var layer_counter = 0; var layer_id = 0; var cnt = 0; var selected = 0; var layer_group_selected = 0; var z_index = 1; var layer_selected = 0; var group_selected = new Array(); var test = 0; var tabs = false; var gcdf = { id: null, version: 0.2, name: null, resources: [], toString: function(){ return "Id: "", "+ "Name: "", "+ "Version: "+this.version+", "+ "Resources: "+this.resources.length+" Nodes"; } } var dump; $R = $('div.resources'); $this = { // for use for global scope; file_name : false, files : null }; $($(this)).click(function(argument) { $(this).on('hover',function(){ $(this).click(); $("#delete") }) }); //----------------------------- New ------------------- var selected_layer = ""; var selected_folder = ""; var game; var backStack = []; function Sprite(data){ for (var key in data) this[key] = data[key]; } var fileCache = []; var modified = false; function getModified(){ return modified; } $(document).ready(function () { ///$.ajaxSetup({cache: false}); $("#sidebar #sortable").sortable({ forceHelperSize: true, forcePlaceholderSize: true, revert: true, revert: 150, placeholder: "highlight panel", axis: "y", tolerance: "pointer", cancel: ".content" }).disableSelection(); // $("#sidebar #sortable .panel").resizable({ // cancel: ".content", // handles: "s" // }); // // TODO: layer group sortable revert glich. // $("#layer_groups").sortable({ // forceHelperSize: true, // forcePlaceholderSize: true, // revert: true, // revert: 150, // placeholder: "highlight", // axis: "y", // tolerance: "pointer", // }).disableSelection(); // Make the layers draggable / resizable only once $("#main #canvas").on("mouseover", ".layer:not(.ui-resizable)", function(event){ $(this).draggable({ snap: ".layer", stop: function( event, ui ){ var id = $(this).attr("data-id"); gcdf.resources.getById(id).setCoordinates( $(this).position().left, $(this).position().top ); modified = true; } }).resizable({ snap: ".layer", handles: "all", zIndex: 0, stop: function( event, ui ){ var id = $(this).attr("data-id"); console.log(id); gcdf.resources.getById(id).setDimensions( $(this).width(), $(this).height() ); modified = true; } }); }).on("click", '.layer', function(){ //layer_selected = $(this); //Asume that something has a selected layer. //$('.selected').removeClass('.selected'); //$('.inner_layer', this).get(0).addClass('.selected'); }); // Make the (LIVE) layers draggable only once $("#live_resources").on("mouseover", '.draggable', function(event){ $(this).draggable({ cancel: "div.placeholder, input, button", containment: "document", scroll: false }); }); x = 0; //$('#menubar li a').each(function(){ //console.log($(this).html()); //}); var tabCounter = 2; /*$('#container_id').fileTree({ root: '../ckge/', script: './filetree/jqueryFileTree.php', expandSpeed: 300, collapseSpeed: 300, multiFolder: true }, function(file) { efile = file.split("/"); efile = efile[efile.length-1]; console.log('ckge/'+file); var tabTitle = efile+' '+$R.find('.close-tab').outerHTML(), tabContent = $R.find('.tabftmp').attr('src','textedit/editor.php?file=ckge/'+file).addClass("tabs-" + tabCounter).outerHTML(), //', tabTemplate = $R.find('.tabtemp').clone(); var id = "tabs-" + tabCounter, li = $(tabTemplate); $(tabTemplate).find('a').attr('href','#'+id).append(tabTitle); //$(li).hide(); tabs.find( ".ui-tabs-nav" ).append(li); tabs.append('
' +tabContent+ '
'); tabs.tabs("refresh"); $(".ui-tabs-nav li #ui-id-"+tabCounter).trigger('click'); tabCounter++; }); $('.close-tab').on('click',function(){ var panelId = $( this ).closest( "li" ).fadeOut('fast',function(){$(this).remove()}).attr("aria-controls"); $( "#" + panelId ).fadeOut('fast', function(){ $(this).remove(); tabs.tabs("refresh"); }); });*/ /*$('.layers').css({ss 'top': top, 'left': left = $(document).width() - $('.layers').width() - 25, }); $('.materials').css({ 'top': top + 30 + $('.layers').height(), 'left': left, });*/ //$(".materials_browser").resizable({ minHeight: 132, minWidth: 126 }) $(".draggable").draggable({ cancel: "div#scrolling, .content", containment: "document" }); $('.resizable').resizable({ handles: "all", zIndex: 0, containment: "document" }); // $("#game_preview, #code_editor").draggable({ // start: function(event, ui) { $('.iframe_fix').css('display','block'); }, // stop: function(event, ui) { $('.iframe_fix').css('display','none'); } // }); $("#code_editor").resizable({ resize: function(event, ui) { editor.resize(); } }); $("#sidebar #layers").on("click", ".layer", function(e){ $(".layer.selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass('selected'); var classes = $(this).attr("class"); classes = classes.split(" "); selected_layer = "."