How to win in solo queue 0. Misc - good computer - low ping / good internet 1. Mechanics - last hitting - skillshots - juking (knowing enemy cooldowns) - *positioning (knowing enemy threats and how your champion interacts with theirs, follow up, intiating) - kiting (moving in between auto attacks) - map awareness (knowing 3 min jungle ganks, looking at the mini map, pressing tab for items) - trading (need to be aware of cooldowns, knowing when to all in, when to poke, when to retreat) - peeling (peel if your carries outdmg their carries) - item usage - map pinging (when to gank, when to back, calling MIA) - timers (timing dragon/baron/buffs/summoners) 2. Teamwork/Synergy - *communication (cd's, grouping, objectives, splitting, TELL YOUR TEAM WHAT YOU NEED, HOW TO WIN) instead of "yo come gank my lane" after dying -- be like " i need pressure early on to play aggro " -morale (stay positive) -chaining cc -grouping for objectives -rotations (knowing when to cover a lane) -team composition (how does your team work together? cait/nidalee (group 5 and siege) trynd (waveclear mid 4, trynd split, deep wards) -shot calling (keeping your team focused on your win conditions with pings or words, who to focus, when to do dragon, when to group) 3. Conditioning - Attitude (staying positive to yourself and your teammates: saying 'GJ' to your team) - Physical aptitude (working out, do you even lift?, sleeping, eating properly, jerking off Kappa) - Mental fortitude (not tilting to ragers and trolls) 4. Strategy - *win conditions (how you should win with your 5 champions vs their 5 champions, dominate lane?, scale for lategame?, group and poke?, splitpush?, out teamfight for dragons?) - level 1 invades (just invade red vs blue start jungler, or late invade 1:53 at a buff) - team compositions (meta champs, counterpicks, knowing your teams weakness and picking accordingly or just picking a neutral champion early) - skill synergy (caitlyn e-q, gragas/yasuo, amumu/mf) - minion wave control (knowing how to position the wave) - lane swaps (if you're losing or one of your laners are losing, just offer to swap | you're top lane lee, and lane opponent builds FULL armor, ask for a swap) - runes/masteries/itembuilds (meta?)