% This file was created with JabRef 2.8.1. % Encoding: UTF8 @MISC{Anderson1980, author = {Anderson, James P.}, title = {{Computer Security Threat Monitoring And Surveillance}}, year = {1980}, file = {:home/pista/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Anderson - 1980 - Computer Security Threat Monitoring And Surveillance.pdf:pdf}, publisher = {James P. Anderson Co.} } @MISC{Anderson1980a, author = {Anderson, James P.}, title = {{Computer Security Threat Monitoring And Surveillance}}, year = {1980}, file = {:home/pista/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Anderson - 1980 - Computer Security Threat Monitoring And Surveillance.pdf:pdf}, publisher = {James P. Anderson Co.} } @ARTICLE{Bauer1988, author = {Bauer, David S. and Koblentz, Michael E.}, title = {{NIDX-an expert system for real-time network intrusion detection}}, journal = {Proceedings of the Computer Networking Symposium}, year = {1988}, pages = {98--106}, abstract = {A knowledge-based prototype network intrusion detection expert system (NIDX) for the Unix System V environment is described. NIDX combines knowledge describing the target system, history profiles of users' past activities, and intrusion detection heuristics from a knowledge-based system capable of detecting specific violations that occur on the target system. Intrusions are detected by classifying user activity from a real-time audit trail of Unix system calls and then, using system-specific knowledge and heuristics about typical intrusions and attack techniques, determining whether or not the activity is an intrusion. The authors describe the NIDX knowledge base, and Unix system audit trail mechanism and history profiles , and demonstrate the knowledge-based intrusion detection process}, file = {:home/pista/Documents/Mendeley Desktop//Bauer, Koblentz - 1988 - NIDX-an expert system for real-time network intrusion detection.pdf:pdf}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=4983 http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=4983} } @ARTICLE{Denning1987, author = {Denning, Dorothy E.}, title = {{An Intrusion-Detection Model}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}, year = {1987}, volume = {SE-13}, pages = {222--232}, number = {2}, month = feb, doi = {10.1109/TSE.1987.232894}, file = {:home/pista/Documents/Mendeley Desktop/Denning - 1987 - An Intrusion-Detection Model.pdf:pdf}, issn = {0098-5589}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1702202} } @ARTICLE{Landwehr1981, author = {Landwehr, Carl E.}, title = {{Formal Models for Computer Security}}, journal = {ACM Computing Surveys}, year = {1981}, volume = {13}, pages = {247--278}, number = {3}, month = sep, doi = {10.1145/356850.356852}, file = {:home/pista/Documents/Mendeley Desktop//Landwehr - 1981 - Formal Models for Computer Security.pdf:pdf}, issn = {03600300}, keywords = {0,1,3,35,4,53,56,8,access control,access matrix,aggregation,and phrases,capabilltms,computer,confidentiality,confinement,cr categories,data security,information flow,integmty,operating system,privacy,protection,samtlzatlon,security,security classes,verification}, url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=356850.356852} }