prefix."contactdir"; if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLE LIKES '".$tb."'") != $tb) { $sql = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$tb."` (". "`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,". "`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,". "`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL,". "`url` varchar(255) NOT NULL,". "`phone` varchar(255) NOT NULL,". "`address` text NOT NULL,". "`cat_id` text NOT NULL,". "`time_created` int(11) NOT NULL,". "`status` int(1) NOT NULL,". "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)". ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $wpdb->query($sql); } if($wpdb->get_var("SHOW TABLE LIKES '".$tb."_cat'") != $tb."_cat") { $sql2 = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `".$tb."_cat` (". "`id` int(4) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,". "`name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,". "`status` int(1) NOT NULL,". "PRIMARY KEY (`id`)". ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $q = $wpdb->query($sql2); if($q) { $sql3 = "INSERT INTO `".$tb."_cat` (". "`id` ,`name` ,`status`) VALUES (". "NULL , 'General', '1');"; $wpdb->query($sql3); } } $version = "3.0.1"; if(!add_option("contactdir_version",$version)) { update_option("contactdir_version",$version); } $opt_ct[defstatus] = 1; $opt_ct[showpp] = 30; $opt_ct[template] = "%name%
\nEmail: %mail%
\nHemsida: %url%
\nTelefon: %phone%
\nAdress: %address%\n
"; $opt_ct[css] = ".contactdir_addform {\n\n}\n.contactdir_addform input {\n\n}\n.contactdir_error {\n\tbackground-color:#FCC;\n\tpadding:5px;\n\tmargin-bottom:5px;\n\tdisplay:block;\n}\n.contactdir_info {\n\tbackground-color:#FF9;\n\tpadding:5px;\n\tmargin-bottom:5px;\n\tdisplay:block;\n}"; if(!add_option("contactdir_options",$opt_ct)) { update_option("contactdir_options",$opt_ct); } } /* Misc Functions */ function contactdir_url($page) { echo get_bloginfo('wpurl').'/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wp-contacts-directory/'.$page.'.php'; } /* Add Navigation On Dashboard Menu */ function contactdir_navigation() { if(function_exists('add_object_page')) { add_object_page( "WP Contacts Directory", "Contacts Dir.", 10, __FILE__, "contactdir_manager", get_option('home')."/wp-content/plugins/wp-contacts-directory/contact-directory.png" ); } else { add_menu_page( "WP Contacts Directory", "Contact Directory", 10, __FILE__, "contactdir_manager", get_option('home')."/wp-content/plugins/wp-contacts-directory/contact-directory.png" ); } add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'WP Contacts Directory Categories' , 'Manage Categories', 10,'contactdir-category', 'contactdir_category' ); add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'WP Contacts Directory Management' , 'Manage Contact', 10,'contactdir-manage', 'contactdir_manage' ); add_submenu_page(__FILE__, 'WP Contacts Directory Options' , 'Options', 10,'contactdir-options', 'contactdir_options' ); } function contactdir_head(){ global $opt_ct; echo ""; } function contactdir_cat_list($selected = "", $show_hidden = FALSE) { global $wpdb; $tb = $wpdb->prefix."contactdir_cat"; if(!$show_hidden) $hd = " WHERE `status` = 1"; $query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `$tb`$hd",ARRAY_A); if(is_array($query)) { foreach($query as $data) { $tcat = unserialize($selected); if(is_array($tcat)) { if(in_array($data[id],$tcat)) $sel = ' checked="checked"'; } ?> prefix."contactdir_cat"; $query = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = $id"); return $query; } function contactdir_update() { global $opt_ct,$wpdb,$contactdir_version; $tb = $wpdb->prefix."contactdir"; $sql_update = "ALTER TABLE `$tb` CHANGE `cat_id` `cat_id` TEXT NOT NULL"; $query = $wpdb->query($sql_update); if($query) { $query2 = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM `$tb`",ARRAY_A); if(is_array($query2)): foreach($query2 as $array) { $tid = $array[id]; $cid = $array[cat_id]; $scid = serialize(array($cid)); if(is_numeric($cid)) $wpdb->query("UPDATE `$tb` SET `cat_id` = '$scid' WHERE `id` = $tid LIMIT 1"); } endif; $opt_ct[template] = "%name%
\nEmail: %mail%
\nHemsida: %url%
\nTelefon: %phone%
"; update_option("contactdir_options",$opt_ct); update_option("contactdir_version",$contactdir_version); echo "

Update is success...

