267, 'height' => 180 ); // backend preview size, if changed does not affect the frontend $k_option[ 'custom' ][ 'imgSize' ][ 'S' ] = array( 'width' => 60, 'height' => 60 ); // small preview pics for half sized posts and sidebar news $k_option[ 'custom' ][ 'imgSize' ][ 'M' ] = array( 'width' => 180, 'height' => 180 ); // big preview pic for full sized posts $k_option[ 'custom' ][ 'imgSize' ][ 'L' ] = array( 'width' => 700, 'height' => 320 ); // image for accordion and featured news slider $k_option[ 'custom' ][ 'imgSize' ][ 'XL' ] = array( 'width' => 960, 'height' => 320 ); // big images for fullsize pages and fade slider //################################################################# // Get Theme informations and save them to PHP Constants //################################################################# $the_theme = get_theme_data( TEMPLATEPATH . '/style.css' ); $the_version = trim( $the_theme[ 'Version' ] ); if ( !$the_version ) $the_version = "1"; //set theme constants define( 'THEMENAME', $the_theme[ 'Title' ] ); define( 'THEMEVERSION', $the_version ); // set Path constants define( 'KFW', TEMPLATEPATH . '/framework/' ); // 'K'riesi 'F'rame 'W'ork; define( 'KFWOPTIONS', TEMPLATEPATH . '/theme_options/' ); define( 'KFWHELPER', KFW . 'helper_functions/' ); define( 'KFWCLASSES', KFW . 'classes/' ); define( 'KFWPLUGINS', KFW . 'theme_plugins/' ); define( 'KFWWIDGETS', KFW . 'theme_widgets/' ); define( 'KFWINC', KFW . 'includes/' ); define( 'KFWSC', KFW . 'shortcodes/' ); // set URI constants define( 'KFW_URI', get_bloginfo( 'template_url' ) . '/framework/' ); // 'K'riesi 'F'rame 'W'ork; define( 'KFWOPTIONS_URI', get_bloginfo( 'template_url' ) . '/theme_options/' ); define( 'KFWHELPER_URI', KFW_URI . 'helper_functions/' ); define( 'KFWCLASSES_URI', KFW_URI . 'classes/' ); define( 'KFWPLUGINS_URI', KFW_URI . 'theme_plugins/' ); define( 'KFWWIDGET_URI', KFW_URI . 'theme_widgets/' ); define( 'KFWINC_URI', KFW_URI . 'includes/' ); define( 'KFWINC_SC', KFW_URI . 'shortcodes/' ); //################################################################# // this include calls a file that automatically includes all // the files within the folder framework and therefore makes // all functions and classes available for later use //################################################################# $autoload[ 'helper' ] = array( 'breadcrumb', // breadcrumb navigation 'header_includes', // javascript and css includes for header.php 'lots_of_small_helpers', // helper functions that make my developer-life easier =) 'pagination', // pagination function 'twitter', 'nav_menu', 'kriesi_post_thumb' // display a resized image ); $autoload[ 'classes' ] = array( 'kclass_display_box', 'description_walker' ); $autoload[ 'plugins' ] = array( 'kriesi_option_pages/kriesi_option_pages', /* 'kriesi_menu_manager/kriesi_menu_manager', 'kriesi_menu_manager/kriesi_menu_display', */ 'kriesi_meta_box/kriesi_meta_box' ); $autoload[ 'widgets' ] = array( 'advertising_widget', 'sidebar_news' ); $autoload[ 'option_pages' ] = array( 'options', 'mainpage', 'contact', 'sidebar_footer', /* 'menu_manager_pages', 'menu_manager_cats', */ 'meta_box' ); $autoload[ 'templatefiles' ] = array( 'wp_list_comments', 'widgets' ); $autoload[ 'shortcodes' ] = array( 'pullquotes' ); //######################################################################################### // CONFIG //######################################################################################### define( 'FRAMEWORK_VERSION', '2.1' ); //######################################################################################### // AUTOLOADER //######################################################################################### foreach ( $autoload as $path => $includes ) { if ( $includes ) { foreach ( $includes as $include ) { switch ( $path ) { case 'classes': include_once( KFWCLASSES . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'helper': include_once( KFWHELPER . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'plugins': include_once( KFWPLUGINS . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'widgets': include_once( KFWWIDGETS . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'option_pages': include_once( KFWOPTIONS . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'shortcodes': include_once( KFWSC . $include . '.php' ); break; case 'templatefiles': include_once( TEMPLATEPATH . '/' . $include . '.php' ); break; } //$path } //$includes as $include } //$includes } //$autoload as $path => $includes