PUUSH PROXY HOW TO: 1) Node.js (as root) - cd ~/ - yum install git-core - git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git - cd node - git checkout v0.4.12 - ./configure - make -j (mine was make -j4) - make install - (optional - confirms that node is installed) node -v 2) NPM - Node.js package manager (as root) - cd ~/ - curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh 3) Node.js dependancies (as root) - npm install formidable - npm install mime - npm install mongoose 4) yum MongoDB repository (64-bit repo only - as root) - nano /etc/yum.repos.d/10gen.repo - add the following: [10gen] name=10gen Repository baseurl=http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/redhat/os/x86_64 gpgcheck=0 - yum update - yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server - service mongod start 5) puush proxy (as another user/not root) - cd ~/ - mkdir puush - cd puush - wget https://github.com/mave/puushproxy/zipball/master - unzip master - rm master - mv -f mave*/* ./ - rm -r mave* - nano app.js - change configuration, example: // Configuration var proxyPort = 9123; var maxFileSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024; // 50 MB var uploadedUrl = 'http://ss.totalru.in/'; var uploadPath = '/home/blake/puush/upload/'; var passwordSalt = ''; var registerEnabled = false; - mkdir upload - screen node app.js