chromium The following package is going to change architecture: chromium i386 -> i586 The following package is going to change vendor: chromium -> MeeGo 1 package to upgrade, 1 to change vendor, 1 to change arch. Overall download size: 31.4 MiB. After the operation, 7.5 MiB will be freed. Continue? [y/n/?] (y): Retrieving package chromium-13.0.752.0-9.1.i586 (1/1), 31.4 MiB (79.4 MiB unpacked) Retrieving: chromium-13.0.752.0-9.1.i586.rpm [done (192.3 KiB/s)] Installing: chromium-13.0.752.0-9.1 [done] Additional rpm output: warning: /var/cache/zypp/packages/updates-core/chromium-13.0.752.0-9.1.i586.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 79fc1f8a: NOKEY