why not tick male instead of demanding ftm? Ash: It's not fair that everyone else can talk about their lives and than they can't. me: again, not saying that they cant Ash: @me Why do you demand they check off male? Ash: Why does it matter to you? Ash: How does it affect you? Shitlord: i don't care there not really a man or WATEVER they r unless they have those parts scientist proven Ash: Here's a tip: it doesn't Sat June 6, 12:44:10am jake: @me I get what youre saying but i think the reason for that is because all the hate transpeople get so like they get threatened by anyone sort of asking about it because they think itll lead to hate or judgement me: i never said that, i asked why it was an issue that ftm/mtf was not an option me: i did not ever say that trans must tick what they identify as snowflake: Just saying James: Ohlord snowflake: People like you are the reason trans people dissociate me: ditto snowflake: And why so many trans kids kill themselves Shitlord: So like what r u originally I'm guessing a girl Ash: I don't understand why people who have no gender/identity issues feel like people that are trans/etc owe them an answer Jess: OHMIGAWD People leave each other alone me: not saying we are owed an answer snowflake: No Ash: @me You wanted an answer so...? snowflake: I'm a boy. me: but when you complain that we are doing something wrong, there are responses beyong "OMG YOURE ALL SO FUCKING IGNORANT FUCK YOU ALL" jake: I think we are owed an answer if snowflake gets pissed when we dont understand something and calls us stupid snowflake: Because you are. me: which seems to be the universall response jake: If were so stupid then educate us? snowflake: Alright Ash: Google exists for a reason. snowflake: What do you want to know me: then comes it is not their job to educate snowflake: I'll answer it all. snowflake: Ask whatever you want. jake: ill just google it then me: so we are supposed to magically know, despite the fact that every single genderqueer person I have ever met has a different definition and different expectation, and flies off the handle the second that expectation is not met James: I suggest we should stop talking about thia Ash: It's not up to the person in question to answer your questions. They're not the spokesperson for all transpeople. It's up to the individual if they want to answer your question or not. Ash: It's not rocket science. jake: No were supposed to google it apparently @me snowflake: I'm out snowflake: Fuck you me: @Ash if they dont want to answer, then you lose the right to bitch when expectations are not met Ash: @me You don't understand that transpeople are pressured to ask/answer for the community as a whole and that can have lasting psychological effects on them. They gender model we have in society right now works against transpeople not for it. 10 minutes later snowflake: *ranting on my blog about you guys*