#!/usr/bin/python # # Enhanced data plotter for iostat output. Feb. 22 2014 # # Copyright Jeffrey B. Layton # # License: GNU GPL v2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html) # Version 2, June 1991 # # Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA # # Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies # of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. # # # # To run the application first gather the iostat information using: # # [laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/sda 1 100 > iostat.out # # where /dev/sda is the specific device you want to monitor which is # up to you. If you don't put a device there, iostat will monitor # all devices. For example: # # [laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m 1 100 > iostat.out # # "1 100" which tells iostat to use "1" second intervals and "100" # means to gather data for 100 time (or 100 sceonds in this case). # # Then to run iostat_plotter, the command is, # # [laytonjb ~]$ iostat_plotter.py iostat.out # # where "iostat.out" is the output from iostat. The code is written # in Python (obviously) and uses the shlex, time, os, and matplotlib # modules. iostat_plotter is smart enough to gather the data for each # device and plot them separately. # # Alternatively, you can run iostat_plotter.py as, # # [laytonjb ~]$ iostat_plotter.py -c iostat.out # # where the option "-c" stands for "combined" plots which plots all # of the devices on the same plot. # # When iostat_plotter is done it will create a subdirectory "HTML_REPORT" # that contains the plots and an html file "report.html". Open that # html file in a browser or word processor and you will see the plots # and a small write-up about them. Feel free to modify the code but # please send back changes. # import sys try: import shlex # Needed for splitting input lines except ImportError: print "Cannot import shlex module - this is needed for this application."; print "Exiting..." sys.exit(); try: import time; # Needed for time conversion function time_var = 1 except: time_var = 0; print "Cannot find time module - this is needed for this application."; print "Exiting..." sys.exit(); try: import matplotlib # imported for fix: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2801882/generating-a-png-with-matplotlib-when-display-is-undefined matplotlib.use('Agg') # matplotlib only used once, plt on the other hand used alot import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; # Needed for plots matplotlib_var = 1 except: matplotlib_var = 0; print "Cannot find matplotlib - this is needed for this application."; print "Exiting..." sys.exit(); try: import os # Needed for mkdir except ImportError: print "Cannot import os module - this is needed for this application."; print "Exiting..." sys.exit(); try: import pickle # Needed for pickle pickle_success = 1; except ImportError: print "Cannot import pickle module - this is not needed for this application."; print "Continuing to process"; pickle_success = 0; # ------------------------------ def help_out(): # prints out help information and stops print " "; print "This application creates a short HTML based report from iostat output"; print "(part of the sysstat tools). The report includes plots that help"; print "analyze the output. It can adapt to sysstat v9.x format or sysstat"; print "v10.x output (it is slightly different). Many distributions such as"; print "CentOS or Red Hat use sysstat version 9.x. However, it is recommended"; print "that you upgrad to sysstat 10.x because you get slightly more information."; print "It is not a difficult task but be sure you install over the previous"; print "version."; print " "; print "To run the application first gather the iostat information using: "; print "the following example."; print " "; print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m /dev/sda 1 100 > iostat.out "; print " "; print "where the \"-c\" option displays the CPU utilization, the \"-d\" option"; print "displays the device utilization, the \"-x\" option displays extended"; print "statistics, and the \"-m\" option diplays the statistics in megabytes"; print "per second. The options \"1 100\" tell iostat to use \"1\" second "; print "intervals and \"100\" means to gather data for 100 internvals (or 100"; print "seconds in this case). "; print " "; print "After the \"-m\" option is /dev/sda which is the specific device"; print "you want to monitor. This option is up to you. If you don't put a "; print "device there, iostat will monitor all devices. For example:" print " "; print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat -c -d -x -t -m 1 100 > iostat.out "; print " "; print "which captures the data from all devices."; print " "; print "In these two examples, the output from iostat is send to a file which is"; print "\"iostat.out\". You can name the file anything you want but be sure "; print "note the name of the file."; print " "; print "Then to run iostat_plotter using the iostat output file, the command is, "; print " "; print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat_plotter.py iostat.out "; print " "; print "where \"iostat.out\" is the output from iostat. The code is written "; print "in Python (obviously) and uses the shlex, time, os, and matplotlib "; print "modules. Be sure this libraries are installed on your system."; print " "; print "You can run iostat_plotter in one of two ways. The first way creates "; print "the set of plots for each device on the node. In this version of "; print "iostat_plotter, 11 plots are created per device, so if you have two"; print "devices on the node, then you will ahve a total of 22 plots."; print " "; print "The other way to run niostat_plotter is to combine the results for each"; print "device in the plots. This means you will have only 11 plots "; print "in the HTML report even if you have more than one device. You run this "; print "with the following