import pygame import sys import random import time from pygame.locals import * try: import android except ImportError: android = None def main(): class Player: def __init__(self): self.x = 188 self.y = 180 self.image = pygame.image.load('player.png') self.score = 0 def draw(self): screen.blit(self.image,(self.x,self.y)) def move(self,move): if 0 <= self.x + move <= 336: self.x += move #elif self. class Block: def __init__(self): global current_block #self.x = random.choice(range(0,196,4)) self.y = 0 current_block = random.choice(block_images) self.image = pygame.image.load(current_block) self.already_passed_line = False def draw(self): screen.blit(self.image, (0,self.y)) def move(self): self.y += block_speed def off_screen(self): return self.y > 256 def passed_line(self): if (not self.already_passed_line) and (self.y >= 128): self.already_passed_line = True return True def player_collided(): for x in range(player.x,player.x+48): if sum(screen.get_at((x,180))[:-1]) > 10: return True for y in range(180,212): if sum(screen.get_at((player.x,y))[:-1]) >10: return True elif sum(screen.get_at((player.x+47, y))[:-1]) >10: return True return False def intro(): while 1: screen.fill(Color(239,254,221)) screen.blit(huge_font.render('FALL UP!',False,pygame.Color('black')),(88,52)) screen.blit(big_font.render('STAGE 1 | STAGE 2',False,pygame.Color('black')),(24,136)) screen.blit(font.render('%s'%(high_score_1),False,pygame.Color('black')),(80,200)) screen.blit(font.render('%s'%(high_score_2),False,pygame.Color('black')),(240,200)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if event.pos[0] < 192: return 1 else: return 2 if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_BACKSPACE: error #will close the app pygame.display.update() pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((384,256)) fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() if android: android.init() android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_MENU, pygame.K_p) android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_BACKSPACE) PIXEL_SIZE = 4 font = pygame.font.Font('LCD_Solid.ttf',24) big_font = pygame.font.Font('LCD_Solid.ttf',32) huge_font = pygame.font.Font('LCD_Solid.ttf',44) map_image = pygame.image.load('map4.png') map_prime = map_image main_menu = True mouse_x = mouse_y = 0 while 1: with open('stage1_score.txt','r') as score_file: high_score_1 = if not high_score_1: high_score_1 = 0 with open('stage2_score.txt','r') as score_file: high_score_2 = if not high_score_2: high_score_2 = 0 scores = [high_score_1,high_score_2] if main_menu: stage = intro() main_menu = False move = 0 block_images = ['block%i.png'%i for i in range(2,9) if 'block%i.png'%i ] #create a list of all the block image names player = Player() blocks = [Block()] game_over = False restart = False level_up = False pause = False player_speed = 2 block_speed = 2 k = -12630 start_time = time.time() score = 0 fps = 30 game_over_msg = 'GAME OVER!' pause_time = 0 while not restart: block_images = ['block%i.png'%i for i in range(2,9) if 'block%i.png'%i != current_block] #list of available blocks so there's no repetition screen.fill(Color(239,254,221)) #light green player.draw() if stage == 1: for block in blocks: block.draw() else: screen.blit(map_image,(0,k)) if not game_over and not pause: k+= block_speed screen.blit(font.render('LEVEL: %i'%(int(score)/10),False,Color('black')),(244,0)) screen.blit(font.render('TIME: %s'%str(score)[:str(score).find('.')+2],False,Color('black')),(0,0)) if game_over: screen.blit(big_font.render(game_over_msg,False,Color('black')),(100,120)) if score > float(scores[stage-1]): scores[stage-1] = str(score)[:str(score).find('.')] + str(score)[str(score).find('.'):str(score).find('.')+2] screen.blit(font.render('BEST: %s'%scores[stage-1],False,Color('black')),(100,148)) for event in pygame.event.get(): #event loop if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN: if event.key == K_RIGHT: move = PIXEL_SIZE * player_speed #player moves 4*player_speed px right elif event.key == K_LEFT: move = -PIXEL_SIZE * player_speed elif event.key == K_r: restart = True elif event.key == K_p and not game_over: pause = not pause if pause: pause_start = time.time() - pause_time else: pause_time = round(time.time() - pause_start,2) elif event.key == K_BACKSPACE: restart = main_menu = True if event.type == KEYUP: if event.key == K_RIGHT and move > 0: move = 0 if event.key == K_LEFT and move < 0: move = 0 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if game_over: restart = True mouse_x, mouse_y = event.pos if mouse_x < 192: move = -PIXEL_SIZE * player_speed else: move = PIXEL_SIZE * player_speed if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP: if mouse_x < 192 and move < 0: move = 0 if mouse_x >= 192 and move > 0: move = 0 if not pause: if player_collided() and not game_over: pygame.display.update() game_over = True if score > float(scores[stage-1]): with open('stage%i_score.txt'%stage,'w') as score_file: rounded_score = str(score)[:str(score).find('.')] + str(score)[str(score).find('.'):str(score).find('.')+2] score_file.write(rounded_score) if move and not game_over: player.move(move) if blocks[0].off_screen(): blocks = blocks[1:] if blocks[0].passed_line(): blocks.append(Block()) if stage == 1 and not game_over: for block in blocks: block.move() if stage == 2 and not game_over: if score > 125: game_over = True game_over_msg = 'YOU WON!' if not game_over and int(score) and int(score) % 10==0 and not level_up: fps += 4 level_up = True if level_up and not int(time.time() - start_time - pause_time) % 10 == 0: level_up = False if not game_over: score = round(time.time() - start_time - pause_time,2) else: screen.blit(huge_font.render('PAUSED',False,Color('black')),(108,120)) pygame.display.update() fps_clock.tick(fps) if __name__ == '__main__': main()