local json = require("json") local xml = require("xml").newParser() local http = require("socket.http") -- alt version2, handles cycles, functions, booleans, etc -- - abuse to http://richard.warburton.it -- output almost identical to print(table.show(t)) below. function print_r (t, name, indent) local tableList = {} function table_r (t, name, indent, full) local serial=string.len(full) == 0 and name or type(name)~="number" and '["'..tostring(name)..'"]' or '['..name..']' io.write(indent,serial,' = ') if type(t) == "table" then if tableList[t] ~= nil then io.write('{}; -- ',tableList[t],' (self reference)\n') else tableList[t]=full..serial if next(t) then -- Table not empty io.write('{\n') for key,value in pairs(t) do table_r(value,key,indent..'\t',full..serial) end io.write(indent,'};\n') else io.write('{};\n') end end else io.write(type(t)~="number" and type(t)~="boolean" and '"'..tostring(t)..'"' or tostring(t),';\n') end end table_r(t,name or '__unnamed__',indent or '','') end local cities = { { name="Moscow", country="Russia"}, { name="Kiev", country="Ukraine"}, { name="Los%20Angeles", country="US"} } local data = {} for i,location in pairs(cities) do local response = nil response = http.request("http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather="..location.name.."&hl=en") local days = {} local t = xml:ParseXmlText(response) for i=2,#t.child[1].child do local day = nil day = t.child[1].child[i].child --print_r(day) newDay = {} for name,property in pairs(day) do newDay[property.name] = property.properties.data if newDay.day then days[newDay.day] = newDay else days["current"] = newDay end end --print_r(newDay) end data[location.name] = days --print_r(days) --os.exit() end print_r(data)