# Maintainer: Doug Elkin pkgname=et-sdl-sound-260b-hardcode pkgver=20130209 pkgrel=1 pkgdesc="Replacement for standard OSS sound system of Enemy Territory. Rather than fixing the underlying problems with the et-sdl-sound package, this is hard-coded to get sound working on Enemy Territory 2.60b on x86_64 systems." arch=('x86_64') url="http://nullkey.kapsi.fi/et-sdl-sound/" license=('GPL') depends=('enemy-territory' 'lib32-sdl' 'lib32-alsa-lib') optdepends=('lib32-pulseaudio: for pulseaudio support' 'lib32-libpulse: for pulseaudio support' 'lib32-alsa-plugins') makedepends=('git' 'patch' 'gcc-multilib') _gitroot=git://github.com/nullkey/et-sdl-sound.git _gitname=et-sdl-sound source=("260b-hardcode.patch") md5sums=("3f1e928012d95d39eb116b1e5e74a977") build() { cd "$srcdir" msg "Connecting to GIT server..." if [[ -d "$_gitname" ]]; then rm -rf "$_gitname" fi git clone "$_gitroot" "$_gitname" msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout" msg "Patching files..." cp "$srcdir/260b-hardcode.patch" "$srcdir/et-sdl-sound/" cd "$srcdir/et-sdl-sound" patch < "260b-hardcode.patch" msg "Starting build..." make install -Dm 755 $srcdir/et-sdl-sound/et-sdl-sound $pkgdir/usr/bin/et-260b.sdl }