"; } else { echo "

Error occured, update is failed. Please try again, or consult with me...

"; } } function contactdir_manage() { global $wpdb,$opt_ct; $tb = $wpdb->prefix."contactdir"; extract($_POST); echo '
'; echo '

'; if($_GET[update]) { contactdir_update(); } $version = get_option("contactdir_version"); $ver = str_replace(".","",$version); if(substr($ver,0,2) < 23) { echo "

You currently using old version. Please Click Here to update.

"; } echo "

WP Contact Directory Management

"; if($_POST[Submit]) { if($contactdir_cat_id) $contactdir_cat_id = serialize($contactdir_cat_id); if($contactdir_medit) { $sql = "UPDATE `$tb` SET `name` = '".$contactdir_mname."',". "`email` = '".$contactdir_mmail."',". "`url` = '".$contactdir_murl."',". "`phone` = '".$contactdir_mphone."',". "`address` = '".$contactdir_maddress."',". "`cat_id` = '".$contactdir_cat_id."',". "`status` = '".$contactdir_mstatus."' WHERE `id` = '".$contactdir_medit."' LIMIT 1 ;"; $q = $wpdb->query($sql); if($q) echo "

Contact is updated, go to Contact List...

"; } else { $result = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `$tb` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `url`, `phone`, `address`, `cat_id`, `time_created`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '$contactdir_mname', '$contactdir_mmail', '$contactdir_murl', '$contactdir_mphone', '$contactdir_maddress', '$contactdir_cat_id', '".time()."', '$contactdir_mstatus');"); if($result) echo "

New Contact is saved, go to Contact List.

"; } } if($_GET[edit]) { $array = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = '".$_GET[edit]."'",ARRAY_A); } else { $array[status] = 1; } ?> query("INSERT INTO `$tb` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `url`, `phone`, `address`, `cat_id`, `time_created`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '".$array[0]."', '".$array[1]."', '".$array[2]."', '".$array[3]."', '".$array[4]."', '".$cat_id."', '".time()."', '".$_POST[contactdir_status]."');"); } if($result) echo "

CSV was successfully imported.

"; endif; } ?>
Category Name

" type="submit">

CSV Importer

Default Category

(Office 2007 use ';' as separator, and Ofiice 2003 use ',' as separator)

CSV Table Sample

name email url phone address
Name 1 0123434 Indo
Name 2 01234342 Jogja
'; } function contactdir_addform_shortcode() { global $wpdb,$c_url; $tb = $wpdb->prefix."contactdir"; extract($_POST); $opt_ct = get_option("contactdir_options"); if($contactdir_submit): if(empty($contactdir_name) or empty($contactdir_email)) { $error .= "Fyll i namn och e-mail!
"; } if(!is_email($contactdir_email)) { $error .= "Ogiltig e-mail!
"; } $is_ex = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id` FROM `$tb` WHERE `email` = '$contactdir_email'",ARRAY_A); if(is_array($is_ex)) { $error .= "E-mailen finns redan i telefonboken
"; } if(empty($error)) { if($contactdir_cat_id) $contactdir_cat_id = serialize($contactdir_cat_id); $result = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `$tb` (`id`, `name`, `email`, `url`, `phone`, `address`, `cat_id`, `time_created`, `status`) VALUES (NULL, '$contactdir_name', '$contactdir_email', '$contactdir_url', '$contactdir_phone', '$contactdir_address', '$contactdir_cat_id', '".time()."', '".$opt_ct[defstatus]."');"); if($opt_ct[defstatus] != 1) $apm = " and pending for approval."; if($result) echo "
Din kontakt har lagts till$apm, Tack.
"; } endif; ?>
"; ?>
* är obligatoriska
prefix."contactdir"; switch($query) { case "alpha": $qdb = " WHERE `name` LIKE '".$_GET[depan]."%' AND `status` = 1"; break; case "cat": $qdb = " WHERE `cat_id` = '".$_GET[id]."' AND `status` = 1"; break; case "caricerdas": $s = $_GET[contact_dir_s]; $qdb = " WHERE (`name` LIKE '%$s%' OR `email` LIKE '%$s%' OR `url` LIKE '%$s%' OR `phone` LIKE '%$s%' OR `address` LIKE '%$s%') AND `status` = 1"; break; default: $qdb = " WHERE `status` = 1"; break; } ?>

