hi there potential admin of serendipity! head admin seulgi speaking here to inform you of some things before you apply to become an admin of this beautiful family. just know that i have certain expectations for my admins, but please don't be intimidated by that fact. if you're going to apply to be an admin, the moment you send that form, you are creating a commitment. you are making a promise. you are then committing yourself to help make serendipity the best it can be. but i'm not saying you have to be that "perfect" admin, no, not at all. i myself am very very far from a perfect admin. but what matters is how much effort and hard work you put into this. it'll be okay to make mistakes, because i make mistakes too. everyone does. i hope you aren't too intimidated and/or feel too uneasy after reading this, i'd just like for you to get an idea of how much your hard work and commitment means to me, how it'll mean to everyone. good luck and hopefully i'll see you soon! xoxo, kang seulgi of serendipity.