import requests import pprint # def getPin(client_id, client_secret): """build a URL for the user to navigate to and "Allow" the application""" resp = "pin" #can be any string at all state = "anything" url = r"{cid}&response_type={resp}&state={app_state}" print "browse to the following URL and grab the pin:" pin_url = url.format(cid=client_id,resp= resp, app_state=state) print pin_url return pin_url def exchangePinForTokens(client_id, client_secret, pin): """takes the client_id and client_secret from the registered application URL, along with the pin returned from `getPin()`, and return an access_token and a refresh_token""" #the query parameters you'll send along with the POST request params ={ "client_id" :client_id, "client_secret" : client_secret, "grant_type" : "pin", "pin": pin} url = r"" #make sure the data is sent with the POST request, along with disabling the # SSL verification, potential security warning r =, data = params, verify=False) j= r.json() print "The exchangePinForTokens API response:" pprint.pprint(j) #add the access_token to the headers as # Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN access_token= j['access_token'] refresh_token= j['refresh_token'] print "Access Token: {0}\nRefresh Token: {1}".format(access_token, refresh_token) return (access_token, refresh_token) def uploadImage(access_token, image_url): """uploads an image using it's URL, the access_token is required""" #need to include the authorization headers, # in order to make use of the access token headers = {"authorization":"Bearer {0}".format(access_token)} upload_url = r'' #this is the data we'll POST to the api's URL payload = {'image' : image_url, 'type':'url', 'title':"WORKS"} #make the upload, ensuring that the data, headers are included, and # make sure to disable the verification of the SSL. Potential insecurty though r =, data=payload, headers=headers, verify=False) #save the json response, print it to screen j = r.json() print "The UploadImage API response:" pprint.pprint(j) #print the img URL to verify that the image is still there uploaded_url = j['data']['link'] print "The uploaded image URL is: {0}".format(uploaded_url) #a popular Python idiom to make sure that the following code gets run when this # file is ran as __main__, rather than imported if __name__ == '__main__': """Run the following if module is top module""" #found here: client_id= r"client_id_from_addclient" client_secret= r"client_secret_from_addclient" image_url = r'' #URL needed to have the user visit and allow the application to use the pin getPin(client_id,client_secret) pin = raw_input("input PIN\n") access_token, refresh_token = exchangePinForTokens(client_id,client_secret,pin) uploadImage(access_token, image_url)