TITLE: Replication Singer & Willet, table 12.2, p. 413 !MODEL B: linear baseline hazard model, no covariates !METHOD: Mixture modeling !u1-u9 are binary indicator of event occurence, !in the format, specified in Masyn (2003). DATA: FILE = tenure_wide.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES = u1-u9 x1-x5; MISSING = . ; USEVARIABLES = u1-u9; CATEGORICAL = u1-u9; CLASSES = c(1); ANALYSIS: TYPE = MIXTURE; MODEL: %OVERALL% eta0 BY u1-u9@1 ; eta1 BY u1@0 u2@1 u3@2 u4@3 u5@4 u6@5 u7@6 u8@7 u9@8 ; [eta0* eta1*] ; %c#1% [u1$1@0 u2$1@0 u3$1@0 u4$1@0 u5$1@0 u6$1@0 u7$1@0] (1); [u8$1@0 u9$1@0] (1);