command:"; print " "; print "[laytonjb ~]$ iostat_plotter.py -c iostat.out "; print " "; print "The option \"-c\" tells iostat_plotter to \"combine\" the results from"; print "all of the devices into a single plot. Currently, you can analyze about"; print "8 devices. With more than 8 devices, the legend labels run into each other."; print " "; print "When iostat_plotter is done it will create a subdirectory \"HTML_REPORT\" "; print "that contains the plots and an html file \"report.html\". Open that "; print "html file in a browser or word processor and you will see the plots "; print "and a small write-up about them. Feel free to modify the code but "; print "please send back changes. "; print " "; # end def def Three_Chart(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion): # # Creates 3 vertical subplots with legends and 1 x-axis label at the # the bottom # # x1 = x-axis data for top plot # x2 = x-axis data for middle plot # x3 = x-axis data for bottom plot # y1 = y-axis data for top plot # y2 = y-axis data for middle plot # y3 = y-axis data for bottom plot # xlabel = x-axis label (only on bottom plot) # ylabel1 = label for top y-axis # ylabel2 = label for middle y-axis # ylabel3 = label for bottom plot # d1 = data label for top plot # d2 = data label for middle plot # d3 = data label for bottom plot # fsize = font size for tick labels # flegsize = font size for legend labels # filename = name of file for plot output # box_expansion = expansion factor on legend box # # Top plot ax1 = plt.subplot(311); # Define top plot using subplot function plt.plot(x1,y1, "ro-", label=d1); # Plot the first data set with a red line wiht "o" as a symbol plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=6); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=6); plt.yticks(fontsize=6); # Middle plot ax2 = plt.subplot(312); plt.plot(x2,y2, "bo-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); ax2.set_xticklabels([]); # Legend box = ax2.get_position(); ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]); leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Bottom plot ax3 = plt.subplot(313); plt.plot(x3,y3, "go-", label=d3); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame3 = leg3.get_frame(); frame3.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg3.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end def def Two_Chart(x1, y1, x2, y2, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion): # # Creates 2 vertical subplots with legends and 1 x-axis label at the # the bottom # # x1 = x-axis data for top plot # x2 = x-axis data for bottom plot # y1 = y-axis data for top plot # y2 = y-axis data for bottom plot # xlabel = x-axis label (only on bottom plot) # ylabel1 = label for top y-axis # ylabel2 = label for bottom y-axis # d1 = data label for top plot # d2 = data label for bottom plot # fsize = font size for tick labels # flegsize = font size for legend labels # filename = name of file for plot output # box_expansion = expansion factor for legend # # Top plot ax1 = plt.subplot(211); plt.plot(x1,y1, "ro-", label=d1); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for # Bottom Plot ax2 = plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(x2,y2, "go-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(fsize); # end for if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end def def One_Chart(x, y, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion): # # Creates 1 chart with a legend and 1 x-axis label # # x = x-axis data # y = y-axis data # xlabel = x-axis label # ylabel1 = label for y-axis # d = data label # fsize = Font size for tick marks and labels # flegsize = Legend font size # filename = name of file for plot output # box_expansion = expansion factor for legend # ax1 = plt.subplot(111); plt.plot(x,y, "go-", label=d); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame = leg1.get_frame(); frame.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end def def plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list, nice_list, fsize, item): # # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots) # junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Percentage CPU Time (CPU Utilization)"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Percentage CPU Time (CPU Utilization)"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; #end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure plots three types of CPU Utilization: (1) User, \n"; output_str = output_str + "(2) System, and (3) Nice. The User utilization is the percentage \n"; output_str = output_str + "of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level \n"; output_str = output_str + "(applications).The System utilization is the percentage of CPU \n"; output_str = output_str + "utilization that occurred while executing at the system level \n"; output_str = output_str + "(kernel). The third time is the Nice utilization which is the \n"; output_str = output_str + "percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at \n"; output_str = output_str + "the user level with nice priority. \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "% CPU Utilization \n by User tasks"; ylabel2 = "% CPU Utilization \n by System tasks"; ylabel3 = "% CPU Utilization \n by Nice tasks"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "User"; d2 = "System"; d3 = "Nice"; filename = dirname + "/percentage_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.95; # Default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Three_Chart(x_seconds, user_list, x_seconds, system_list, x_seconds, nice_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); # HTML Output: (Figure html) output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "percentage_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Utilization (User, System, and Nice) for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Utilization (User, System, and Nice) for device