+classes[1]; e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#sidebar #layers").on("click", ".folder", function(e){ $(".folder.selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass('selected'); var classes = $(this).attr("class"); classes = classes.split(" "); selected_folder = "."+classes[1]; e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#tabs").tabs(); $(document).on('dragstart', "img", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); }); $(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){ return 'Changes have not been saved!'; }); // $(".draglayer").draggable(); // tabs = $("#tabs").tabs(); }); // Document ready // Main Meniu var new_game_submit = false; $("#new_game form").on("submit",function(e){ if( new_game_submit == false ){ new_game_submit = true; var name = $(this).find("input[name=name]").val(); parent = $(this).find("button") parent.addClass("loading"); createFolder(name,,function(result){ $("#new_game").fadeOut("fast",function(){ $('.fader').fadeOut("fast"); $("#new_game input[name=name]").val(""); if(obj.children == undefined ) obj.children = []; obj.children.unshift(result); getGames(obj); new_game_submit = false; parent.removeClass("loading"); }); }); } e.preventDefault(); }); // Creating a new Game $("#main").on("click", function(e){ selected_folder = ""; $(".folder.selected").removeClass("selected"); }); $("#main #canvas").on("dblclick", ".layer", function(e){ $(this).addClass("selected"); e.stopPropagation(); }); $('.new_folder').click(function(){ dialog("Create new folder","Enter your folder name","_input", { 'OK' : function(){ var reply = $('.dialog_input').val(); if( reply != null && reply != "" ){ var name = "fn_"+reply.split(' ').join('_'); var parent = ""; if(selected_folder != "" ){ parent = selected_folder+" .content"; } $R.find(".folder").clone() .addClass(name).find("h3").html(reply).end() .appendTo("#layer_groups "+parent); $R.find(".folder_group").clone() .addClass(name).appendTo('#canvas '+selected_folder); } } }); }); // Create a new folder group $('.new_layer').click(function(){ dialog("Create new layer","Enter your layer name","_input", { 'OK' : function(){ var reply = $('.dialog_input').val(); if( reply != null && reply != "" ){ var name = "ln_"+reply.split(' ').join('_'); var parent = ""; if(selected_folder != "" ){ parent = selected_folder+" .content"; } $R.find(".layer").clone() .addClass(name).html(reply) .appendTo("#layer_groups "+parent); $R.find(".layers_group").clone() .addClass(name).appendTo('#canvas '+selected_folder); } } }); }); // Create a new layer group $('#layer_groups').on('div','click', function(event){ // Reset to make sure that not two are selected //$('.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); console.log(this); }); $('#filebrowser').on('click','li.folder',function(e){ var index = $(this).attr('index'); var html = ""; if( $(this).hasClass('back') ) { // Set the to the old list. game = backStack.pop(); $this.files = game; if(backStack.length != 0){ html = "
  • back
  • "; } } else { // Store current level for return; backStack.push(game); // Move the level up one; game = game[index]; $this.files = game; // Add a default back button html = "
  • back
  • "; } html = html + inside(game.children); $('#filebrowser').html(html); e.stopPropagation(); }); // When you click on folder. /* Fade in any window with correct class "open" (optional) provide "fade" to have fader Eg: class="open test_window fader" */ $(",").on("click", function() { var name = $(this).attr('class'); name = name.split(' '); $('#'+name[1]).center().css('z-index',z_index++).fadeIn('fast'); if( name[2] == "fade" ){ $('.fader.panels').css('z-index',z_index-2).fadeIn('fast'); } }); $('.list_of_games').on("click",".game",function(){ $('.selected').removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); }); $('.list_of_games').on("dblclick",".game",function(){ var index = $(this).attr('id'); game = obj.children[index]; if(game.children === undefined) game.children = []; $('#filebrowser').append(inside(game.children)); getImages(game.children); getScripts(game.children); //alert(1); $('#intro').fadeOut('fast'); $('#body_container').fadeIn('fast'); //$('.selected').removeClass("selected"); //alert($(this).html()); }); // Show main panel of double click of game. $("#canvas").on('mousemove', function(e){ if (e.ctrlKey){ var img = $(this).find('.loltest') if( img.length == 0 ){ $('#material_placeholder