-- ProbablyEngine Rotations - https://probablyengine.com/ -- Released under modified BSD, see attached LICENSE. local GetSpellInfo = GetSpellInfo ProbablyEngine.current_spell = false ProbablyEngine.cycleTime = ProbablyEngine.cycleTime or 50 MountedCheck = true VehicledCheck = true function MountCheck() if MountedCheck == true and IsMounted() == false then return false elseif MountedCheck == false then return false end end function VehicleCheck() if UnitInVehicle("player") == true and UnitInVehicle("player") == false then return false elseif VehicledCheck == false then return false end end function setMountedCheck() if MountedCheck == true then MountedCheck = false print("--------- MOUNT CHECK DISABLED -----") else MountedCheck = true print("--------- MOUNT CHECK ENABLED -----") end end function setVehicledCheck() if VehicledCheck == true then VehicledCheck = false print("--------- VEHICLE CHECK DISABLED -----") else VehicledCheck = true print("--------- VEHICLE CHECK ENABLED -----") end end -- faceroll ProbablyEngine.faceroll.faceroll = function() if ProbablyEngine.faceroll.rolling then local spell, target if ProbablyEngine.module.player.combat then spell, target = ProbablyEngine.parser.table(ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeRotation) elseif not ProbablyEngine.module.player.combat then spell, target = ProbablyEngine.parser.table(ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeOOCRotation, 'player') end if spell then local spellIndex, spellBook = GetSpellBookIndex(spell) local spellID, name, icon if spellBook ~= nil then _, spellID = GetSpellBookItemInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) else spellID = spellIndex name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellID) end if UnitExists(target) or target == 'ground' or string.sub(target, -7) == ".ground" then ProbablyEngine.buttons.icon('MasterToggle', icon) ProbablyEngine.current_spell = name else ProbablyEngine.current_spell = false end else ProbablyEngine.current_spell = false end end end ProbablyEngine.timer.register("faceroll", function() ProbablyEngine.faceroll.faceroll() end, 50) ProbablyEngine.cycle = function(skip_verify) local turbo = ProbablyEngine.config.read('pe_turbo', false) local cycle = MountCheck() == false and VehicleCheck() == false and ProbablyEngine.module.player.combat and ProbablyEngine.config.read('button_states', 'MasterToggle', false) and ProbablyEngine.module.player.specID and (ProbablyEngine.protected.unlocked or IsMacClient()) if cycle or skip_verify then local spell, target = false local queue = ProbablyEngine.module.queue.spellQueue if queue ~= nil and ProbablyEngine.parser.can_cast(queue) then spell = queue target = 'target' ProbablyEngine.module.queue.spellQueue = nil elseif ProbablyEngine.parser.lastCast == queue then ProbablyEngine.module.queue.spellQueue = nil else spell, target = ProbablyEngine.parser.table(ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeRotation) end if not spell then spell, target = ProbablyEngine.parser.table(ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeRotation) end if spell then local spellIndex, spellBook = GetSpellBookIndex(spell) local spellID, name, icon if spellBook ~= nil then _, spellID = GetSpellBookItemInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) else spellID = spellIndex name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellID) end ProbablyEngine.buttons.icon('MasterToggle', icon) ProbablyEngine.current_spell = name if target == "ground" then CastGround(name, 'target') elseif string.sub(target, -7) == ".ground" then target = string.sub(target, 0, -8) CastGround(name, target) else if spellID == 110309 then Macro("/target " .. target) target = "target" end -- some spells just won't cast normally, so we use macros if spellID == 139139 then -- Insanity for spriests Macro('/cast ' .. GetSpellName(15407)) else Cast(name, target or "target") end if spellID == 110309 then Macro("/targetlasttarget") end if icon then ProbablyEngine.actionLog.insert('Spell Cast', name, icon, target or "target") end end if target ~= "ground" and UnitExists(target or 'target') then ProbablyEngine.debug.print("Casting |T"..icon..":10:10|t ".. name .. " on ( " .. UnitName(target or 'target') .. " )", 'spell_cast') else ProbablyEngine.debug.print("Casting |T"..icon..":10:10|t ".. name .. " on the ground!", 'spell_cast') end end end end ProbablyEngine.timer.register("rotation", function() ProbablyEngine.cycle() end, ProbablyEngine.cycleTime) ProbablyEngine.ooc_cycle = function() local cycle = MountCheck() == false and VehicleCheck() == false and not ProbablyEngine.module.player.combat and ProbablyEngine.config.read('button_states', 'MasterToggle', false) and ProbablyEngine.module.player.specID ~= 0 and ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeOOCRotation ~= false and (ProbablyEngine.protected.unlocked or IsMacClient()) if cycle then local spell, target = '' spell, target = ProbablyEngine.parser.table(ProbablyEngine.rotation.activeOOCRotation, 'player') if target == nil then target = 'player' end if spell then local spellIndex, spellBook = GetSpellBookIndex(spell) local spellID, name, icon if spellBook ~= nil then _, spellID = GetSpellBookItemInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellIndex, spellBook) else spellID = spellIndex name, _, icon, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetSpellInfo(spellID) end ProbablyEngine.buttons.icon('MasterToggle', icon) ProbablyEngine.current_spell = name if target == "ground" then CastGround(name, 'target') elseif string.sub(target, -7) == ".ground" then target = string.sub(target, 0, -8) CastGround(name, target) else if spellID == 110309 then Macro("/target " .. target) target = "target" end Cast(name, target) if spellID == 110309 then Macro("/targetlasttarget") end if icon then ProbablyEngine.actionLog.insert('Spell Cast', name, icon, target) end end if target ~= "ground" and UnitExists(target or 'target') then ProbablyEngine.debug.print("Casting |T"..icon..":10:10|t ".. name .. " on ( " .. UnitName(target or 'target') .. " )", 'spell_cast') else ProbablyEngine.debug.print("Casting |T"..icon..":10:10|t ".. name .. " on the ground!", 'spell_cast') end --soon... soon --Purrmetheus.api:UpdateIntent("default", ProbablyEngine.ooc_cycle, name, nil, target or "target") end end end ProbablyEngine.timer.register("oocrotation", function() ProbablyEngine.ooc_cycle() end, ProbablyEngine.cycleTime) ProbablyEngine.timer.register("detectUnlock", function() if ProbablyEngine.config.read('button_states', 'MasterToggle', false) then ProbablyEngine.protected.FireHack() ProbablyEngine.protected.OffSpring() ProbablyEngine.protected.Generic() end end, 1000)