\n"; #end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot2(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list, fsize, item): # # Figure 2: iowait percentage time # junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". IOWait Percentage Time"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif(combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". IOWait Percentage Time"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle \n"; output_str = output_str + "during which the system had an outstanding disk device I/O request. \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel = "% IOwait CPU Percentage Time \n Waiting for IO requests"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d = "IOwait"; filename = dirname + "/iowait_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.96; ilongest = 0; if (len(d) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); One_Chart(x_seconds, iowait_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "iowait_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time waiting to process disk requests for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time waiting to process disk requests

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list, fsize, item): # # Figure 3: Steal Time # junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Steal Percentage Time"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Steal Percentage Time"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time spent in involuntary \n"; output_str = output_str + "wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was \n"; output_str = output_str + "servicing another virtual processor. \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel = "% Steal CPU Percentage Time \n Waiting for IO requests"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d = "Steal"; filename = dirname + "/steal_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.96; ilongest = 0; if (len(d) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); One_Chart(x_seconds, steal_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "steal_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in involuntary waiting for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in involuntary waiting

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list, fsize, item): # # Figure 4: Idle Time # junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Idle Percentage Time with no IO requests"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif(combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Idle Percentage Time with no IO requests"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This is the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were \n"; output_str = output_str + "idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request. \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel = "% Idle CPU Percentage Time \n and no Waiting for IO requests"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d = "Idle"; filename = dirname + "/idle_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.97; ilongest = 0; if (len(d) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); One_Chart(x_seconds, idle_list, xlabel, ylabel, d, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "idle_percentage_cpu_time" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in idle activities with no IO requests for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time in idle activities with no IO requests

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end if def plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization # junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the Read Rate \n"; output_str = output_str + "in MB/s versus time and the bottom graph plots the Total CPU \n"; output_str = output_str + "Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Read Throughput (MB/s)"; ylabel2 = "Total CPU Percentage Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Read Throughput"; d2 = "Total CPU Util"; filename = dirname + "/read_throughput" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.88; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["rMB"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute expansion_box factor: box_expansion = 0.88; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(211); d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["rMB"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position(); ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]); leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for # Bottom Plot fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; ax2 = plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.0, labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "read_throughput" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; if (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end if def plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization # junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the Write Rate \n"; output_str = output_str + "in MB/s versus time and the bottom graph plots the Total CPU \n"; output_str = output_str + "Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Write Throughput (MB/s)"; ylabel2 = "Total CPU Percentage Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Write Throughput"; d2 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/write_throughput" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.82; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["wMB"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.88; # Default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(211); d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["wMB"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position(); ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for # Bottom Plot ax2 = plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "write_throughput" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Write Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Write Throughput (MB/s) and Total CPU Utilization Percentage

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization # if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Requests Complete, Write Requests Complete, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Requests Complete, Write Requests Complete, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the number (after \n"; output_str = output_str + "merges) of read requests completed per second for the device \n"; output_str = output_str + "versus time. The middle graph plots the number (after merges) \n"; output_str = output_str + "of write requests completed per second for the device versus time. \n"; output_str = output_str + "The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage \n"; output_str = output_str + "(User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Read requests \n complete rate \n (requests/s)"; ylabel2 = "Write requests \n complete rate \n (requests/s)"; ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Read reqs complete"; d2 = "Write reqs complete"; d3 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/read_write_requests_complete_rate" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["r"], x_seconds, item["w"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: expansion_box = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3; if (len(d33) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d33); # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top plot: for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(311); # Define top plot using subplot function d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["r"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end if # Middle Plot: jloop = -1; for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax2 = plt.subplot(312); d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["w"], marker, label=d22); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); ax2.set_xticklabels([]); plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend: box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for # Bottom plot ax3 = plt.subplot(313); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame3 = leg3.get_frame(); frame3.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg3.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "read_write_requests_complete_rate" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Completed Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization # junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Requests Merged rate, Write Requests Merged rate, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Read Requests Merged rate, Write Requests Merged rate, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the number \n"; output_str = output_str + "of read requests merged per second that were queued to the device. \n"; output_str = output_str + "The middle graph plots the number of write requests merged per \n"; output_str = output_str + "second that were queued to the device. The bottom graph plots \n"; output_str = output_str + "the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Read request \n merged rate \n (requests/s)"; ylabel2 = "Write request \n merged rate \n (requests/s)"; ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Read reqs merged"; d2 = "Write reqs merged"; d3 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/read_write_requests_merged_rate" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["rrqm"], x_seconds, item["wrqm"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: expansion_box = 0.87; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3; if (len(d33) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d33); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top Plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(311); # Define top plot using subplot function d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["rrqm"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label # end if plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Middle plot jloop = -1; for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax2 = plt.subplot(312); d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["wrqm"], marker, label=d22); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); ax2.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend: box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Bottom plot ax3 = plt.subplot(313); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame3 = leg3.get_frame(); frame3.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg3.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "read_write_requests_merged_rate" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Read Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), Write Requests Merged Rate (requests/s), and Total CPU Utilization Percentage

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization # junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the average \n"; output_str = output_str + "size (in sectors) of the requests that were issued to the \n"; output_str = output_str + "device. The middle graph plots the average queue length of \n"; output_str = output_str + "the requests that were issued to the device. The bottom graph \n"; output_str = output_str + "plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System \n"; output_str = output_str + "Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Average Size of \n IO requests \n (sectors)"; ylabel2 = "Average Queue length \n of requests "; ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Avg. Req. Size"; d2 = "Avg. Queue length"; d3 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["avgrqsz"], x_seconds, item["avgqusz"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.87; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3; if (len(d33) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d33); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(311); # Define top plot using subplot function d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["avgrqsz"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label # end if plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Middle plot jloop = -1; for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax2 = plt.subplot(312); d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["avgqusz"], marker, label=d22); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); ax2.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend: box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Bottom plot ax3 = plt.subplot(313); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame3 = leg3.get_frame(); frame3.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg3.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if # end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Size (sectors), Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Size (sectors), Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage

