#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'rubygems' require 'net/ssh' host = "" user = "king" pass = "Badp@ssw0rd" commands = ["cd /tmp/" , "pwd" , "echo 'Ruby' > ruby.txt" , "cat ruby.txt"] Net::SSH.start(host, user , :password => pass , :port => 15000 , :timeout => 7 ) do |ssh| ssh.open_channel(type="session") do |channel| channel.request_pty(:modes => { Net::SSH::Connection::Term::ECHO => 0 }) do |pty, success| commands.each do |cmd| channel.on_data do |ch1, data| puts "Command is: #{cmd}" channel.send_data(cmd + "\n") sleep 0.3 puts data end end puts channel.exec("sudo bash") end # end of pty end # end of channel ssh.loop 0.1 end #Command is: cat ruby.txt #]0;root@pdbosl02:~ #Command is: cat ruby.txt # #Command is: cat ruby.txt #[root@pdbosl02 ~]# #Command is: cat ruby.txt #cat: ruby.txt: No such file or directory #]0;root@pdbosl02:~ #Command is: cat ruby.txt #[root@pdbosl02 ~]# #Command is: cat ruby.txt #cat: ruby.txt #Command is: cat ruby.txt #: No such file or directory #Command is: cat ruby.txt #]0;root@pdbosl02:~ #Command is: cat ruby.txt # #Command is: cat ruby.txt #[root@pdbosl02 ~]# #Command is: cat ruby.txt #cat: ruby.txt