defaults: biomes: ALL worlds: ALL otherblocks: ANY_CREATURE: - drop: NOTHING CREATURE_WOLF: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: BONE chance: 15 quanitity: 1-3 CREATURE_MONSTER: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_PIG@UNSADDLED: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: PORK chance: 35 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 message: ["&cMMmMmm BACON","&cBacon Strips &8Bacon Strips &cBacon Strips","&cYou had me at Bacon."] - tool: ANY drop: APPLE chance: 15 quantity: 1-2 exclusive: 2 CREATURE_PIG@SADDLED: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: PORK chance: 35 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 message: ["&cMMmMmm BACON","&cBacon Strips &8Bacon Strips &cBacon Strips","&cYou had me at Bacon."] - tool: ANY drop: APPLE chance: 15 quantity: 1-2 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: SADDLE chance: 100 CREATURE_COW: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: MILK_BUCKET chance: 10 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: LEATHER chance: 10 quantity: 1-4 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: LEATHER_HELMET chance: 5 message: ["A leather helm, YAY /sarcasm"] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE chance: 5 message: ["This might offer a little protection"] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: LEATHER_LEGGINGS chance: 5 message: ["Unfortunately, the undergarments disintegrated long ago."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: LEATHER_BOOTS chance: 5 message: ["You really should shake the toe bones out from these boots."] exclusive: 3 CREATURE_CHICKEN: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: EGG chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: FEATHER chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: RAW_CHICKEN chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 CREATURE_SLIME: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: SLIME_BALL chance: 10 quanitity: 1-8 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: COOKIE chance: 10 quanitity: 1-8 exclusive: 2 CREATURE_CREEPER: - tool: ANY drop: [TNT,SULPHUR] chance: 10 message: ["&2You slice through the green monster so quickly, it's explosive brain falls out."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_SPIDER: - tool: ANY drop: WEB chance: 10 message: ["&1Puncturing the abdomen of the arachnid reveals it's sticky web glands."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: ANY_PICKAXE chance: 5 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: SPIDER_EYE chance: 35 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 CREATURE_SKELETON: - tool: ANY drop: BOW chance: 30 exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: ARROW chance: 30 quantity: 2-14 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: CHAINMAIL_HELMET chance: 5 message: ["&8A little dusty, but this chainmail helmet might look good on you."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE chance: 5 message: ["&8The rusty rings of this chainmail chestplate might offer a little protection"] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS chance: 5 message: ["&8Unfortunately, the undergarments disintegrated long ago."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: CHAINMAIL_BOOTS chance: 5 message: ["&8You really should shake the toe bones out from these boots."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_PIG_ZOMBIE: - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_SWORD chance: 15 message: ["&6A former warrior king, trapped forever in Hell."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_SPADE chance: 15 message: ["&6An opulent sceptre..."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_PICKAXE chance: 15 message: ["&6A Trophy...Useless as a tool."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_AXE chance: 15 message: ["&6Shiny...But silly..."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_HELMET chance: 15 message: ["&6A crown falls!"] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_CHESTPLATE chance: 15 message: ["&6It's only for show..."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_LEGGINGS chance: 15 message: ["&6I like his style."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_BOOTS chance: 15 message: ["&6Spit Shined!"] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_HOE chance: 15 message: ["&6It won't make the food taste ANY better."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_SQUID: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: FISHING_ROD chance: 20 message: ["&bLooks like you got the one who got away."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_BLOCK chance: 15 quanitity: 1-3 message: ["&bNeptune's treasure! Too bad it's not Ariel."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_INGOT chance: 15 message: ["&bAn old piece of anchor."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: FLINT_AND_STEEL chance: 10 message: ["&bThis did him no good underwater."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_RECORD chance: 5 message: ["&bHopefully this is not a song from Under The Sea."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: BOAT chance: 20 message: ["&bThe Kraken's gullet was a lot bigger than perceived."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: RAW_FISH chance: 50 message: ["&bWell, waste not, want not."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_ZOMBIE: - tool: ANY drop: IRON_SWORD chance: 15 message: ["&8Rusty, but the edge is true."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_SPADE chance: 5 message: ["&8The poor miner's friend."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_PICKAXE chance: 5 message: ["&8Let's hope you don't receive the same fate as this ghoul miner."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_AXE chance: 5 message: ["&8This ghoul must have been a lumberjack."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_HOE chance: 5 message: ["&8Hopefully what caused the demise of this farmer was not in his crops."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_HELMET chance: 5 message: ["&8You slice the head clean from the zombie's shoulders!"] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_CHESTPLATE chance: 5 message: ["&8A little snug, but it should do if you suck in."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_LEGGINGS chance: 5 message: ["&8A little short; but you go wading a lot ANYway."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: IRON_BOOTS chance: 5 message: ["&810 and a half...You know what they say about zombies with big feet. ...Little brains...."] exclusive: 3 - tool: ANY drop: COMPASS chance: 12 message: ["&8Maybe this will help you keep from wandering the shambler's same path."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: WATCH chance: 12 message: ["&8Slashing the monster's hand off, his gold watch is yours more easily now."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_GHAST: - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND_SWORD chance: 10 message: ["&3The Ghost gives up a most precious weapon!"] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND_HELMET chance: 10 message: ["&3A Helmet of Diamond!"] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE chance: 10 message: ["&3You will feel invincible; if you can get that."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND_LEGGINGS chance: 10 message: ["&3The ultimate protection for your lower half."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND_BOOTS chance: 10 message: ["&3No polishing required."] exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_CAVE_SPIDER: - tool: ANY drop: SPIDER_EYE chance: 35 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: DIAMOND chance: 5 quantity: 1-2 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: MILK_BUCKET chance: 15 quantity: 1 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 CREATURE_BLAZE: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: BLAZE_POWDER chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: GLOWSTONE_DUST chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 CREATURE_ENDERMAN: - tool: ANY drop: XP/25/15% message: ["&5Bonus xp!"] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GOLD_INGOT/1-3/15% message: ["&3Oooo %q gold!","&3%q gold has dropped..","&3Grab that gold."] exclusive: 1 - tool: ANY drop: GLOWSTONE_DUST chance: 15 quantity: 1-3 exclusive: 2 - tool: ANY drop: XP chance: 15 quantity: 35-55 exclusive: 2