\n"; #end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests # (for V10 format of sysstat) # junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; #end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has three parts. The top graph plots the average \n"; output_str = output_str + "time (in milliseconds) for read requests issued to \n"; output_str = output_str + "the device to be served. This includes the time spent by the \n"; output_str = output_str + "requests in queue and the time spent servicing them. The middle \n"; output_str = output_str + "graph plots the average time (in milliseconds) for write \n"; output_str = output_str + "requests issued to the device to be served. This includes \n"; output_str = output_str + "the time spent by the requests in queue and the time spent \n"; output_str = output_str + "servicing them. The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization \n"; output_str = output_str + "percentage (User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Average Read Request \n Time (ms)"; ylabel2 = "Average Write Request \n Time (ms)"; ylabel3 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Avg. Read Req Time"; d2 = "Avg. Write Req Time"; d3 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Three_Chart(x_seconds, item["r_await"], x_seconds, item["w_await"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, ylabel3, d1, d2, d3, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if if (len(d3) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d3); # end if d33 = item["device"] + " " + d3; if (len(d33) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d33); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top Plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(311); # Define top plot using subplot function d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["r_await"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label # end if plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Middle plot jloop = -1; for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax2 = plt.subplot(312); d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["w_await"], marker, label=d22); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); ax2.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend: box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Bottom plot ax3 = plt.subplot(313); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d3); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel3, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg3 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame3 = leg3.get_frame(); frame3.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg3.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if #end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Read Request Time (ms), Average Write Request Time (ms), and Total CPU Utilization

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for requests and total CPU time # (for V10 format of sysstat) # junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; #end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the average \n"; output_str = output_str + "time (in milliseconds) for requests issued to the device to\n"; output_str = output_str + "be served. This includes the time spent by the requests in queue \n"; output_str = output_str + "and the time spent servicing them. The bottom graph plots \n"; output_str = output_str + "the Total CPU Utilization percentage (User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "Average Request \n Time (ms)"; ylabel2 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Avg. Req Time"; d2 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["await"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.86; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top Plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(211); # Define top plot using subplot function d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["await"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); # Don't put an x-axis label since it's the top plot plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); # Use a 10 pt font for y-axis label ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # get x-axis tick label # end if plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); # Make legend box have a gray background for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # Change the font size of the legend text to 10 pt. # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Bottom plot ax2 = plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * expansion_box, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for plt.xticks(fontsize=fsize); plt.yticks(fontsize=fsize); # Either save the plot to a file or display it to the screen if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if #end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "avg_request_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Average Request Time (ms) and Total CPU Utilization

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end def def plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list): # # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util # junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n" junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + ". Device: " + item["device"] + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n" junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + str(iplot) + ". Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This figure has two parts. The top graph plots the \n"; output_str = output_str + "percentage of CPU time during which I/O requests were issued \n"; output_str = output_str + "to the device (bandwidth utilization for the device). \n"; output_str = output_str + "Device saturation occurs when this value is close to 100%. \n"; output_str = output_str + "The bottom graph plots the Total CPU Utilization percentage \n"; output_str = output_str + "(User Time + System Time). \n"; f.write(output_str); # make the plot ylabel1 = "% CPU time for IO \n Requests"; ylabel2 = "Total CPU \n Percentage \n Utilization"; xlabel = "Time (seconds)"; d1 = "Util"; d2 = "Total CPU Utilization"; filename = dirname + "/util_cpu_total_cp" + str(iloop); fsize = 8; flegsize = 6; if (combined_plots == 0): # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.82; # default ilongest = 0; if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); Two_Chart(x_seconds, item["util"], x_seconds, time_sum_list, xlabel, ylabel1, ylabel2, d1, d2, fsize, flegsize, filename, box_expansion); elif (combined_plots == 1): jloop = -1; # Compute box_expansion factor: box_expansion = 0.90; # default ilongest = 0; for item in device_data_list: if (len(d1) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d1); # end if d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; if (len(d11) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d11); # end if if (len(d2) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d2); # end if d22 = item["device"] + " " + d2; if (len(d22) > ilongest): ilongest = len(d22); # end if # end for junk1 = -0.0082702674*ilongest + 1.0538027948; # Curve fit of # chars vs. expansion box expansion_box = round(junk1,2); # Top plot for item in device_data_list: jloop = jloop + 1; marker = line_list[jloop]; ax1 = plt.subplot(211); d11 = item["device"] + " " + d1; plt.plot(x_seconds, item["util"], marker, label=d11); plt.xlabel(" "); plt.ylabel(ylabel1, fontsize=fsize); ax1.set_xticklabels([]); # end for plt.grid(); # Legend box = ax1.get_position(); ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg1 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame1 = leg1.get_frame(); frame1.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg1.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for # Bottom Plot ax2 = plt.subplot(212); plt.plot(x_seconds, time_sum_list, "go-", label=d2); plt.grid(); plt.xlabel(xlabel); plt.ylabel(ylabel2, fontsize=fsize); # Legend box = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * box_expansion, box.height]) leg2 = plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., labelspacing=0, borderpad=0.15, handletextpad=0.2); frame2 = leg2.get_frame(); frame2.set_facecolor("0.80"); for t in leg2.get_texts(): t.set_fontsize(flegsize); # end for if (len(filename) == 0): plt.show(); else: plt.savefig(filename); plt.close(); # end if #end if # HTML Output: output_str = "

\n"; junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cp" + str(iloop) + ".png"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization for device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + "

Figure " + str(iplot) + " - Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization

