This is my time! I've actually been writing down and saving dusins of oddone quotes. Here are the ones i found most hilarious: "We are a proud species, us trees" (said when playing maokai) "A joke? American riven, there's your fuckin joke, theeere's your fuckin joke!" (when asked to tell a joke) "No one listens to ooold oddone" "yeah, he should get mercury threads... or is it mercury's threads? Shit. These are the kinda things that keeps me up at night" "This is the NA meta: Do random shit... That's how Voyboy got his elo!" "Well, I got shurelia's now, that's gonna help us run in and die faster..." "Yeh this is north american solo queue, we don't believe in wards" Plays as Janna and gets raked by talon, almost dies: "So I just had my period there, but I'm alright" "So once the enemy saw that i had bruce lee skin they just gave up. They just said "yeh lets stop playing"... cause there's no jackie chan skin to counter it" "Oh my fucking god, this team... You might as well take 4 super minions and ask them to follow you. Like that'd be more useful than this team." "Yeh, imma knock her up! Knocking bitches up all day that's jarvan! Such a pimp" "LOL umadbro? Umad? BUY A SHIRT!!" "Oh shit, support AND jungler taken. Guess i'll go graves bot. I'll be the new Chaox/Doublelift... Can't lasthit like any of them though" "Man I'm just gonna freeze the lane here. That's what chaox would do, cause then the enemy doesnt get any CS. Ohhhh im SO SMART! IM BRILLIANT!" "OOOH ezreal did somethin, ezreal did something! God bless America!" "Why do you guys like trundle so much? Like, you pick him and what do you get? A big siege minion casting pillar once in a while, that's what you get!" "Brad's sole purpose is just to connect to the game and die" "I don't have problems with fat people... otherwise I wouldn't hang out with Dyrus" Steals baron in a turny match vs LLL. Regi: "Thanks for carrying OddBro :D" OddOne: "Fuck you" "What to go, what to go? Oh Amumu! No skill or ganks needed, just farm all day and outscale enemy!" "Oh man, this cannon minion is outlasthitting me like a boss!" "Hmm he picked Eve and he is just following nidalee. I think he is trolling. Detective oddone on the case, and i think he is trolling" "There's war, disease, and then there's Ezreal." "Wauw, Ezreal dies... what a shocker" "Teehee... Ezreal... thinking he's a real champion" "So battleship anivia is fed... So i guess it's another episode of Oddone and the somali pirates vs US naval fleet" "Like, when playing league you always gotta assume that your opponents are all a bunch of Ph.D. students in league of legends, and your team are a bunch of retarded preschoolers" "Haha look at Ezreal, he's like a 5 year old with a little toy gun! Look at me I'm Ezreal! PEWPEWPEWPEW" "so, apparently ezreal just died from a disease at bot lane. this is how weak ezreal is, he dies to stuff that doesn't even exist in this game." "Ezreal got red buff. His damage output just tripled." Teammate: "Don't worry, their graves does 0 dmg" Oddone: "That's still slightly more than our nasus" "What the hell killed me? Oh it's mixed damage, that's real helpful mister recap" "Like there's champions that do damage, there's champions that tank, there's champions that cc, but teemo just looks cute... like, that's not an ability" Oddone: "You are basicly alone, dyrus" Xpecial: "No man, I'm here" Oddone: "In other words, you are indeed alone" "Why am I wearing 2 teemo hats? Because I have 2 teemo hats, why not wear em both? You mad?" "Yeah Trundle's not doing much... Like he's just putting dildos out. Not very useful in teamfights though" (Playing as nunu with 3 gp10 items) "Okay 6 more minutes and my dreams of carrying this game will come true" "NOOOOOOOO, Doran's shield! Why do you forsake me Doran's shield?!... Scumbag Doran's shield, forsakes Oddone" "Whaaat? Both TF and panth just walked here? They both have their ults up! It's like "Oh i have a private jet, better walk" "It's never over until someone starts whining about their botlane... then it's over" "Can we stop their baron attempt? Hell no. Are we gonna try? Hell yeah!" "Its brutal being toplane when they camp you... the only thing you can do as a jungler is take the dead guys' farm and claim that you're better than him" "I am the final hope for this team. I am the hero that this team needs. But not the one it deserves that's for fucking sure" "Purple caster minion ezreal... no no no, silly me, then he'd be doing damage" "What? Ezreal got first blood? How is this possible? Who's his support? Oh it's Sona, that explains a lot. Somehow Ezreal managed to get the last hit in" "Nooo Malphite, you had one job... ONE JOB!... One-job-Malphite, doesn't perform said job" "AHHHR They're runnig away from bullet time! Can't outrun bullets man, they showed this shit on mythbuster: Can you outrun a bullet? No." "Im just gonna call it that every rupture i miss is just zoneing them... see? Cause then im not failing, im ZONEING them!" "It's only 2-15 that's not so bad. Like, could be worse. Like, could be 2-16, could be 2-17, there's like an infinite number of possibilities that are worse than this..." "Oh, i feel so bad for that jarvan. Yeah jungle is actually the most stressfull job NA. Cause if you fail that baron smite, you just dont wanna get out of bed anymore. You can only go into fetal position and suck your thumb" After coming back to stream while in queue "You had one job, Chair... Click accept" "When AD carries meet 1v1, their map awareness goes to zero! Nothing else matters but the duel. DUEL!" "Oh yeah vayne's like "Fuck dragon, fuck the doublekill, imma get these 2 cs". Piece of shit... New skin for Vayne: Piece of Shit Vayne" "Yeah, look at that fucking range loool (laughs). That is complete bullshit. That is COMPLETE bullshit. Bullshit City, Population: Zac "They laughed at our double bruisers... We laughed at their dead bodies" "Good ulti there Lucian, You almost scratched the paintjob on Sonas boobs" "The "Leave no man behind" tactic might have to be reviewed" "Oh that was an epic taunt! The taunt of Legends!... Some say, they are still taunted" (Speeding out of the fountain with homeguard with k-9 Nasus) "Woof Woof Woof!" "Ezreal you useless sack of shit! Move slightly down and press Q in their general direction" "The double buff getting passed around like herpes" "He's made of so much armor that eventually the enemies blade's will dull on it and we will win" "Who scales the most, Vayne or Nasus? Find out in todays episode of Dragonball" "Solo queue isn't about outplaying your enemy, it's about waiting for them to outplay themselves." "Can't miss Ziggs ult if I don't use it." "Call the useless police, people are being useless" Oddone playing elise, has one spiderling left: "Noooooo im gonna die! DO SOMETHING PRIVATE SPIDERLING!!"... *dies* "He can't beat me in lane if I dont show up in the lane" -TheOddOne "Why am I building two zeals on Master Yi? Because if you want three zeals you gotta build two zeals." -TheOddOne "He will never expect me to gank him an 8th time!" -theoddone