[0.001][INFO]: ChromeDriver 21.0.1180.4 C:\Ruby193\bin\chromedriver.exe [0.622][FINE]: Initializing session with capabilities { "browserName": "chrome", "chrome.detach": true, "chromeOptions": { "detach": true }, "cssSelectorsEnabled": true, "javascriptEnabled": true, "nativeEvents": false, "platform": "ANY", "rotatable": false, "takesScreenshot": false, "version": "" } [0.623][INFO]: Using named testing interface [1.187][INFO]: Connected to Chrome successfully. Version: 19.0.1084.56 [1.202][FINE]: Command received (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb) [1.202][FINE]: Command finished (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb) with response { "sessionId": "2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb", "status": 0, "value": { "acceptSslCerts": false, "applicationCacheEnabled": false, "browserConnectionEnabled": false, "browserName": "chrome", "chrome.chromedriverVersion": "21.0.1180.4", "chrome.nativeEvents": false, "cssSelectorsEnabled": true, "databaseEnabled": false, "handlesAlerts": true, "javascriptEnabled": true, "locationContextEnabled": false, "nativeEvents": true, "platform": "windows", "rotatable": false, "takesScreenshot": true, "version": "19.0.1084.56", "webStorageEnabled": true } } [1.216][FINE]: Command received (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb/frame) with params { "id": null } [1.217][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [1.217][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [1.217][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [1.218][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [1.218][FINE]: Command finished (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb/frame) with response { "sessionId": "2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb", "status": 0, "value": { } } [1.229][FINE]: Command received (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb/element) with params { "using": "xpath", "value": ".//span[normalize-space()='View Inactive Clients']" } [1.229][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [1.230][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [1.248][FINER]: Waiting for all views to stop loading... [1.248][FINER]: Done waiting for all views to stop loading [1.248][WARNING]: Command finished (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb/element) with response { "sessionId": "2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb", "status": 7, "value": { "message": "The element could not be found" } } [1.252][FINE]: Command received (/session/2d2528cab4c2bc5d5e7b3c320db8b6fb)