\n"; # end if output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; f.write(output_str); # end if # =================== # Main Python section # =================== if __name__ == '__main__': # Get the command line inputs input_options = sys.argv; combined_plots = 0; help_flag = 0; for item in input_options: if (item == "-c"): combined_plots = 1; elif (item == "-h"): help_flag = 1; # end if # end for input_filename = input_options[-1]; if (help_flag == 1): help_out(); sys.exit(); # end if print "combined_plots = ",combined_plots; print "iostat plotting script"; print " "; print "input filename: ",input_filename; # Initialize lists that will store data user_list = []; nice_list = []; system_list = []; iowait_list = []; steal_list = []; idle_list = []; date_list = []; time_list = []; meridian_list = []; # Initialize variables fsize = 8; vflag = 0; first_flag = 0; # Master dictionary of device data device_data_list = []; # Systat V 10 List element is dictionary: # local_dict{"device"} = "device name" # local_dict{"rrqm"} = []; # local_dict{"wrqm"} = []; # local_dict{"r"} = []; # local_dict{"w"} = []; # local_dict{"rMB"} = []; # local_dict{"wMB"} = []; # local_dict{"avgrqsz"} = []; # local_dict{"avgqusz"} = []; # local_dict{"await"} = []; # local_dict{"r_await"} = []; # local_dict{"w_await"} = []; # local_dict{"svctm"} = []; # local_dict{"util"} = []; # Systat V 9 List element is dictionary: # local_dict{"device"} = "device name" # local_dict{"rrqm"} = []; # local_dict{"wrqm"} = []; # local_dict{"r"} = []; # local_dict{"w"} = []; # local_dict{"rMB"} = []; # local_dict{"wMB"} = []; # local_dict{"avgrqsz"} = []; # local_dict{"avgqusz"} = []; # local_dict{"await"} = []; # local_dict{"svctm"} = []; # local_dict{"util"} = []; # flags for controlling flow info_flag = 1; # 0 = don't gather system data, 1 = gather system data cpu_flag = -1; # -1 = don't do anything, 0 = store CPU header info (only done once), 1 = Store CPU info device_flag = -1; # -1 = store Device header info (only done once), 1 = store values, 2 = done data_flag = 0; # -1 = cpu, 1 = device (which set of data is being gathered) time_flag = -1; # -1 = don't read start time information, 1 = read start time information # loop over lines in input file print " "; print "reading iostat output file ... "; icount = 0; for line in open(input_filename,'r').readlines(): currentline = shlex.split(line); if (len(currentline) > 0): if (device_flag == 0): #print " Read device header"; device_labels = []; device_labels = currentline; device_flag = 1; elif (device_flag == 1): #print " Read device data"; local_device = currentline[0]; #print " local_device = ",local_device if (len(device_data_list) > 0): ifind = 0; for iloop in range(0, len(device_data_list) ): item = device_data_list[iloop]; #for item in device_data_list: if (item["device"] == local_device): #print " adding data to existing device: "; if (vflag == 9): device_data_list[iloop]["rrqm"].append(float(currentline[1])); device_data_list[iloop]["wrqm"].append(float(currentline[2])); device_data_list[iloop]["r"].append(float(currentline[3])); device_data_list[iloop]["w"].append(float(currentline[4])); device_data_list[iloop]["rMB"].append(float(currentline[5])); device_data_list[iloop]["wMB"].append(float(currentline[6])); device_data_list[iloop]["avgrqsz"].append(float(currentline[7])); device_data_list[iloop]["avgqusz"].append(float(currentline[8])); device_data_list[iloop]["await"].append(float(currentline[9])); device_data_list[iloop]["svctm"].append(float(currentline[10])); device_data_list[iloop]["util"].append(float(currentline[11])); elif (vflag == 10): device_data_list[iloop]["rrqm"].append(float(currentline[1])); device_data_list[iloop]["wrqm"].append(float(currentline[2])); device_data_list[iloop]["r"].append(float(currentline[3])); device_data_list[iloop]["w"].append(float(currentline[4])); device_data_list[iloop]["rMB"].append(float(currentline[5])); device_data_list[iloop]["wMB"].append(float(currentline[6])); device_data_list[iloop]["avgrqsz"].append(float(currentline[7])); device_data_list[iloop]["avgqusz"].append(float(currentline[8])); device_data_list[iloop]["await"].append(float(currentline[9])); device_data_list[iloop]["r_await"].append(float(currentline[10])); device_data_list[iloop]["w_await"].append(float(currentline[11])); device_data_list[iloop]["svctm"].append(float(currentline[12])); device_data_list[iloop]["util"].append(float(currentline[13])); #end if ifind = 1; # end if # end for if (ifind == 0): #print " creating new device ifind == 0"; if (first_flag == 0): if (len(currentline) == 12): vflag = 9; print "Using Version 9 format of sysstat tools"; elif (len(currentline) == 14): vflag = 10; print "Using Version 10 format of sysstat tools"; else: print "Error: each line has ",len(currentline)," elements" print "This code is designed for 12 elemenets for sysstat V9"; print "or 14 elements for sysstat V10"; print "Stopping"; sys.exit(); # end if first_flag = 1; # end if local_dict = {}; if (vflag == 9): local_dict["device"] = local_device; local_dict["rrqm"]=[float(currentline[1])]; local_dict["wrqm"]=[float(currentline[2])]; local_dict["r"]=[float(currentline[3])]; local_dict["w"]=[float(currentline[4])]; local_dict["rMB"]=[float(currentline[5])]; local_dict["wMB"]=[float(currentline[6])]; local_dict["avgrqsz"]=[float(currentline[7])]; local_dict["avgqusz"]=[float(currentline[8])]; local_dict["await"]=[float(currentline[9])]; local_dict["svctm"]=[float(currentline[10])]; local_dict["util"]=[float(currentline[11])]; #print " local_dict = ",local_dict device_data_list.append(local_dict); elif (vflag == 10): local_dict["device"] = local_device; local_dict["rrqm"]=[float(currentline[1])]; local_dict["wrqm"]=[float(currentline[2])]; local_dict["r"]=[float(currentline[3])]; local_dict["w"]=[float(currentline[4])]; local_dict["rMB"]=[float(currentline[5])]; local_dict["wMB"]=[float(currentline[6])]; local_dict["avgrqsz"]=[float(currentline[7])]; local_dict["avgqusz"]=[float(currentline[8])]; local_dict["await"]=[float(currentline[9])]; local_dict["r_await"]=[float(currentline[10])]; local_dict["w_await"]=[float(currentline[11])]; local_dict["svctm"]=[float(currentline[12])]; local_dict["util"]=[float(currentline[13])]; #print " local_dict = ",local_dict device_data_list.append(local_dict); # end if # end if else: #print " creating new device else"; if (first_flag == 0): if (len(currentline) == 12): vflag = 9; print "Using Version 9 format of sysstat tools"; elif (len(currentline) == 14): vflag = 10; print "Using Version 10 format of sysstat tools"; else: print "Error: each line has ",len(currentline)," elements" print "This code is designed for 12 elemenets for sysstat V9"; print "or 14 elements for sysstat V10"; print "Stopping"; sys.exit(); # end if first_flag = 1; # end if local_dict = {}; if (vflag == 