+ = done - = might or might not happen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + async list loading (done 6.x) + handle all the possible exceptions e.g. process stopped for unforeseen reason, manual mistake (CTRL+C), + modify status page to reflect list status + modify status page to display the correct statup time (from first list to last one fully loaded). Or loading time on a list basis... - handle wget failure + tutor to re-attempts failed lists + maximum number of async loads at any given time + attempt a list.mirror + swap approach to update lists when P2Partisan is already running + add "update listname" to update individual lists manually - improve detective function (currently beta) e.g. to spot greyports based on multiple criteria - create whitelists routine to input data into ipset from public lists (where to be placed in the iptables?) + allow subnet (x.x.x.x/M) format into blacklist-custom and whitelist + 6.x - convert ranges into subnets (blacklist-custom and whitelist only) using Jerm routine + 6.x - modify the ipset -A procedure to understand cidr format (e.g. lists already in cidr format) + hashsize and maxelement issue to be addressed (static RAM allocation??) - webpage to verify status - webpage to allow config modification e.g. add lists - display changelog as part of the upgrade procedure + call custom script after p2Partisan is fully loaded (punch hole idea to modify default behaviour bird333 enquiry)? - Make pwhitelist and pblacklistcustom convert using the external deaggregate (good idea?) + Report on the status page the list as loading (pid file per list?) + spot ipsets created but empty (report as error) + Report on the status page the list memory usage - Jerm idea not to download if the file is the latest? - deaggregate output to file to quick startup -> problem experienced (too slow) - remove duplicates when creating the file - add whitelists (switch to single whitelist and blacklist file? - load whitelist or (alias for backward compatibility) whitelist-custom (ln -s? or make whitelist-custom loaded only if whitelist doesn't exists?)