@LulzSec was here you sexy bastards! This isn't a 1337 h4x0r, we just want to embarrass Sony some more. Can this be hack number 8? 7 and a half?! Stupid Sony, so very stupid: SQLi #1: http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/bv/cro-magnons/track.php?item=7419 SQLi #2: http://www.sonymusic.co.jp/bv/kadomatsu/item.php?id=30&item=4490 (two other databases hosted on this boxxy box, go for them if you want) example of the tasty but not very exciting innards: table || columns tour_image || cuser ctime image_file image tour_id tour || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt disporder comment title artist_id tour_id stream_type || video_flg name stream_type_id stream || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt url song_id item_id stream_type_id title stream_id stage_area || name stage_area_id stage || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt mobcomment vodafone ez imode moblinkname comment tel reference start_time open_time stage_pref_code stage_area_id place date tour_id stage_id songvideo_dispinfo || pv_post disporder dispflg pv_image pv_name artist_id song_id songvideo_dispinfo_id song || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt item_id artist_id comment song_no altname name song_id series_iteminfo || disporder series_id item_id id series || site_url altname name series_id profile_image || cuser ctime image image_file profile_id profile || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt disporder mobcomment comment name is_self artist_id profile_id photos_image || cuser ctime s_image_file l_image_file s_image l_image photos_id photos || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt disporder dispflg artist_id photos_id label || url cuser ctime image_file image name label_id itemvideo_dispinfo || pv_post disporder dispflg pv_image pv_name artist_id item_id itemvideo_dispinfo_id itemgroup_item || disporder item_id itemgroup_id id itemgroup || name id item_type || name item_type_id item_image || cuser ctime s_gif s_png s_image image image_file item_id item_image_id item || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt smn_itemtype shmcd mobcomment comment alttitle title dispflg discontinued pid price date item_type_id artist_id item_id info_type || name info_type_id disco_dispinfo || disporder dispflg item_id includedsong_type_flg item_type_id artist_id disco_dispinfo_id color_set || name color_set_id artist_site_image || cuser ctime logo_file image_file logo image_tinypng image_tinygif image artist_id artist_release_movie || cuser ctime findorder url title artist_id artist_release_id artist_release_movie_id artist_release || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt mobcomment vodafone ez imode moblinkname pid comment artist_id artist_release_id artist_media_info || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt program key_station time date artist_id artist_media_info_id artist_link || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt disporder makeqr url title artist_id artist_link_id artist_label || cuser ctime label_id artist_id artist_label_id artist_itemgroup || itemgroup_id artist_id id artist_info_movie || cuser ctime findorder url title artist_id artist_info_id artist_info_movie_id artist_info_image || cuser ctime image_file image artist_info_id artist_info || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt disporder dispflg mobcomment vodafone ez imode moblinkname date comment info_type_id artist_id artist_info_id artist_beacon_tag_seq || id artist || cuser ctime visible until_dt from_dt smn_genre bmg_hensei_code smn_dirname disp_usersline bcol_flg official_site bmgstandard_flg sp_site color_set_id disp_artist_site keyword name_reading altname name artist_id