Been playing around as i always do :) been bugging me there arent any disasemplers that can view any code, only dissasemply. and some interesting stuff came up first you should build all the samples and projects in the sdk. you would need to do an batch build with both debug and release. after build you would have debug and an realese folder. now open up tuner software from the sdk. Choose open static analyze now if you open any elf from the build, and open them in the tuner it looks like this after using sample from libsecure release build. Aes.obj right click it, then it shows disasemply [img][/img] now this is okay since you can get some info in tuner what the functions are for. but now comes the neat part if you do the same with the debug buils Aes.obj right click it. shows all the source code insteed :D [code]/* SCE CONFIDENTIAL * Copyright (C) 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. * All Rights Reserved. */ /* * libsecure encryption/decryption sample file * * - libsecure - * * samples/ps3/cipher/source/aes.c * * Version Date Design Log * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * 2.00 Nov,19,2010 Emmanuel Poitier Naming changes * 1.00 Apr,04,2008 David Carter Initial version */ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Includes // --------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "libsecure.h" #include "main.h" /*E A symmetric key */ static unsigned char s_symmetricKeyArray[16]= { 0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99 }; static SceLibSecureSymmetricKey s_symmetricKey = { sizeof(s_symmetricKeyArray), (void*)(&s_symmetricKeyArray) }; /* The plaintext message */ static char s_message[] = "AES testing message."; // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------- SceLibSecureErrorType processAesEcbNoPadding() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E ECB encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_ECB, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E ECB encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_ECB, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_NORMAL, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E ECB encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_ECB, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_STEALING, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } SceLibSecureErrorType processAesEcbWithPadding() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E ECB encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptWithPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_ECB, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NIL, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E ECB encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptWithPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_ECB, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_RANDOM, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } SceLibSecureErrorType processAesCbcNoPadding() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_NORMAL, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_STEALING, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_BLKTERM, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } SceLibSecureErrorType processAesCbcWithPadding() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptWithPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NIL, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CBC encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptWithPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CBC, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_RANDOM, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } SceLibSecureErrorType processAesCtrNoPadding() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CTR encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CTR, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); /*E CTR encryption / decryption */ err = encryptDecryptNoPadding(SCE_LIBSECURE_CIPHER_AES, SCE_LIBSECURE_BLOCKCIPHERMODE_CTR, SCE_LIBSECURE_PADDING_NONE_NORMAL, &s_symmetricKey, s_message, 0); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; printf("--------------------------------------------------\n\n"); return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } SceLibSecureErrorType processAes() { SceLibSecureErrorType err; /*E ECB with no padding encryption / decryption */ err = processAesEcbNoPadding(); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; /*E CBC with no padding encryption / decryption */ err = processAesCbcNoPadding(); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; /*E CTR with no padding encryption / decryption */ err = processAesCtrNoPadding(); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; /*E ECB with padding encryption / decryption */ err = processAesEcbWithPadding(); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; /*E CBC with padding encryption / decryption */ err = processAesCbcWithPadding(); if (err != SCE_LIBSECURE_OK) return err; return SCE_LIBSECURE_OK; } [/code] this works on all the debug objects files in debug build. could be off use when looking at big builds and when building you own and one more thing the tuner can take alot off the extracted files that i posted, and show there build too. also some of the files if you used dev_blinds to copy intire dev flash/2/3 from ps3 some of the elf files there are debugs and the pic files are also shown and how there build there. And work also if you take all the *.a files extract them with 7zip you have alot off *.o files they work there also. so for exampel libguard.a extarcted there are alot of *.o inside just one in the tuner with sources [code]C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SDK\TARGET\SPU\INCLUDE\SPU_INTERNALS.H si_wrch(MFC_EAH,si_from_uint(eahi)); 00000324 40800026 il r038,0x0000 EVN C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_CRT_AUXILIARY.C 00000328 340004A3 lqd r035,0x0000(r009) ODD 0000032C 8482C2A7 selb r036,r005,r011,r039 EVN C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SDK\TARGET\SPU\INCLUDE\SPU_INTERNALS.H [...] { si_wrch(MFC_LSA,si_from_ptr(ls)); si_wrch(MFC_EAL,si_from_uint(ea)); si_wrch(MFC_Size,si_from_uint(size)); si_wrch(MFC_TagID,si_from_uint(tagid)); si_wrch(MFC_Cmd,si_from_uint(cmd)); } static __inline__ void spu_mfcdma64(volatile void *ls, unsigned int eahi, unsigned int ealow, unsigned int size, unsigned int tagid, unsigned int cmd) { si_wrch(MFC_LSA,si_from_ptr(ls)); 00000330 21A00802 wrch $MFC_LSA,r002 ODD si_wrch(MFC_EAH,si_from_uint(eahi)); 00000334 21A008A6 wrch $MFC_EAH,r038 si_wrch(MFC_Size,si_from_uint(size)); 00000338 04001225 lr r037,r036 C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_CRT_AUXILIARY.C 0000033C 08015205 sf r005,r036,r005 EVN C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SDK\TARGET\SPU\INCLUDE\SPU_INTERNALS.H si_wrch(MFC_EAL,si_from_uint(ealow)); 00000340 21A0090A wrch $MFC_EAL,r010 ODD C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_CRT_AUXILIARY.C 00000344 18090387 a r007,r007,r036 EVN C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SDK\TARGET\SPU\INCLUDE\SPU_INTERNALS.H si_wrch(MFC_Size,si_from_uint(size)); 00000348 21A009A5 wrch $MFC_Size,r037 ODD C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_CRT_AUXILIARY.C 0000034C 18090306 a r006,r006,r036 EVN 00000350 3B8251A2 rotqby r034,r035,r009 ODD C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SDK\TARGET\SPU\INCLUDE\SPU_INTERNALS.H si_wrch(MFC_TagID,si_from_uint(tagid)); 00000354 21A00A22 wrch $MFC_TagID,r034 03 (00000350) REG si_wrch(MFC_Cmd,si_from_uint(cmd)); 00000358 21A00A8F wrch $MFC_Cmd,r015 ODD [...] { si_wrch(MFC_LSA,si_from_ptr(ls)); si_wrch(MFC_EAL,si_from_uint(ea)); si_wrch(MFC_Size,si_from_uint(size)); si_wrch(MFC_TagID,si_from_uint(tagid)); si_wrch(MFC_Cmd,si_from_uint(cmd)); } static __inline__ void spu_mfcdma64(volatile void *ls, unsigned int eahi, unsigned int ealow, unsigned int size, unsigned int tagid, unsigned int cmd) { si_wrch(MFC_LSA,si_from_ptr(ls)); 0000035C 04000382 lr r002,r007 EVN si_wrch(MFC_EAL,si_from_uint(ealow)); 00000360 3FE0030A shlqbyi r010,r006,0x00 ODD C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_CRT_AUXILIARY.C 00000364 1C092889 ai r009,r081,0x0024 EVN 00000368 217FF685 brnz r005,0x0000031C ODD 0000036C 1C020408 ai r008,r008,0x0008 EVN 00000370 40800083 il r003,0x0001 00000374 34000429 lqd r041,0x0000(r008) 01 (0000036C) REG 00000378 3B821486 rotqby r006,r041,r008 05 (00000374) REG ODD 0000037C 7CFFC328 ceqi r040,r006,-0x0001 03 (00000378) REG EVN 00000380 207FEC28 brz r040,0x000002E0 01 (0000037C) REG ODD ?HINT 00000384 20000503 brz r003,0x000003AC ?HINT 00000388 1C0928AF ai r047,r081,0x0024 0000038C 408000AC il r044,0x0001 EVN 00000390 340017AE lqd r046,0x0000(r047) ODD 00000394 4080012A il r042,0x0002 EVN 00000398 3B8BD72D rotqby r045,r046,r047 04 (00000390) REG ODD 0000039C 0B6B562B shl r043,r044,r045 03 (00000398) REG EVN 000003A0 21A00B2B wrch $MFC_WrTagMask,r043 03 (0000039C) REG ODD 000003A4 21A00BAA wrch $MFC_WrTagUpdate,r042 000003A8 01A00C02 rdch r002,$MFC_RdTagStat ODD 000003AC 408000B2 il r050,0x0001 EVN 000003B0 34010731 lqd r049,0x0040(r014) ODD 000003B4 3EC100B3 cwd r051,0x04(r001) 000003B8 B60C5933 shufb r048,r050,r049,r051 04 (000003B0) REG ODD 000003BC 24010730 stqd r048,0x0040(r014) 03 (000003B8) REG 000003C0 1C0B2838 ai r056,r080,0x002C 000003C4 1C0E6837 ai r055,r080,0x0039 EVN 000003C8 34001C36 lqd r054,0x0000(r056) ODD 000003CC 3B8DDB35 rotqby r053,r054,r055 05 (000003C8) REG 000003D0 14009AB4 andi r052,r053,0x0002 03 (000003CC) REG 000003D4 200006B4 brz r052,0x00000408 02 (000003D0) REG ?HINT 000003D8 3400683F lqd r063,0x0010(r080) ODD C:\HOME\KANEE\SVNWORK\PS3-SVN\SVN\SYS\TRUNK\SPU_RUNTIME\IMPLEMENTATION\SRC\SPURS3\JM2\SPU\JOB_MEMORY_CHECK.H 000003DC 408000B9 il r057,0x0001 EVN 000003E0 33800041 lqr r065,0x000003E0 ODD[/code] and that aint in the wiki ;)