9): local_dict["device"] = local_device; local_dict["rrqm"]=[float(currentline[1])]; local_dict["wrqm"]=[float(currentline[2])]; local_dict["r"]=[float(currentline[3])]; local_dict["w"]=[float(currentline[4])]; local_dict["rMB"]=[float(currentline[5])]; local_dict["wMB"]=[float(currentline[6])]; local_dict["avgrqsz"]=[float(currentline[7])]; local_dict["avgqusz"]=[float(currentline[8])]; local_dict["await"]=[float(currentline[9])]; local_dict["svctm"]=[float(currentline[10])]; local_dict["util"]=[float(currentline[11])]; device_data_list.append(local_dict); elif (vflag == 10): local_dict["device"] = local_device; local_dict["rrqm"]=[float(currentline[1])]; local_dict["wrqm"]=[float(currentline[2])]; local_dict["r"]=[float(currentline[3])]; local_dict["w"]=[float(currentline[4])]; local_dict["rMB"]=[float(currentline[5])]; local_dict["wMB"]=[float(currentline[6])]; local_dict["avgrqsz"]=[float(currentline[7])]; local_dict["avgqusz"]=[float(currentline[8])]; local_dict["await"]=[float(currentline[9])]; local_dict["r_await"]=[float(currentline[10])]; local_dict["w_await"]=[float(currentline[11])]; local_dict["svctm"]=[float(currentline[12])]; local_dict["util"]=[float(currentline[13])]; device_data_list.append(local_dict); # end if #print " local_dict = ",local_dict # end if elif (cpu_flag == 1): #print " Reading and Storing CPU values"; user_list.append(float(currentline[0])); nice_list.append(float(currentline[1])); system_list.append(float(currentline[2])); iowait_list.append(float(currentline[3])); steal_list.append(float(currentline[4])); idle_list.append(float(currentline[5])); #print " user_list = ",user_list #print " nice_list = ",nice_list #print " system_list = ",system_list #print " iowait_list = ",iowait_list #print " steal_list = ",steal_list #print " idle_list = ",idle_list cpu_flag = -1; device_flag = 0; elif (cpu_flag == 0): #print " Reading and storing CPU headers"; cpu_labels = []; cpu_labels = currentline; cpu_flag = 1; #print " cpu_labels = ",cpu_labels elif (time_flag == 1): #print " Read time information"; date_list.append(currentline[0].replace("/"," ")); # if meridian is PM then need to add 12 hours to time_list if (currentline[2] == "PM"): junk1 = currentline[1].replace(":"," "); junk2 = shlex.split(junk1); if ( int(junk2[0]) < 12): junk3 = int(junk2[0]) + 12; elif (int(junk2[0]) == 12): junk3 = int(junk2[0]); # end if junk4 = str(junk3) + ":" + junk2[1] + ":" + junk2[2]; time_list.append(junk4); else: time_list.append(currentline[1]); # end if #print " date_list = ",date_list #print " time_list = ",time_list meridian_list.append(currentline[2]); time_flag = -1; cpu_flag = 0; icount = icount + 1; elif (info_flag == 1): #print " Read system information"; system_info = {}; system_info["OS"] = currentline[0]; system_info["kernel"] = currentline[1]; system_info["system_name"] = currentline[2][1:len(currentline[2])-1]; system_info["date"] = currentline[3]; system_info["CPU"] = currentline[4]; system_info["cores"] = currentline[5][1:]; info_flag = 0; time_flag = 1; #print " system_info:",system_info # end if else: #print "Finished reading section - get ready for next section"; if (device_flag == 1): device_flag = -1; time_flag = 1; cpu_flag = -1; info_flag = 0; # end if # end if # end for print "Finished reading ",icount," data points for ",len(device_data_list)," devices."; print "Creating plots and HTML report"; # Create time list for x-axis data (need to convert to regular time format) x_seconds = []; for i in range(0,len(date_list)): test2 = shlex.split(date_list[i]); test3 = test2[2] + "-" + test2[0] + "-" + test2[1]; junk1 = test3 + " " + time_list[i]; ts = time.mktime(time.strptime(junk1, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')); if (i == 0): BeginTime = ts; x_seconds.append(0.0); else: x_seconds.append( (ts - BeginTime) ); # end if # end of # "Total" CPU utilziation (user + system) time_sum_list = []; for i in range(0,len(user_list)): time_sum_list.append( (user_list[i] + system_list[i]) ); # end for # # HTML Report initialization # Write all data files to subdirectory called HTML_REPORT # File is report.html dirname ="./HTML_REPORT"; if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname); # end if html_filename = dirname + '/report.html'; f = open(html_filename, 'w') # Print HTML Report header output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "IOSTAT Report for file: " + input_filename + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; # HTML Introduction output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "Introduction \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "This report plots the iostat output contained in file: \n"; output_str = output_str + input_filename + ". The devices analyzed are: \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "For each devices there are a series of plots of the output \n"; output_str = output_str + "from iostat that was captured. The report is contained in a\n"; output_str = output_str + "subdirectory HTML_REPORT. In that directory you will find a \n"; output_str = output_str + "file name report.html. Just open that file in a browser \n"; output_str = output_str + "and you will see the plots. Please note that all plots are \n"; output_str = output_str + "referenced to the beginning time of the iostat run. \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; f.write(output_str); elif(combined_plots == 1): output_str = output_str + " \n"; output_str = output_str + "There are a series of plots from the captured iostat output \n"; output_str = output_str + "where all devices are plotted together where possible. \n"; output_str = output_str + "The report is contained in a\n"; output_str = output_str + "subdirectory HTML_REPORT. In that directory you will find a \n"; output_str = output_str + "file name report.html. Just open that file in a browser \n"; output_str = output_str + "and you will see the plots. Please note that all plots are \n"; output_str = output_str + "referenced to the beginning time of the iostat run. \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; f.write(output_str); # end if # HTML System Output (from iostat): output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "IOstat outputs a number of basic system parameters when it \n"; output_str = output_str + "creates the output. These parameters are listed below. \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "The iostat run was started on " + system_info["date"] + " at \n"; output_str = output_str + time_list[0] + " " + meridian_list[0] + ". \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; f.write(output_str); # HTML hyperlinks if (combined_plots == 0): output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "Below are hyperlinks to various plots within the report \n"; output_str = output_str + "for each device. \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; f.write(output_str); elif (combined_plots == 1): output_str = "