img').clone() .addClass("loltest") .hide() .fadeIn("fast") .appendTo($(this)); } else { if( img[0].src != $('#material_placeholder img')[0].src){ img[0].src = $('#material_placeholder img')[0].src } var offset = $(this).offset(); img.css({ position : "absolute", display : "block", left: (e.pageX-offset.left)-img.width()/2, top: (, opacity: 0.4 }) } } else { $(".loltest").fadeOut("fast"); } }); // Show a placeholder next to the mouse $(document).on('click', '.layer', function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); $(document).on('dblclick', '#canvas', function(e){ // if(selected_layer != ""){ //must have layer selected // var material = $('#material_placeholder img'); // var image_src = material.attr('src'); // $('.resources .layer').clone(true,true).addClass((layer_id++).toString()).css({ // 'background-image': 'url('+image_src+')', // 'background-repeat': 'repeat', // 'width': material.width(), // 'height': material.height(), // 'left': $('#canvas').scrollLeft() + e.offsetX - (material.width()/2), // 'top': $('#canvas').scrollTop() + e.offsetY - (material.height()/2) // }).appendTo('#canvas '+selected_folder+" "+selected_layer); // } else dialog("Error","You must have a layer selected materials/entities.","_prompt"); var material = $('#material_placeholder img'); var image_src = material.attr('src'); if(image_src == "") return false; // No image provided; var spr = new Sprite({ id: layer_id, link: material.attr("data-img-id"), x: $('#canvas').scrollLeft() + e.offsetX - (material.width()/2), y: $('#canvas').scrollTop() + e.offsetY - (material.height()/2), width: material.attr("data-real-width"), height: material.attr("data-real-height") }); $('.resources .layer').clone(true,true) .attr('data-id',"") .attr('data-img-id', .css({ 'background': 'url('+image_src+') repeat', 'width': spr.width, 'height': spr.height, 'left': spr.x, 'top': spr.y }) .appendTo('#canvas'); gcdf.resources.push(spr); layer_id++; modified = true; e.stopPropagation(); }); // Create a layer from a double click action 2.0 $('#code_sidebar').on('click','li.default',function(){ $(".selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); var id = $(this).attr("data-id") var parent = $(this); var data = fileCache.getById(id); if( data !== undefined ) return editor.setValue(data["data"]); $(this).addClass("loading"); $.ajax({ url: "/static/javascript/core.js", dataType:"text"}) .done(function(data){ fileCache.push({"id":id,"data":data}); parent.removeClass("loading"); editor.setValue(data); }); }); $('#code_sidebar').on('click','li:not(.default, .selected, .loading)',function(){ var pre_id = $(".selected").attr("data-id"); fileCache.getById(id).data = editor.getValue(); $(".selected").removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); var id = $(this).attr("data-id") var file = game.children.getById(id); var parent = $(this); var data = fileCache.getById(id); if( data !== undefined ){ if( parent.hasClass('unsaved') ){ editor.setValue(data["data"]); } else { editor.setValue(data["data"]); parent.removeClass("unsaved"); } return; } $(this).addClass("loading"); downloadFile(file,function(data){ fileCache.push({"id":id,"data":data}); //load_entities(); editor.setValue(data); parent.removeClass("unsaved"); parent.removeClass("loading"); }); }) $('.new_entity').on('click',function(){ if($(this).hasClass("loading") == false){ var parent = $(this).addClass('loading'); var name = $('#enitity_name').val(); var type = $('#enitity_type').val(); var clas = $('#enitity_class').val(); var output = "var "+name+" "; switch(type){ case 'instance': output+="= new "+clas+"();\n "; break; case 'prototype': output+="= function(){\n // Constructor\n }\n\n " +name+".prototype = new "+clas+"();\n "; break; } createFile(name+".js",output,,function(result){ parent.removeClass('loading'); game.children.unshift(result); var script = getScript(result); script.trigger('click'); $(".code_editor").trigger('click'); $(this).addClass('loading'); }); } }); $('#code_sidebar').on('click','.delete',function(e){ var file = $(this).parent(); var id = file.attr("data-id"); dialog("Delete","Are you sure you want to delete?","_confirm",{ 'Yes' : function(){ file.addClass("loading"); deleteFile(id,function(reply){ file.removeClass("loading"); file.slideUp("fast",function(){$(this).remove()}); fileCache.removeById(id); return true; }); return false; } }); e.stopPropagation(); }); $("#enitity_classname").on("change",function(e){ var entity = Entities.getByName($(this).val()); var spr = new Sprite({ id: layer_id, link:, x: $('#canvas').scrollLeft() + ($('#canvas').width()/2), y: $('#canvas').scrollTop() + ($('#canvas').height()/2), width: entity.width, height: entity.height }); $('.resources .layer').clone(true,true) .attr('data-id',"") .attr('data-link', .css({ 'background-color': 'red', 'width': spr.width, 'height': spr.height, 'left': spr.x, 'top': spr.y }) .appendTo('#canvas'); gcdf.resources.push(spr); layer_id++; e.stopPropagation(); }); function fun(){ return "i just opened you..."; } // Open/Close the folder $('#layers').on('dblclick', '.header', function(event){ //console.log( $(this).parentsUntil('.folder').html() ); $(this).closest('.folder').children('.content').slideToggle('fast'); $(this).children('.foldersizing').toggle(); }); $('.dropdown_logo').click(function(){ if( $('.logo_menu_list').css('display') != "none" ){ $('.logo_menu_list').slideUp('fast'); $(this).attr('src','images/dropdown.gif'); } else { $('.logo_menu_list').slideDown('fast'); $(this).attr('src','images/dropup.gif'); } }); // Drop down of the logos box //////// DEFO NEED //////////////////////// $('div.titlebar').on('click', ".close", function(){ var $panel = $(this).parent().parent(); $panel.fadeOut('fast'); $('.fader').fadeOut('fast'); // fades out the bg /*if( $obj.hasClass('permanent') ) { $obj.remove(); }*/ //var link = $(this).parent().parent().attr('class'); // link = link.split(" "); //$('.'+link).fadeOut('fast'); // fades out the box //$('#fader').fadeOut('fast'); // fades out the bg //if(link) //$(".menu [link='"+link+"']").removeClass('visable'); }); // Close any specific open dragable box v2.0 $('.titlebar .sizing').on('click',function(){ $(this).parent().parent().find('.content').slideToggle('fast'); $(this).parent().find('.sizing').toggle(); }); // Minimize/Maximise a window v2.0 $('.panel.draggable').mousedown(function(){ $(this).css('z-index',z_index); z_index++; //update it by 1; return true; }); // Update the z-index of a dragable box v3.0 $('.hide_all').click(function(){ if( !$(this).hasClass('visable') ){ $('.window li a').each(function(index, element) { var link = $(element).attr('link'); $('.'+link).fadeOut('fast'); $('.window [link="'+link+'"]').removeClass('visable'); }); } }); // Hide all windows on screen $(".material_browser").on('click',function(){ $('.materials_browser').center().fadeIn('fast'); }); // Show the materials window in center on button click v2.0 $('#canvas').on("click", '.remove_layer', function(e){ var id = $(this).parent().attr('data-id'); $(this).parent().fadeOut('fast',function(){ $(this).remove(); }); gcdf.resources.removeById(id); modified = false; e.stopPropagation(); }); // Remove a specific layer from a group V2.0 $("select#layer_groups").change(function (){ group_selected = []; // Empty out an array *fixes mutly select bug* $("select#layer_groups option:selected").each(function(index,value){ group_selected[index] = $(value); }); }); // Select the correct layer group(s) $('#resources').on('click','img',function(){ var image_src = $(this).attr('src'); var link = $(this).attr('data-img-id'); var width = $(this).attr('data-real-width'); var height = $(this).attr('data-real-height'); $('#material_placeholder img') .attr('src',image_src) .attr('title',image_src) .attr('data-img-id',link) .attr('data-real-height',height) .attr('data-real-width',width); }); // Insert a layer into a materials dialog $('.material_add').click(function(){ var material = $('.material_img'); var image_src = material.attr('src'); $( group_selected ).each(function(index,value){ $('.resources .layer').clone(true,true).addClass((layer_id++).toString()).css({ 'background-image': 'url('+image_src+')', 'background-repeat': 'repeat', 'width': material.width(), 'height': material.height() }).appendTo('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html()); }); }); // Create a layer in main screen from material $('.hide_layer_group').click(function(){ $( group_selected ).each(function(index,value){ $('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).hide('slow'); }); }); // Hide one or more layer groups $('.show_layer_group').click(function(){ // hide the perent layer $( group_selected ).each(function(index,value){ $('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).show('slow'); }); }); // Show one ore more layer groups $(".del_layer_group").click(function(){ $( group_selected ).each(function(index,value){ var number_of_children = $('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html() + ' div').length; if( number_of_children > 0 ){ // If one or more exist then promt user if(confirm( $(value).html()+" layer has "+number_of_children+" children layer(s). Are you sure you wan't to delete it?")){ $('select .