-- part of html page:
--Javascript file to set positioning: // because ie does not support console if not in debug... if (!window.console) console = {log: function() {},info: function(){}}; $("document").ready(function(){ function ImageDimensions (width, height, x, y, id){ this.width = width; this.height = height; this.x = x; this.y = y; if(id){ var $div = $(id); $div.css("z-index", "1"); if(id == "#etc"){ $div.css("right", "0px"); $div.css("bottom", "0px"); }else{ $div.css("left", this.x +"px"); $div.css("top", this.y +"px"); } $div.css("width", this.width +"px"); $div.css("height", this.height +"px"); $div.hover( function(event){ $div.find("img").show(); }, function(event){ $div.find("img").hide(); } ); $div.click(function(){ var location; if($div.attr("id") == "infojarne"){ $(window.location).attr('href', 'infojarne.html'); }if($div.attr("id") == "digitalart"){ $(window.location).attr('href', 'digitalart.html'); }else{ console.info("unknown id : " + id); } }); var $imgObj = $(id+ " img"); $imgObj.hide(); } }; var background = new ImageDimensions(836, 638); // TODO on resize recalc this + reposition var windowWidth = $(window).width(); console.info("windowWidth:" + windowWidth); var leftMargin = (windowWidth - background.width) /2; console.info("left margin:" + leftMargin); $("#mainbackground").css("left",leftMargin+"px"); $("#mainbackground").css("z-index","0"); var infojarne = new ImageDimensions(413, 200, 149, 0, "#infojarne"); var drawings = new ImageDimensions(272, 138, 0 ,200, "#drawings"); var digital = new ImageDimensions(276, 172, 0, 338, "#digitalart"); var projects = new ImageDimensions(311, 128 ,276, 509, "#projects"); var etc = new ImageDimensions(249, 299, 587, 340, "#etc"); var paintings = new ImageDimensions(290, 138, 546, 200, "#paintings"); }); DESCRIPTION OF CODE (WHAT AM I TRYING TO ACHIVE): *. set the encapsulating div "mainbackground" in the center of the screen.(position relative) + set the width and height of the div. This equals the dimensions of the background image "#mainbackgroundimage" *. the containing divs should react on hovers, and show the image that they hide when the div is hovered. Therefore i have set the divs width and height and position so the hover can happen, and hidden the image contained in that div. PROBLEM: For some reason this does not work on IE9. It works however on FireFox and Chrome. I have tried some stuff with the z-index but at no avail ... Can anybody shed some light on this issue