local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):NewLocale("SquawkAndAwe", "enUS", true); if not L then return end L["About"] = true L["Version"] = true L["Cooldown"] = true -- Options menu L["Reset Bars"] = true L["Version"] = true L["Move Frames"] = true -- Help Options L["help_reset"] = "Resets bars frame to default values." L["help_version"] = "Show version information" L["help_display"] = "Hide or unhide the bar frames to reposition them. When displayed, left click to drag the bars." L["help"] = "All options can be configured more easily using the Blizzard options menu. Press ESC and select addons then click on SquawkAndAwe to configure." -- All L["All Bars"] = true L["Bar Width"] = true L["Bar Height"] = true L["Bar Scale"] = true L["Maximum Bar Time"] = true L["Cooldown Bar Color"] = true L["Icons"] = true -- Media L["Media"] = true L["Bar Texture"] = true L["Border Texture"] = true L["Bar Border Texture"] = true L["Text Display"] = true L["Show"] = true L["Show Cooldown"] = true L["Color"] = true -- Help All L["help_width"] = "The width of the status bars, in pixels." L["help_height"] = "The height of the status bars, in pixels." L["help_scale"] = "Use this to scale bars frame. Valid scale multiplier values are 0.25 to 3" L["help_maxlen"] = "Maximum length of the bars, in seconds. Any timers over this value will hold as a full bar." L["help_cdcolor"] = "Color of the bars for all cooldowns (unless the associated ability has no duration)." L["help_icons"] = "Turn on or off spell icons" L["help_textonbars"] = "turn on or off text displays on bars" -- Text Opts L["Text Options"] = true L["Bar Text Font"] = true L["Bar Text Size"] = true L["Spell Names"] = true L["Durations"] = true -- Help Text Options L["help_spellnames"] = "Show spell names in text display" L["help_durations"] = "Show remaining duration of effect in text display" -- Trinkets L["Trinkets"] = true L["Trinket Bars"] = true L["Merge Trinkets"] = true L["Trinket Cooldowns"] = true -- Help Trinkets L["help_trinketshow"] = "Turn on or off the bars for Trinket buffs." L["help_mergetrinkets"] = "When checked, forces all trinkets to show on a sinlge bar." L["help_trinketcd"] = "When Trinkets are merged, the bar shows cooldowns instead of durations. When unmerged, displays trinket cooldowns as well as durations." -- Procs L["Procs"] = true L["Flash"] = true -- Eclipse L["Lunar Eclipse Color"] = true L["Solar Eclipse Color"] = true L["Eclipse Type Text"] = true -- Help Eclipse L["help_showEclipse"] = "Turn on or off the Eclipse Proc bar." L["help_eclipseCD"] = "Turn on or off the Eclipse Cooldown bar." L["help_sfcolor"] = "Color of the Lunar (Starfire) Eclipse Proc bar." L["help_wcolor"] = "Color of the Solar (Wrath) Eclipse Proc." L["help_eclipseflash"] = "When checked, the Eclipse Proc statusbar will flash." L["help_eclipsetype"] = "Show type of Eclipse proc in text display" -- Omen L["Omen of Clarity"] = true -- Help Omen L["help_omenshow"] = "Turn on or off the Omen of Clarity bar." L["help_omencolor"] = "Color of the Omen of Clarity bar." L["help_omenflash"] = "When checked, the Omen of Clarity statusbar will flash." -- T102P L["Omen of Doom"] = true -- Help T102P L["help_t102pshow"] = "Turn on or off the Omen of Doom (T102P) bar." L["help_t102pcolor"] = "Color of the Omen of Doom bar." L["help_t102pflash"] = "When checked, the Omen of Doom statusbar will flash." -- T84P L["Tier 8 4-Piece Bonus"] = true -- Help T84P L["help_t84pshow"] = "Turn on or off the Elune's Wrath bar." L["help_t84pcolor"] = "Color of the Elune's Wrath bar." L["help_t84pflash"] = "When checked, the Elune's Wrath statusbar will flash." -- PvP L["PvP Set Bonus"] = true -- Help T84P L["help_pvpshow"] = "Turn on or off the Wrath of Elune bar." L["help_pvpcolor"] = "Color of the Wrath of Elune bar." L["help_pvpflash"] = "When checked, the Wrath of Elune statusbar will flash." -- Debuffs L["Debuffs"] = true L["Merge Debuffs"] = true L["Tick"] = true -- Help Debuffs L["help_mergedebuffs"] = "When checked, forces all debuffs to share a single bar." -- Moonfire L["SF Combo"] = "Starfire Combo Points" -- Help Moonfire L["help_mfshow"] = "Turn on or off the Moonfire bar." L["help_mfcolor"] = "Color of the Moonfire bar." L["help_mftick"] = "Turn on or off the Moonfire tick bar." L["help_sfcombo"] = "Show number of times Starfire has extended Moonfire" -- Help Insect L["help_isshow"] = "Turn on or off the Insect Swarm bar." L["help_iscolor"] = "Color of the Insect Swarm bar." L["help_istick"] = "Turn on or off the Insect Swarm tick bar." -- Help Faerie L["help_ffshow"] = "Turn on or off the Faerie Fire bar." L["help_ffcolor"] = "Color of the Faerie Fire bar." -- CC L["Crowd Control"] = true L["Merge CC"] = true -- Help CC L["help_mergecc"] = "When checked, forces all cc to share a single bar." -- Help Roots L["help_rootsshow"] = "Turn on or off the Entangling Roots bar." L["help_rootscolor"] = "Color of the Entangling Roots bar." -- Help Hibernate L["help_hibernateshow"] = "Turn on or off the Hibernate bar." L["help_hibernatecolor"] = "Color of the Hibernate bar." -- Help Cyclone L["help_cycloneshow"] = "Turn on or off the Cyclone bar." L["help_cyclonecolor"] = "Color of the Cyclone bar." -- Abilities L["Abilities"] = true L["Merge Abilities"] = true L["Duration"] = true -- Help Abilities L["help_mergeabilities"] = "When checked, forces all abilities to share a single bar." -- Help Starfall L["help_fallshow"] = "Turn on or off the Starfall bar." L["help_fallcolor"] = "Color of the Starfall bar." L["help_falldur"] = "Turn on or off display of Starfall duration." -- Help Typhoon L["help_typhoonshow"] = "Turn on or off the Typhoon bar." L["help_typhooncolor"] = "Color of the Typhoon bar." -- Help Force L["help_forceshow"] = "Turn on or off the Force of Nature bar." L["help_forcecolor"] = "Color of the Foirce of Nature bar." L["help_forcedur"] = "Turn on or off display of Force of Nature duration." -- Help Innervate L["help_innervshow"] = "Turn on or off the Innervate bar." L["help_innervcolor"] = "Color of the Innervate bar." L["help_innervdur"] = "Turn on or off display of Innervate duration." -- Help Starfall L["help_barkshow"] = "Turn on or off the Barkskin bar." L["help_barkcolor"] = "Color of the Barkskin bar." L["help_barkdur"] = "Turn on or off display of Barkskin duration." -- GCD L["GCD"] = "Global Cooldown" L["help_gcd"] = "Turn on or off the Global Cooldown bar." L["help_gcdcolor"] = "Color of the GCD bar."