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).remove(); $('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).remove(); $(".aplha").val(''); // Update the alpha; } } else { // no layers whiing a group, just delete it. $('select .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).remove(); $('#canvas .layers_group.' + $(value).html()).remove(); $(".aplha").val(''); // Update the alpha } }); }); // Delete one or more layer groups $("input.aplha").click(function() { if( group_selected.length > 0 ){ var opacity = $(this).val(); $( group_selected ).each(function(index,value){ console.log($(value).html()); $('#canvas .layers_group.'+ $(value).html()).css({ opacity: opacity/100 }); }); } }); // Change the alpha of the layer groups $('#save_as #scrolling table').on('click','tr',function(){ $('#save_as .input_file_name').val( $(this).find('.a').html() ); $('#save_as #scrolling table tr').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); // Replace the file name of save as dialog $('#open #scrolling table').on('click','tr',function(){ $('#open .input_file_name').val( $(this).find('.a').html() ); $('#open #scrolling table tr').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); }); // Replace the file name of open dialog /*$(".layer").live('dblclick',function(){ //do some when double clicked, var reply = prompt("width & height", parseInt($(this).css('width')) +"|"+ parseInt($(this).css('height')) ); var size = reply.split('|'); $(this).css('width' , size[0]); $(this).css('height', size[1]); $(this).css('overflow', 'hidden'); //alert(reply[0]+" - "+reply[1]); }); // Double click a layer*/ /*$(".layer").on("click", function(){ layer_selected = $(this); $("").val( "Top: "+parseInt($(this).css('top')) +", Left:"+parseInt($(this).css('left')) ); if( $(this).hasClass("collidable") ) { $(".layer_propertie.collidable").attr("checked","checked"); }else $(".layer_propertie.collidable").removeAttr("checked"); $(".layer_propertie.width").val( $(this).width() ); $(".layer_propertie.height").val( $(this).height() ); //alert(10); }); */ // Click on a layer*/ $('.tools img').click( function(){ $('.tools img').each(function(index, element) { $(element).removeClass('tool_selected'); }); $(this).addClass('tool_selected'); }); $('.btn_export_code').click(function(){ var output = $('div.export select').attr('value'); //raw | game switch(output){ case 'raw': $('div.export textarea').val( output_level_data() ); break; case 'raw_2' : $('div.export textarea').val( output_tidy_level_data() ); break; case 'raw_3' : $('div.export textarea').val( beautify_level_data($('div.export textarea').val()) ); break; case 'raw_4' : $('div.export textarea').val( uglify_level_data($('div.export textarea').val()) ); break; case 'game': $('div.export textarea').val( output_game_code() ); break; } if( $('div.export textarea').html() == "" ){ $('div.export textarea').html("Nothing was outputted"); } }); // Export Actual Code /*$('#canvas .droppable').droppable({drop: function( event, ui ) { var id = ui.draggable.attr('id'); var div = $('.update_container').clone(); div.find('.in_name').val( ui.draggable.find('div').html() ); div.find('.in_desc').val( ui.draggable.attr('description') ); div.attr('class', 'uc_1 hidden'); $(this).html( div ).attr('class','asd'); $('.uc_1').slideDown('fast'); } }); *///???????????????? $(".layer_propertie").click(function(){ if( $(".layer_propertie.collidable").attr('checked') ) { $(layer_selected).addClass("collidable"); } else $(layer_selected).removeClass("collidable"); }); // Layer Properties settings $('.menu_item').hover( function () { $(this).parent().find('>ul').fadeIn('fast'); } ); $('#menubar li') .mouseleave( function () { $(this).find('ul').fadeOut(0); } ) .click(function(){ $(this).find('ul').fadeOut(0); }); $(".setting").click(function(){ var setting = $(this).attr('name'); var boolean = ($(this).attr('checked'))? 