\n"; output_str = output_str + "Below are hyperlinks to various plots within the report \n"; output_str = output_str + "where all of the devices are plotted together on each chart. \n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; f.write(output_str); # end if iloop = -1; plots_per_device = 11; if (combined_plots == 0): max_plots = plots_per_device * len(device_data_list); elif (combined_plots == 1): max_plots = plots_per_device; #end if if (combined_plots == 0): for item in device_data_list: iloop = iloop + 1; output_str = "" + item["device"] + ": \n"; junk1 = (iloop)*plots_per_device+1; output_str = output_str + "

    \n"; junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  1. CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  2. IOwait Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  3. Steal Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  4. Idle Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  5. Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  6. Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  7. Read Requests Complete Rate, Write Requests Complete Rate, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  8. Read Requests Merged Rate, Write Requests Merged Rate, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  9. Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage \n"; junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (vflag == 10): output_str = output_str + "
  10. Average Read Request Time, Average Write Request Time, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; elif (vflag == 9): output_str = output_str + "
  11. Average Request Time and Total CPU Utilization \n"; # end if junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  12. Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization \n"; output_str = output_str + "
\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; f.write(output_str); # end if elif (combined_plots == 1): iloop = 0; iloop = iloop + 1; output_str = "
    \n"; junk1 = "cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  1. CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "iowait_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  2. IOwait Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "steal_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  3. Steal Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "idle_cpu_utilization" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  4. Idle Percentage Time \n"; junk1 = "rmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  5. Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "wmb_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  6. Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_complete_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  7. Read Requests Complete Rate, Write Requests Complete Rate, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_merged_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  8. Read Requests Merged Rate, Write Requests Merged Rate, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; junk1 = "requests_queue_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  9. Average Request Size, Average Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization Percentage \n"; junk1 = "avg_wait_time_total_cpu" + str(iloop); if (vflag == 10): output_str = output_str + "
  10. Average Read Request Time, Average Write Request Time, and Total CPU Utilization \n"; elif (vflag == 9): output_str = output_str + "
  11. Average Request Time and Total CPU Utilization \n"; # end if junk1 = "util_cpu_total_cpu" + str(iloop); output_str = output_str + "
  12. Percentage CPU Time for IO Requests and Total CPU Utilization \n"; output_str = output_str + "
\n"; output_str = output_str + "

