ID, "punchline", true); ?>

ID, "portfolio-image", true); $portfolio_image_small= get_post_meta($post->ID, "portfolio-image-small", true); if($portfolio_image != "" && $k_options['general']['tim'] == 1) { $resizepath = get_bloginfo('template_url')."/timthumb.php?src="; #timthumb path $resize_options1 = "&w=250&h=132&zc=1"; $portfolio_image_small = $resizepath.$portfolio_image.$resize_options1; } if($portfolio_image_small != ""){ if ($boxnumber == 1) echo '
'; ?>

ID, 'url', true).'" rel="lightbox[portfolio]">'; ?>
'; ?> "; kriesi_pagination($query_string); echo'
'; else: ?>

Nothing Found

Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.

'; } #start of portfolio content boxes $runs = 3; for($counter = 1; $counter <= $runs; $counter++) { switch($k_options['portfolio']['box'.$counter.'_content']) { case 'post': $query_string = "&showposts=1"; $offset = 0; #calculate offset if($counter > 1) { for($i = 1; $i < $counter; $i++) { if($k_options['portfolio']['box'.$i.'_content'] == $k_options['portfolio']['box'.$counter.'_content']) { if($k_options['portfolio']['box'.$i.'_content_post'] == $k_options['portfolio']['box'.$counter.'_content_post'] ) { $offset++; } } } } $query_string .= "&offset=".$offset.".&cat=".$k_options['portfolio']['box'.$counter.'_content_post']; query_posts($query_string); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $punchline = get_post_meta($post->ID, "punchline", true); $link = get_permalink(); $more = 0; echo'
'."\n"; echo''.$punchline.''."\n"; echo'


'."\n"; the_content('read more »'); echo'
'."\n"; endwhile; endif; break; case 'page': $query_string = "page_id=".$k_options['portfolio']['box'.$counter.'_content_page']; query_posts($query_string); if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); $punchline = get_post_meta($post->ID, "punchline", true); $link = get_permalink(); $more = 0; echo'
'."\n"; echo''.$punchline.''."\n"; echo'


'."\n"; the_content('read more »'); echo'
'."\n"; endwhile; endif; break; case 'widget': if (function_exists('dynamic_sidebar') && dynamic_sidebar('Portfolio Box'.$counter)){} break; default: apply_placeholder($counter); } } function apply_placeholder($column) { $themeurl = get_bloginfo('template_url'); if($column == 1) { echo '

Software that works

Our software works perfectly on every system and is coded with the latest standards in mind.

It is easy to use and very customizable, and our support is top-notch :)

'; } if($column == 2) { echo'

We build for every system

Our workpieces are made to operate on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX in every single browser you can imagine.

Be sure to get a quote if you are interested in getting one of our products.

'; } if($column == 3) { echo'


If you are interested in using my service feel free to contact me.

For your convenience I have included a contact form on my contact page.

'; } } ?>