/************ FUNCTIONS.JS ************************/ /*************************************************/ /** * @package BasicGoogleMapsPlacemarks * @author Ian Dunn * @link http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/basic-google-maps-placemarks/ */ /** * Wrapper function to safely use $ * @author Ian Dunn */ function bgmp_wrapper( $ ) { // @todo - figure out if wrapper bad for memory consumption (https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Functions_and_function_scope#Efficiency_considerations) // ask on stackoverflow $.bgmp = { /** * Main entry point * @author Ian Dunn */ init : function() { $.bgmp.name = 'Basic Google Maps Placemarks'; $.bgmp.canvas = document.getElementById( 'bgmp_map-canvas' ); // We have to use getElementById instead of a jQuery selector here in order to pass it to the Maps API. $.bgmp.previousInfoWindow = undefined; $.bgmp.map = undefined; $.bgmp.markerClusterer = undefined; $.bgmp.markers = []; //custom stuff for Filters Jesse 13/Dec $.bgmp.markers.all = []; // @todo make this loop through array instead of manual. also add any other numbers bgmpData.options.zoom = parseInt( bgmpData.options.zoom ), bgmpData.options.latitude = parseFloat( bgmpData.options.latitude ); bgmpData.options.longitude = parseFloat( bgmpData.options.longitude ); bgmpData.options.clustering.maxZoom = parseInt( bgmpData.options.clustering.maxZoom ); bgmpData.options.clustering.gridSize = parseInt( bgmpData.options.clustering.gridSize ); if( $.bgmp.canvas ) { $.bgmp.buildMap(); } else $( $.bgmp.canvas ).html( $.bgmp.name + " error: couldn't retrieve DOM elements." ); }, /** * Pull in the map options from Wordpress' database and create the map * @author Ian Dunn */ buildMap : function() { var mapOptions; if( bgmpData.options.mapWidth == '' || bgmpData.options.mapHeight == '' || bgmpData.options.latitude == '' || bgmpData.options.longitude == '' || bgmpData.options.zoom == '' || bgmpData.options.infoWindowMaxWidth == '' ) { // @todo update w/ cluster options? $( $.bgmp.canvas ).html( $.bgmp.name + " error: map options not set." ); return; } mapOptions = { 'zoom' : bgmpData.options.zoom, 'center' : new google.maps.LatLng( bgmpData.options.latitude, bgmpData.options.longitude ), 'mapTypeId' : google.maps.MapTypeId[ bgmpData.options.type ], 'mapTypeControl' : bgmpData.options.typeControl == 'off' ? false : true, 'mapTypeControlOptions' : { style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle[ bgmpData.options.typeControl ] }, 'navigationControl' : bgmpData.options.navigationControl == 'off' ? false : true, 'navigationControlOptions' : { style: google.maps.NavigationControlStyle[ bgmpData.options.navigationControl ] }, 'streetViewControl' : bgmpData.options.streetViewControl }; // Override default width/heights from settings $( '#bgmp_map-canvas' ).css( 'width', bgmpData.options.mapWidth ); //'100%'); // @todo use $.bgmp.canvas intead of hardcoding it? $( '#bgmp_map-canvas' ).css( 'height', bgmpData.options.mapHeight ); // '100%'); Making map responsive. // @todo this prevents users from using their own stylesheet? // Create the map try { $.bgmp.map = new google.maps.Map( $.bgmp.canvas, mapOptions ); } catch( e ) { $( $.bgmp.canvas ).html( $.bgmp.name + " error: couln't build map." ); if( window.console ) console.log( 'bgmp_buildMap: '+ e ); return; } $.bgmp.addPlacemarks( $.bgmp.map ); // @todo not supposed to add them when clustering is enabled? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2VF9uKbQjI if( bgmpData.options.clustering.enabled ) { $.bgmp.markerCluster = new MarkerClusterer( // @todo should be .markerClusterer ? $.bgmp.map, $.bgmp.markers, { maxZoom : bgmpData.options.clustering.maxZoom, gridSize : bgmpData.options.clustering.gridSize, styles : bgmpData.options.clustering.styles[ bgmpData.options.clustering.style ] } ); } }, /** * Checks if the value is an integer. Slightly modified version of original. * @author Invent Partners * @link http://www.inventpartners.com/content/javascript_is_int * @param mixed value * @return bool */ isInt : function( value ) { if( !isNaN( value ) && parseFloat( value ) == parseInt( value ) ) return true; else return false; }, /** * Pull the placemark posts from Wordpress' database and add them to the map * @author Ian Dunn * @param object map Google Maps map */ addPlacemarks : function( map ) { // @todo - should probably refactor this since you pulled out the ajax. update phpdoc too if( bgmpData.markers.length > 0 ) { for( var m in bgmpData.markers ) { $.bgmp.createMarker( map, bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'title' ], bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'latitude' ], bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'longitude' ], bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'details' ], bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'icon' ], parseInt( bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'zIndex' ] ), bgmpData.markers[ m ][ 'categories' ] //Added by Jesse 13/Dec ); } } }, /** * Create a marker with an information window * @author Ian Dunn * @param object map Google Maps map * @param string title Placemark title * @param float latituded * @param float longitude * @param string details Content of the infowinder * @param string icon URL of the icon * @param int zIndex The desired position in the placemark stacking order * @param category array <-- added by Jesse 13/Dec * @return bool True on success, false on failure */ createMarker : function( map, title, latitude, longitude, details, icon, zIndex, categories ) { // @todo - clean up variable names var infowindowcontent, infowindow, marker; if( isNaN( latitude ) || isNaN( longitude ) ) { if( window.console ) console.log( "bgmp_createMarker(): "+ title +" latitude and longitude weren't valid." ); return false; } if( icon == null ) { // @todo - this check may not be needed anymore if( window.console ) console.log( "bgmp_createMarker(): "+ title +" icon wasn't passed in." ); return false; } if( !$.bgmp.isInt( zIndex ) ) { //if( window.console ) //console.log( "bgmp_createMarker(): "+ title +" z-index wasn't valid." ); // this would fire any time it's empty zIndex = 0; } infowindowcontent = '

