Starting recovery on Mon Feb 21 14:32:14 2011 framebuffer: fd 4 (480 x 800) Build : Vache-AmonRA_4_Metal-1.0.1 Fixing execute permissions for /cache I:Set boot command "boot-recovery" Command: "/sbin/recovery" ro.product.modelalias=S120 ro.sf.lcd_density=240 dalvik.vm.heapsize=27m ro.opengles.version=131072 ro.allow.mock.location=0 ro.debuggable=0 persist.service.adb.enable=1 ro.modversion=Vache-AmonRA_4_Metal-1.0.1 ro.factorytest=0 ro.serialno=352809040161349 ro.bootmode=unknown ro.baseband=A4-01.02.02 ro.carrier=unknown ro.bootloader=unknown ro.hardware=paso ro.revision=0 ro.hw_version=unknown ro.aceruuid=0016d461f9d9 init.svc.busybox=restarting init.svc.recovery=running init.svc.adbd=running init.svc.paso-sh=stopped I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" Create Nandroid + ext backup? Press Power to confirm, any other key to abort. Performing backup : . nandroid-mobile v2.2.1 Using G1 keyboard, enter a prefix substring and then or just to accept default: Accepting default. Using - prefix to create a backup folder mounting system and data read-only, sdcard read-write checking free space on sdcard Dump of the splash1 image suppressed. Dump of the splash2 image suppressed. ..Dumping boot to /sdcard/nandroid/352809040161349/BCDEAS-20110221-1433/boot.img......done Dump of the recovery partition suppressed. Dump of the misc partition suppressed. Dumping system to /sdcard/nandroid/352809040161349/BCDEAS-20110221-1433/system.img..................................................done Dumping data to /sdcard/nandroid/352809040161349/BCDEAS-20110221-1433/data.img.........done Dumping cache to /sdcard/nandroid/352809040161349/BCDEAS-20110221-1433/cache.img....done Storing the ext contents in the backup folder. Warning: --ext specified but unable to mount the ext partition. Error : Run '' via adb! I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" I:Set boot command "" Move recovery.log to SD Press Power to confirm, any other key to abort. Moving : /sbin/um: line 3: can't create /sys/devices/platform/usb_mass_storage/lun0/file: nonexistent directory .unmounting /system unmounting /sdcard unmounting /data