(10:56:54 PM) directorbot: I have asked the good folks in CD to do a little digging on our competitors for the CSM, and it turns out that there's more to Xenuria than bad youtubes and assburgers: He has his own Encyclopedia Dramatica entry, which alleges that he has a habit of seeking photos of underaged minors. YOU BE THE JUDGE, GOONFLEET; I put these links before you in the name of ~democracy~ (9:27:49 PM) digi: the_mittani: http://encyclopediadramatica.ch/Darviela_Maravarona (9:35:05 PM) digi: http://slbrities.wetpaint.com/page/Voland+Destiny (9:37:42 PM) digi: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3263/2736237112_2fcbd75814_z.jpg?zz=1 (9:47:08 PM) digi: OMG (9:47:09 PM) digi: http://ed.4chon.org/articles/Darviela_Maravarona.1.html (9:47:54 PM) aryndel_vyst: Darviela had a history of posting on Facepunch Studios under the accounts Voland and fnog , but his posting career was abruptly cut short when he was banned by Hezzy for repeatedly posting pictures of naked minors. (9:47:55 PM) digi: literally the motherlode (9:47:56 PM) aryndel_vyst: holy shit (9:55:53 PM) digi: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=2761269&userid=126837 *** This was a broadcast from themittani to all-all, replies are not monitored ***