DEVIL JIN: NOTABLE ATTACKS-- HIGH: EWGF - da besss ff+4 - homing attack, postive frames on block 2,2 - most damaging 10f punisher 1,1,2 - less damage than 2,2 but grants knockdown 10f punisher b+1,2 - 12 frame punisher, wallsplats. MID: u/f+4 - -8 on block (safe), grants KND cd u/f+3 and WR+3 - offensive safe mid game but can be easily stepped cd+3 - launcher if hit, safe. ff+2 - wallsplats, safe due to pushback, if spaced correctly b+4 - safe on block, combo on ch. d+1 - on block sets up a neat 1,1,2 trap. f,n,d,d/f,B~2 - iws+2, -12f on block and 15f startup. 4~3 - good range and launcher on hit. LOW: Hellsweeps - small combo on ch. d/b+2 -Alright damage d+3 - meh CRAP: u+2+4 - why B+1+2 - Chargeable move.... Yet can be blocked even when fully charged. HIT CONFIRMS: 1,1<2 1,2<2 ch d/f+1<2 ws+1<2 d/f+4<4 b,f+2<1 (and continuations) THROWS: generics bitch kicks etc. ff+1+2 - Stonehead, 1+2 break. f,hcf+1+2 - Laser throw qcb+1+3 - complicated wire TRAINING: EWGF punishing: For 14 frame ewgf practice (minimum speed): You can have the practice dummy set to 'stand to guard', 'get up kick mid', and turn on counter hit. Do a cd+4 to knock them down, block the get up kick, and then punish it with a 14 frame ewgf. Since the get up kick is -14, you'll know if you were too slow.