Sök alfabetiskt: $deret | "; }else { $list .= "$deret | "; } } echo $list."All"; ?>

get_results("SELECT `id` FROM `".$tb."`$qdb", ARRAY_A); if(is_array($query_db) and is_array($contactdir_cat_id)) { foreach($query_db as $query) { if($query[cat_id]) { $cat_id = unserialize($query[cat_id]); $tmparray = array(); foreach($contactdir_cat_id as $cid) { if(in_array($cid,$cat_id)) { $tmparray[] = $query; } } } } $query_db = $tmparray; } $total = count($query_db); $page_links = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( 'apage', '%#%' ), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('«'), 'next_text' => __('»'), 'total' => ceil($total / $show_pp), 'current' => $page )); if ( $page_links ) : ?>
' . __( 'Displaying %s–%s from total %s contacts - ' ) . '%s', number_format_i18n( $start + 1 ), number_format_i18n( min( $page * $show_pp, $total ) ), number_format_i18n( $total ), $page_links ); echo $page_links_text; ?>
get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$tb."`$qdb ORDER BY `name` LIMIT $start, $num", ARRAY_A); if(is_array($query_db) and is_array($contactdir_cat_id)) { foreach($query_db as $query) { if($query[cat_id]) { $cat_id = unserialize($query[cat_id]); $tmparray = array(); foreach($contactdir_cat_id as $cid) { if(in_array($cid,$cat_id)) { $tmparray[] = $query; } } } } $query_db = $tmparray; } if(is_array($query_db)): echo "
"; foreach($query_db as $array): ?>
prefix."contactdir"; echo '
'; echo '

'; echo "

WP Contact Directory

"; $version = get_option("contactdir_version"); $ver = str_replace(".","",$version); if(substr($ver,0,2) < 23) { echo "

You currently using old version. Please Click Here to update.

"; } if(function_exists("file_get_contents")) { $output = file_get_contents(""); if($output) echo $output; } if($delete) { $_POST[selected_contacts][0] = $delete; $_POST[action] = "delete"; } if(is_array($_POST[selected_contacts])) { switch($_POST[action]) { case "aktif": foreach($_POST[selected_contacts] as $array): $q = $wpdb->query("UPDATE `$tb` SET `status` = 1 WHERE `id` = ".$array); endforeach; if($q) echo "

Selected Contacts is set to active...

"; break; case "nonaktif": foreach($_POST[selected_contacts] as $array): $q = $wpdb->query("UPDATE `$tb` SET `status` = 0 WHERE `id` = ".$array); endforeach; if($q) echo "

Selected Contacts is set to pending...

"; break; case "delete": foreach($_POST[selected_contacts] as $array): $q = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = ".$array); endforeach; if($q) echo "

Selected Contacts is deleted...

"; break; } } ?>
get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `$tb` WHERE `status` = '1'")); $row_naktif = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM `$tb` WHERE `status` <> '1'")); ?>
1"; break; case "cat": $qdb = " WHERE `cat_id` = '".$_GET[id]."'"; break; case "caricerdas": $s = $_GET[s]; $qdb = " WHERE (`name` LIKE '%$s%' OR `email` LIKE '%$s%' OR `url` LIKE '%$s%' OR `phone` LIKE '%$s%' OR `address` LIKE '%$s%')"; break; } $opt_ct = get_option("contactdir_options"); $show_pp = $opt_ct[showpp]; if(!$show_pp) $show_pp = 10; if ( isset( $_GET['apage'] ) ) $page = abs( (int) $_GET['apage'] ); else $page = 1; $start = $offset = ( $page - 1 ) * $show_pp; $num = $show_pp; $query_db = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id` FROM `".$tb."`$qdb", ARRAY_A); $total = count($query_db); $page_links = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( 'apage', '%#%' ), 'format' => '', 'prev_text' => __('«'), 'next_text' => __('»'), 'total' => ceil($total / $show_pp), 'current' => $page )); if ( $page_links ) : ?>
' . __( 'Displaying %s–%s from total %s contacts' ) . '%s', number_format_i18n( $start + 1 ), number_format_i18n( min( $page * $show_pp, $total ) ), number_format_i18n( $total ), $page_links ); echo $page_links_text; ?>
get_results("SELECT * FROM `".$tb."`$qdb ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT $start, $num", ARRAY_A); if(is_array($query_db)): foreach($query_db as $array): ?>
Name E-mail Website Phone Category Status
Name E-mail Website Phone Category Status