'+ title +'

'+ details +'
'; try { infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow( { content : infowindowcontent, maxWidth : bgmpData.options.infoWindowMaxWidth } ); // Replace commas with periods. Some (human) languages use commas to delimit the fraction from the whole number, but Google Maps doesn't accept that. latitude = parseFloat( latitude.replace( ',', '.' ) ); longitude = parseFloat( longitude.replace( ',', '.' ) ); marker = new google.maps.Marker( { 'position' : new google.maps.LatLng( latitude, longitude ), 'map' : map, 'icon' : icon, 'title' : title, 'zIndex' : zIndex } ); //Store Markers inside an array based on their categories. Jesse 13/Dec for (var s in categories) { title = categories[s]['name']; if (!$.bgmp.markers[title]){ $.bgmp.markers[title] = []; $.bgmp.markers.push(title); } $.bgmp.markers[title].push(marker); } //Need to store ALL markers inside an array to compensate for the possibility of multiple categories. Jesse 13/Dec $.bgmp.markers.all.push( marker ); google.maps.event.addListener( marker, 'click', function() { if( $.bgmp.previousInfoWindow != undefined ) $.bgmp.previousInfoWindow.close(); infowindow.open( map, marker ); $.bgmp.previousInfoWindow = infowindow; } ); return true; } catch( e ) { //$( $.bgmp.canvas ).append( '

' + $.bgmp.name + " error: couldn't add map placemarks.

"); // add class for making red? other places need this too? // @todo - need to figure out a good way to alert user that placemarks couldn't be added if( window.console ) console.log( 'bgmp_createMarker: '+ e ); } } }; // end bgmp // Kick things off... $( document ).ready( $.bgmp.init ); } // end bgmp_wrapper() bgmp_wrapper( jQuery ); /************CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT************************/ /****************************************************/ $.geocoder; var html = ''; $(document).ready(function(){ //Add the Filtered Nav Div if ($('#map').length) { $('#map').append("

"); $.each($.bgmp.markers, function(index, arr) { $('#filteredNav').append(''); }); } //Verify that there are categories. if ($('#filteredNav').length > 0) { //This isn't a good way to do this, but this will allow the ability to show multiple groups of markers. $('#filteredNav button').click(function() { if(!$(this).hasClass('shown')) { $(this).addClass('shown'); } else { $(this).removeClass('shown'); } //Hide all markers $.each($.bgmp.markers.all, function(index, marker) { $.each(marker, function(key, value) { marker.setVisible(false); }); }); //show only the markers that should be visible $('#filteredNav .shown').each(function() { var check = $(this).attr('value'); html = html + '


    '; $.each($.bgmp.markers[check], function(index, marker) { $.each(marker, function(key, value) { marker.setVisible(true); }); if($.bgmp.map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition())) { //html = html+'key: '+key+' = value: '+value+';
    '; html = html +'
  • '; html = html +marker['title']+'
  • '; } }); html = html+'
'; }); $('#mapLocs').html(html); }); //Center Map on Marker Clicked $('#mapLocs').on('click','a', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var loc = $(this).attr('class').split('-'); $.bgmp.map.panTo($.bgmp.markers[loc[0]][loc[1]].getPosition()); $.bgmp.map.setZoom(15); }); } //Override Search $('form[id=mapSearchForm]').submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); codeAddress($(this).find('input[name="q"]').val()); }); //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4338490/google-map-event-bounds-changed-triggered-multiple-times-when-dragging //https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/events#EventListeners google.maps.event.addListener($.bgmp.map, 'center_changed', function () { window.setTimeout(function() { html = ""; //window.alert('Timer Fired'); $('#filteredNav .shown').each(function() { var check = $(this).attr('value'); html = html + '


    '; $.each($.bgmp.markers[check], function(index, marker) { if($.bgmp.map.getBounds().contains(marker.getPosition())) { //html = html+'key: '+key+' = value: '+value+';
    '; html = html +'
  • '; html = html +marker['title']+'
  • '; } }); html = html+'
'; }); $('#mapLocs').html(html); }, 300); }); }); //Credit to: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6140303/google-maps-v3-how-to-center-using-an-address-on-initialize function codeAddress(address) { $.geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder(); $.geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) { if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { $.bgmp.map.panTo(results[0].geometry.location); } }); }