1 : 0 ; var value = $(this).val(); switch(setting){ case 'disable': if(boolean) $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({ disabled: true }); else $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({ disabled: false }); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; case 'snap': if(boolean) $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({snap: true}); else $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({snap: false}); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; case 'grid': $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({grid: value}); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; case 'snapmode': $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({snapMode: value}); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; case 'snaptolerance': $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({snapTolerance: value}); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; case 'delay': $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({delay: value}); console.log(setting+" "+boolean+" "+value); break; } }); // Setting options varables function beautify_level_data(output) { data = output.split('|'); layers = data[0].split(','); resources = data[1].split(','); links = data[2].split(','); var test = ""; var length = layers.length; for ( var i=0; i  "+events[i].title+ ""; } return temp; } // var timeout; // var saving = false; // var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { // lineNumbers: true, // matchBrackets: true, // onChange: function(cm){ // if(saving) return true; // $('#modified').fadeIn('slow'); // clearTimeout(timeout); // timeout = setTimeout(function(){ // saving = true; // $('#modified').fadeOut('fast', function(){ // $.ajax({ // type: "POST", // url: "./../save_edited_file.php", // data: { file:"" ,data: cm.getValue() } // }).done(function(html) { // console.log(html); // $('#saved').fadeIn('slow').delay(300).fadeOut('fast', function(){saving = false}); // }); // }); // }, 2000); // } // }); (function ($) { $.fn.getimage = function () { image = $(this).css('background-image'); image = image.split('/'); return image[image.length-1].slice(0, -1) }; }(jQuery)); Array.prototype.getById = function(id) { for(i in this) if ( this[i].id == id ) return this[i]; } Array.prototype.updateById = function(id,data) { for(i in this) if ( this[i].id == id ) return this[i]=data; } Array.prototype.getByName = function(name) { for(i in this) if ( this[i].name == name ) return this[i]; } Array.prototype.removeById = function(id) { for(i in this) if ( this[i].id == id ) return this.splice(i,1); } Sprite.prototype.setCoordinates = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } Sprite.prototype.setDimensions = function(width, height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; } $('#dropfile').on('dragleave',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $("#dropfile").fadeOut("fast"); //console.log("dragenter"); }); $('div#dropfile').on('dragover',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $('div#dropfile').on('dragenter',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on('dragover','#body_container',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $("#dropfile").fadeIn("fast"); //console.log("dragenter"); }); $(document).on('dragover','#body_container',function(e) {e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();}); $('div#dropfile').on('drop',function(e){ $("#dropfile").fadeOut("fast"); if(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer){ if(e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var files = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; var total = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files.length; var index = 0; // Store the index var store = function() { var info = $('#n_info') .find("b").html(index+1+"/"+total).end() .find("p").html(files[index].name).end(); if (typeof FileReader !== "undefined" && (/image/i).test(files[index].type)) { var img = info.find("img.inf_prev")[0]; reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = (function (theImg) { return function (evt) { theImg.src =; }; }(img)); reader.readAsDataURL(files[index]); } else { info.find("img.inf_prev")[0].src = ""; } info.fadeIn("fast"); insertFile(files[index],,function(result){ console.log(result); game.children.unshift(result); getImage(result); index++; if(files[index]) store(); else info.fadeOut("fast"); }); }; store(); // insertFile(files[0],function(result){ // console.log(result); // }); // var reader = new FileReader(); // reader.readAsDataURL(files[0]); //console.log(reader); } } }); function load_entities(){ for(key in fileCache){ eval(fileCache[key].data); } var ent_len = (Entities.length); $("#enitity_classname").html(""); for(i=0; ij*2)return;break;case"n":case"s":if(t>j*2)return}}else if(k=="inner"){switch(i){case"w":case"e":if(h").append(this.eq(0).clone()).html(); }; $('.live_draggable').liveDraggable({ snap: ".live_draggable", zIndex: 1}); //$('.draggable').dr $('.live_resizable').liveResizable({ snap: true, zIndex: 1, start: function(event, ui) { console.log(event,ui); }, handles: "all" });*/