using System; namespace IntenseWizardy { class MainClass { static int hasClub = 0; static int hasCoinPurse = 0; public static void Main (string[] args) { Console.Title = "Intense Wizardy"; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Intense Wizardy! - A Text Adventure Game! "); Console.WriteLine(" : Created by Sips and written by Puddleduck : "); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to begin!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); showNotes(); } public static void showNotes() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Welcome to Intense Wizardy!"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Notes:"); Console.WriteLine ("This is my first complete game, so forgive any bugs and hopefully they aren't"); Console.WriteLine ("too game breaking. This game will parse your text to the best of my ability,"); Console.WriteLine ("but it may not understand what you mean."); Console.WriteLine ("Try and keep any imput short and sweet, and please listen to what it tells you"); Console.WriteLine ("to do!"); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); showIntro (); } public static void showIntro() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You wake in a cabin, you notice you are wearing blue robes."); Console.WriteLine ("This is unusual."); Console.WriteLine ("You do not usually wear blue robes."); Console.WriteLine ("You rub your eyes to try and see more in the dark cabin."); Console.WriteLine ("Your hands feel dry yet soft against your face."); Console.WriteLine ("You clamber to your feet and search the walls of the cabin for an opening."); Console.WriteLine ("The walls of the cabin are cold, they feel like stone."); Console.WriteLine ("I lied, you are not in a cabin. You are in a cave."); Console.WriteLine ("A mystical cave."); Console.WriteLine ("In the darkness, you find what you think is an opening."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); exitCave (); } public static void exitCave() { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine ("Do you go through the opening?"); Console.WriteLine ("(Type your answer and then press enter!)"); Console.WriteLine (); string checkOpen = Console.ReadLine (); if (checkOpen == "yes" || checkOpen == "Yes" || checkOpen == "y" || checkOpen == "Y" || checkOpen == "YES") { Console.Clear (); openOut (); } else if (checkOpen == "no" || checkOpen == "No" || checkOpen == "n" || checkOpen == "N" || checkOpen == "NO") { Console.Clear (); openIn (); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid input, try again!"); exitCave (); } } public static void openOut() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You scramble through the opening into another dark chamber."); Console.WriteLine ("This room is slightly warmer than the previous one."); Console.WriteLine ("You see a tiny strip of light coming from one of the walls."); Console.WriteLine ("You walk over and investigate."); Console.WriteLine ("Staring at the strip of light, you can see that it is a crack in the wall."); Console.WriteLine ("Through the crack you can see a room, with a fireplace."); Console.WriteLine ("You search the chamber for a way through to the room."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); searchChamber (); } public static void openIn() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You continue to explore the dark room."); Console.WriteLine ("You walk to the other side of the cave and discover a pot on the ground."); Console.WriteLine ("You reach into the pot."); Console.WriteLine ("You cry out in pain as you feel the fangs of a snake clamp down on your hand."); Console.WriteLine ("You fall back, the snake still attatched to your hand, hissing loudly."); Console.WriteLine ("You feel your life draining from you."); Console.WriteLine ("You die."); Console.WriteLine ("Due to the fact that this is a game, you are allowed to return to your previous decision. Try and pick an option that doesn't get you killed this time."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); exitCave (); } public static void searchChamber() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You see a rock and a puddle, which do you investigate first?"); Console.WriteLine ("(Type your answer and then press enter!)"); Console.WriteLine (); string puddleOrRock = Console.ReadLine (); if (puddleOrRock == "rock" || puddleOrRock == "Rock" || puddleOrRock == "ROCK" || puddleOrRock == "the rock") { Console.Clear (); examineRock (); }else if(puddleOrRock == "puddle" || puddleOrRock == "Puddle" || puddleOrRock == "PUDDLE" || puddleOrRock == "the puddle") { Console.Clear (); examinePuddle (); }else{ Console.WriteLine ("Invalid input, try again!"); searchChamber (); } } public static void examineRock() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You place your hands on the rock and instantly feel it give way."); Console.WriteLine ("The wall crumbles away revealing a passage behind."); Console.WriteLine ("You make your way into the passage, the light getting a little brighter."); Console.WriteLine ("You emerge from the passage into a hallway, and you see a wooden club."); Console.WriteLine ("You also see an open door, with from which you can hear a crackling fire."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); hallwayChoice (); } public static void examinePuddle() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You kneel down and look into the puddle."); Console.WriteLine ("By the dim light you are able to make out a figure in the reflection."); Console.WriteLine ("You look at the puddle in horror, you are an old man, with a beard!"); Console.WriteLine ("You recoil in horror, this isn't how you are supposed to look!"); Console.WriteLine ("You scramble back towards rock to sit and rest."); Console.WriteLine ("After all, you are now an old man. You need your rest."); Console.WriteLine ("You lean back against the rock and instantly feel it give way."); Console.WriteLine ("The wall crumbles away revealing a passage behind."); Console.WriteLine ("You make your way into the passage, the light getting a little brighter."); Console.WriteLine ("You emerge from the passage into a hallway, and you see a wooden club."); Console.WriteLine ("You also see an open door, with from which you can hear a crackling fire."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); hallwayChoice (); string age = "old"; } public static void hallwayChoice() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("What do you do?"); Console.WriteLine ("(Type your answer and then press enter, try and keep it pretty simple!)"); Console.WriteLine (); string hallway = Console.ReadLine (); if (hallway.Contains ("pick up") || hallway.Contains ("club")) { Console.Clear (); hasClub = 1; hallWithClub (); } else if (hallway.Contains ("door") || hallway.Contains ("go to")) { Console.Clear (); hasClub = 0; hallNoClub (); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid input, try again!"); hallwayChoice (); } } public static void hallWithClub() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You picked up the club, that could prove useful soon!"); Console.WriteLine ("Armed with your newly obtained club, you advance towards the door."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); enterRoom (); } public static void hallNoClub() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You choose to ignore the club, and go straight towards the door."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); enterRoom (); } public static void enterRoom() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You enter the room and take in your surroundings."); Console.WriteLine ("There is a troll standing in one corner, you spot each other."); Console.WriteLine ("The troll pounces on you."); if (hasClub == 0) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You are defenceless, the troll grabs your butt hard and throws you back out the room."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); outRoomHallway (); } else if (hasClub == 1) { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You swing your club and hit the troll on the back of the head."); Console.WriteLine ("The troll dies."); Console.WriteLine ("The troll drops a bag of gold coins."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); coinChoice (); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Something has gone terribly wrong, please contact the developer!"); } } public static void outRoomHallway() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("You fly out the room into the hallway, and you see the wooden club."); Console.WriteLine ("The door is still open, and the troll is still inside."); Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine (" Press enter to continue!"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); hallwayChoice (); } public static void coinChoice() { Console.WriteLine (); Console.WriteLine ("Do you pick up the coin purse?"); Console.WriteLine ("(Type your answer and then press enter)"); Console.WriteLine (); string coinPurse = Console.ReadLine (); if (coinPurse == "yes" || coinPurse == "Yes" || coinPurse == "y" || coinPurse == "Y" || coinPurse == "YES") { Console.Clear (); hasCoinPurse = 1; afterTroll (); } else if (coinPurse == "no" || coinPurse == "No" || coinPurse == "n" || coinPurse == "N" || coinPurse == "NO") { Console.Clear (); hasCoinPurse = 0; afterTroll (); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Invalid input, try again!"); coinChoice (); } } public static void afterTroll() { Console.WriteLine (); } } }