; Borderless window macro ; Version 1.0 by BurnShady ; This script works with any version of Warcraft III and should work for all future and old releases of AHK. ; To download AHK, visit : http://www.autohotkey.com/ ; ; Setup guide for windows: ; 1) Make a shortcut of your Frozen Throne.exe ; 2) Right click shortcut -> properties ; 3) Under target, add -window to the back ; 4) Mine looks like this, but your path should be different (including quotes): "C:\Users\BurnShady\Games\Warcraft III\Frozen Throne.exe" -window ; 5) Load Warcraft III using that shortcut ; 6) Open Borderless Macro.exe or Borderless Macro.ahk ; Hotkeys: ; Windows + F11 turns any window into borderess fullscreen ; Windows + F12 turns a borderless fullscreen window into windowed mode ; Windows + F10 is mainly for dual screen users ; Windows + F10 locks the cursor inside the Warcraft III window. ; Windows + F9 unlocks the cursor from the window. (You can also just alt tab) ; If you have any questions, PM Burn on entgaming.net #SingleInstance force #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. #Persistent ; Stay open in background #f12:: WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A IfWinExist %currentWindow% { WinSet, Style, +0x800000 WinSet, Style, +0x40000 WinSet, Style, +0xC00000 WinMove, , , 0, 0, (A_ScreenWidth/2), A_ScreenHeight-42 } return #f11:: ;Turns the window into fullscreen with windows + F11 WinGetTitle, currentWindow, A IfWinExist %currentWindow% { WinSet, Style, -0xC00000,a ; remove the titlebar and border(s) WinSet, Style, -0x40000,a ; remove sizing border WinMove, a, , 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight ; move the window to 0,0 and resizes it to fullscreen width } return #f10:: LockMouseToWindow("Warcraft III") Return #f9:: LockMouseToWindow() Return LockMouseToWindow(llwindowname="") { VarSetCapacity(llrectA, 16) WinGetPos, llX, llY, llWidth, llHeight, %llwindowname% If (!llWidth AND !llHeight) { DllCall("ClipCursor") Return, False } Loop, 4 { DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+0+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,llX >> 8*A_Index-8) DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+4+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,llY >> 8*A_Index-8) DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+8+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,(llWidth + llX)>> 8*A_Index-8) DllCall("RtlFillMemory", UInt,&llrectA+12+A_Index-1, UInt,1, UChar,(llHeight + llY) >> 8*A_Index-8) } DllCall("ClipCursor", "UInt", &llrectA) Return, True } return ; ############ ADD YOUR OWN MACROS UNDER HERE ############# ; ############ MACROS UNDER HERE WILL ONLY WORK WHEN WAR3 IS AN ACTIVE WINDOW ############# #IfWinActive, Warcraft III ahk_class Warcraft III