// Add an image size proportionate to your featured image // You can calculate your size using the Aspect Ratio Calculator // http://andrew.hedges.name/experiments/aspect_ratio/ // Don't forget to regenerate your thumbnails. // You can use the 'Force Regenerate Thumbnails' plugin // http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/force-regenerate-thumbnails/ add_image_size( $name = 'blog_feature_intro', $width = 320, $height = 112, $crop = true ); add_image_size( $name = 'blog_feature_single', $width = 685, $height = 240, $crop = true ); // Single Post Images function st_addSingleImage() { global $post; $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($id, 'blog_feature', array('class' => 'pages aligncenter scale-with-grid')); if (is_single()) { echo $image; } } add_action('st_before_content','st_addSingleImage',1); // Blog Home Images function st_thumbsize() { $image=''; if (is_home()) { $image = get_the_post_thumbnail($id, 'blog_feature_intro', array('class' => 'alignleft scale-with-grid')); } return $image; } add_filter( 'st_thumbnailer', 'st_thumbsize', 10, $image='' );