[ { "sett": " ", "glHdr": { "sm": [ ], "scleHPad": false, "st": "sbsm" }, "colrBG": [ 23, 105, 184, 100 ], "colrTB": [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ], "colrTR": [ 255, 255, 255, 100 ], "glFtr": { "icoSz": "icoSzN", "sm": [ ], "scleHPad": false, "gvNR": 3, "gvHIT": false, "gvNC": 3, "st": "igsm" }, "statBr": true }, { "sm": [ { "tbico": "b43-jeep.png", "t": "Welcome!", "w": "http://google.com/start", "st": "w", "wTBL": "wTBLN" }, { "t": "Content screen title", "f": "Eltec%20Spec%20sheet%20Gim%20RD30W.pdf", "st": "f" }, { "tbico": "109-chicken.png", "t": "Sub menu", "sm": [ { "t": "Screen 1", "st": "f" }, { "t": "Screen 2", "w": "Http://google.com", "st": "w", "wTBL": "wTBLT" } ], "st": "sm" }, { "st": "f" } ], "st": "tbm" } ] //USING GSON In Parse.java public class Parse{ public class Setting { String sett; int[] clorBG; int[] colrTR; int[] colrTRT; int fntIcoGrd; boolean statBr; //List shrMnuPrest; //Place name that matches to json from json-file element Listsm; ListshrMnuPrest; /* public boolean getStatbar(){ return statBr; } public boolean setStatbar(){ return this.statBr; } */ } public class Share { String shrFBLnk; String shrTwtBdy; String shrTxtMsgBdy; String shrFBBdy; String sndEmlBtn; } public class Screen { String tbico; String t; String st; Listsm; //Listsm2; should auto load from List } public class SM { //for Table View String bgFile; String icoSz; String t; boolean gvHIT; int gvNR; int gvNC; String st; Listsm2; List share; } static class SM2{ //Sub-menu screen type String st; String t; String f; String cusico; String bgFile; String icoSz; String fb; String wTBL; String w; } public static void main (String[] args) throws Exception{ Log.i("RUNNING","Running Main call"); String jsonLink = readUrl(""+"json/config.json"); JsonElement json = new JsonParser().parse(jsonLink); JsonArray array = json.getAsJsonArray(); Iterator iterator = array.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ JsonElement json2 = (JsonElement) iterator.next(); Gson gson = new Gson(); Setting sett = gson.fromJson(json2, Setting.class); //prints entire class System.out.println(sett.toString()); //print WHAT you want!! System.out.println(sett.statBr); System.out.println(sett.clorBG); //System.out.println(sett.colrTRT); System.out.println(sett.colrTRT); } //Gson gson = new Gson(); //Setting sett = gson.fromJson(json, Setting.class); //System.out.println(sett.toString()); } }