'.$array[email].'':""; ?> '.$array[url].'':""; ?> name; ?>,
'; } function contactdir_options() { extract($_POST); echo '
'; echo '

'; echo "

WP Contact Directory Options

"; if($_POST[Submit]) { $opt_ct[defstatus] = $contactdir_defstatus; $opt_ct[showpp] = $contactdir_showpp; $opt_ct[css] = $contactdir_css; $opt_ct[template] = $contactdir_template; if(!is_numeric($contactdir_showpp)): echo "

Number per page must be numeric...

"; else: if(!add_option("contactdir_options",$opt_ct)) { update_option("contactdir_options",$opt_ct); echo "

New Configurations is saved...

"; } endif; } $opt_ct = get_option("contactdir_options"); $opt_ct_defstatus = $opt_ct[defstatus]; $opt_ct_showpp = $opt_ct[showpp]; $opt_ct_css = $opt_ct[css]; $opt_ct_template = $opt_ct[template]; ?>
Default Action for New Entry
Avialable tags: %name%, %mail%, %url%, %phone%, %category%, %address%

'; } function ahlul_credit() { ?>



If you have problem or you wanna to make a website or tools please send email to me,

Donate for me

If you find this plugin is usefull and want make donation for me you can send it to my paypal ( ;)

Thanks before for donation.

prefix."contactdir_cat"; if($submit and $contactdir_cat_name) { if($contactdir_cat_edit) { $q = $wpdb->query("UPDATE `$tb` SET `name` = '$contactdir_cat_name', `status` = '$contactdir_cat_status' WHERE `id` = '$contactdir_cat_edit'"); if($q) echo "

Category is updated...

"; } else { $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT `id` FROM `$tb` WHERE `name` = '$contactdir_cat_name'"); if($row) { echo "

Sorry, category '$contactdir_cat_name' already exists on database...

"; } else { $q = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO `$tb` (`id`,`name`,`status`) VALUES (NULL,'$contactdir_cat_name',1)"); if($q): echo "

New Categories is saved...

"; else: echo "

Error occured, category not save...

"; endif; } } } if($_GET[delete]) { $q = $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = '".$_GET[delete]."'"); if($q): echo "

Category is deleted...

"; else: echo "

Error occured, category not deleted...

"; endif; } if(is_array($cat_delete) and $action = "delete") { foreach($cat_delete as $array) { $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = '".$array."'"); } echo "

All Selected Categories is deleted...

"; } ?>

WP Contact Directory Categories

get_results("SELECT * FROM `$tb`$k ORDER BY `id` DESC", ARRAY_A); if(is_array($row)): foreach($row as $array) { ?>
Name Status
Name Status
Edit | Delete

Edit Category"; } else { echo "

Add Category

"; } ?>
"; $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `$tb` WHERE `id` = '".$_GET[edit]."'",ARRAY_A); } else { $row[status] = 1; } ?>
'; echo " Cancel Editing"; } else { echo '

'; } ?>

'; } function csv2array($file,$include_table_header = TRUE,$sep = ";") { $row = 1; if (($handle = fopen($file, "r")) !== FALSE) { while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, $sep)) !== FALSE) { $num = count($data); $array[] = $data; } fclose($handle); if($include_table_header) $array = array_slice($array, 1); } return array("data"=>$array,"numfields"=>$num); } ?>