public static int getCountOfOnes(int n) { /* Please implement this method to return the number of '1's in the binary representation of n for any integer n, where n > 0 Example: for n=6 the binary representation is '110' and the number of '1's in that representation is 2 */ int cnt = 0; String s = Integer.toBinaryString(n); System.out.println("Binary String = " + s); for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++){ String j = Character.toString(s.charAt(i)); if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(i))){ if (j.equalsIgnoreCase("1")) { cnt++; } } } return cnt; } // Please do not change this interface interface ListNode { int getItem(); ListNode getNext(); void setNext(ListNode next); } public static ListNode reverse(ListNode node) { /* Please implement this method to reverse a given linked list. */ ListNode prev = null; ListNode cur = null; ListNode next = null; prev = node; cur = node.getNext(); prev.setNext(null); while(cur.getNext()!=null){ next = cur.getNext(); cur.setNext(prev); } return cur; }