Sali G 11:10 AM You wanted to know how to have your own payment method aside from the established Family Payment method, is that right? me 11:11 AM Yes, and if it is possibly to restrict who can use the Family Payment method entirely. Sali G 11:15 AM Well, yes, the Family account would have one person designated as Family Manager. Any purchases made with the Family Payment method would need that person's approval before they can be completed. If a family member wishes, they can choose a different form of payment from the Family Payment method, and that way they can make their purchases in privacy. So, if you have someone on the Family account whom you do not wish to use the Family Payment method, if you're the Family Manager, you can withhold approval when they attempt a purchase. me 11:16 AM The support page specifically seems to state that withholding approval is only available for in app purchases, is that incorrect? Sali G 11:17 AM It's also available for digital content purchases, such as music, books, movies.