-- Hi, this is the lock-part of my vault framedoor system. -- The problem im having, is that when i run the 2nd program (bundled controle program), i get this error: -- "door:3: Too long without yeilding" -- I cant figure out what the problem is, I need help! D: Program 1: Lock program (This program works fine, just wanted to include it so you could see the entire system) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(2, 1) term.write("-------------------------------------------------") term.setCursorPos(2, 1) term.write("-------------------------------------------------") function Write() term.write("|") end for i=1,17 do term.setCursorPos(51, i+1) Write() end for i=1,17 term.setCursorPos(1, i+1) Write() end term.setCursorPos(15, 7) term.write("The vault is locked!") term.setCursorPos(21, 9) term.write("Password: ") term.setCursorPos(21, 10) X = read("*") pass = "Notrelevant" pass2 = "Notrelevant" pass3 = "Notrelevant" if X == pass then term.setCursorPos(19, 11) term.write("password #2: ") term.setCursorPos(21, 12) sleep(1) Y = read("*") if Y == pass2 then term.setCursorPos(19, 13) term.write("Password #3: ") term.setCursorPos(21, 14) sleep(1) Z = read("*") if Z == pass3 then term.setCursorPos(14, 15) term.write("Correct, you may enter") redstone.setOutput("left", true) sleep(3) redstone.setOutput("left", false) sleep(3) os.reboot() end else term.setCursorPos(21, 15) term.write("False, try again") sleep(3) os.reboot() end else term.setCursorPos(21, 13) term.write("False, try again") sleep(3) os.reboot() end else term.setCursorPos(21, 11) term.write("False, try again") sleep(3) os.reboot() end sleep(3) os.reboot Now, here is the 2nd program. There is a red alloy wire from the left of computer #1 to the left of computer #2, which is behind a wall. Computer #1 is in the wall. I intend Computer #2 to open a frame door, when it recieves a redstone signal from Computer #1. I want it to also close the frame door, when its provided with a redstone signal, under computer #2. while true do i = 0 if(redstone.getInput("left")) then function open() rs.setBundledOutput("right", colors.orange) sleep(.5) c = colors.subtract(colors.orange) rs.setBundledOutput("right", c) sleep(.5) end open() open() pulse = i+2 limit = 2 elseif pulse == limit then redstonedown = redstone.getInput("bottom") if redstonedown == true then function close() rs.setBundledOutput("right", colors.white) sleep(.5) Y = colors.subtract(colors.white) rs.setBundledOutput("right", Y) sleep(.5) end close() close() pulse = i-2 end end end sleep(3) os.reboot() Upon running this program, I get this error: door:3: Too long without yeilding Please help me D: