__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ #OpMonsanto #Anonymous #AntiSec __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Operation End Monsanto is still very much up and running. Pwnage will continue indefinitely. First Victim: Bivings Corporation Bivings Corp is(was) a PR firm of 15+years that worked with some very high profile clients, Monsanto used them heavily. PEW PEW PEW bai admin@dev-monsantouk.bivings.com PASSWORD: surekha1 dev-monsantouk.bivings.com/admin "Maintain Monsanto Documents" http://devmonsantouk.bivings.com Site Database hacked/dumped hundreds of emails stolen viewable on i2p eepsite (opmonsanto satori wiki) Database of Monsanto documents acquired by Anonymous Servers rooted Site defaced: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=20hoso2&s=7 TANGO DOWN: Permanently http://devmonsantouk.bivings.com 1 week after we pwned them: "Our Cyber Infrastructure has recently been put under attack. We are evaluating the extent of the intrusion, and apologise for any downtime and issues this may cause you. It is not yet determined what the motives behind the attack are, or what, if any data has been compromised. We will continue to keep you up to date, and sicerely apologise for any inconvenience." A few days later: "The Bivings Group Hands Over the Reins to The Brick Factory" Bivings corp shuts down all servers, liquidates assets, and some former employees move on to start a new company, "The brick factory". This is after 15+years of running marketing campaigns and helping some of the most corrupt corporations on the planet, as well as several governmental agencies, cover up their dirt. We accidently the entire Bivings Group Corporation That is how you do it, gentlemen. Also Random database of Monsanto employee's/associates, and others. Can be used for SE: https://pastee.org/nf6c5