\n"; output_str = output_str + " \n"; f.write(output_str); #endif # Create array of line colors/styles: # http://matplotlib.org/api/artist_api.html#matplotlib.lines.Line2D.lineStyles # line_style = ['-', '--', '-.']; # line_marker = ['o', '^', 's', '*', '+', '<', '>', 'v']; color_list = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']; line_style = ['o-', '^--', 's-.', '*-', '<--', '>-.', 'v-', 'o--']; line_list = []; for line_type in line_style: for color in color_list: junk2 = color + line_type; line_list.append(junk2); # end for # end for # # Actually create the plots!! # if (combined_plots == 0): # Loop over each device and create plots and HTML: iloop = -1; iplot = 0; for item in device_data_list: iloop = iloop + 1; print "Device: ",item["device"]; output_str = "
\n"; f.write(output_str); output_str = "

Device: " + item["device"] + "

\n"; f.write(output_str); # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots) iplot = iplot + 1; plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list, nice_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 2: iowait percentage time iplot = iplot + 1; fsize = 6; plot2(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 3: Steal Time iplot = iplot + 1; plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 4: Idle Time iplot = iplot + 1; plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; fsize = 6; plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization # HTML report output (opt of section) iplot = iplot + 1; fsize = 6 plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests iplot = iplot + 1; if (vflag == 9): plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); elif (vflag == 10): plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); # end if print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util iplot = iplot + 1; plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # end for elif (combined_plots == 1): # For each plot, Loop over each device and create plot and HTML: iloop = 1; iplot = 0; output_str = "
\n"; f.write(output_str); # Figure 1: Various CPU percentages (user, system, nice) vs. time (3 subplots) iplot = iplot + 1; plot1(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, user_list, system_list, nice_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 2: iowait percentage time iplot = iplot + 1; plot2(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, iowait_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 3: Steal Time iplot = iplot + 1; plot3(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, steal_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 4: Idle Time iplot = iplot + 1; plot4(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, idle_list, fsize, item); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 5: Read Throughput and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; fsize = 6; plot5(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 6: Write Throughput and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot6(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 7: Read Request complete rate, Write Request complete rate, and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot7(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 8: Read Request merge rate, Write Request merge rate, and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot8(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 9: Avg. Request Size, Avg. Queue Length, and Total CPU Utilization iplot = iplot + 1; plot9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 10: Average Wait Times for read, write requests iplot = iplot + 1; if (vflag == 9): plot10v9(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); elif (vflag == 10): plot10v10(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); # end if print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # Figure 11: Percentage CPU Util iplot = iplot + 1; plot11(iloop, iplot, combined_plots, f, dirname, x_seconds, time_sum_list, fsize, item, device_data_list, line_list); print " Finished Plot ",iplot," of ",max_plots; # end of print "Finished. Please open the document HTML/report.html in a browser."; # Start of Pickling # ================= if (pickle_success > 0): # Open file for pickling pickle_file = open('iostat_file.pickle', 'w') # Big dictionary: iostat_dict = {}; # Create CPU dictionary for pickling: cpu_data = {}; cpu_data["user_list"] = user_list; cpu_data["nice_list"] = nice_list; cpu_data["system_list"] = system_list; cpu_data["iowait_list"] = iowait_list; cpu_data["steal_list"] = steal_list; cpu_data["idle_list"] = idle_list; cpu_data["cpu_labels"] = cpu_labels; cpu_data["time_sum_list"] = time_sum_list; cpu_data["version"] = vflag; # Time dictionary for pickling: time_data = {}; time_data["date_list"] = date_list; time_data["time_list"] = time_list; time_data["meridian_list"] = meridian_list; # Device data #device_data = {}; #device_data["rrqm"] = device_data_list["rrqm"]; #device_data["wrqm"] = device_data_list["wrqm"]; #device_data["r"] = device_data_list["r"]; #device_data["w"] = device_data_list["w"]; #device_data["rMB"] = device_data_list["rMB"]; #device_data["wMB"] = device_data_list["wMB"]; #device_data["avgrqsz"] = device_data_list["avgrqsz"]; #device_data["avgqusz"] = device_data_list["avgqusz"]; #device_data["await"] = device_data_list["await"]; #device_data["r_await"] = device_data_list["r_await"]; #device_data["w_await"] = device_data_list["w_await"]; #device_data["svctm"] = device_data_list["svctm"]; #device_data["util"] = device_data_list["util"]; # Assemble the big pickle; iostat_dict["device_data_list"] = device_data_list; iostat_dict["cpu_data"] = cpu_data; iostat_dict["system_info"] = system_info; iostat_dict["time_data"] = time_data; iostat_dict["x_seconds"] = x_seconds; # Write list to pickle file pickle.dump(iostat_dict, pickle_file); # Close pickle file pickle_file.close(); # end if # end