/* Lines 260 to 293: */ /* Move the file to the correct upload location. */ if ( !empty( $bp->avatar_admin->original['error'] ) ) { bp_core_add_message( sprintf( __( 'Upload Failed! Error was: %s', 'buddypress' ), $bp->avatar_admin->original['error'] ), 'error' ); return false; } /* Resize the image down to something manageable and then delete the original */ /* HACK made some changes to check image parameters more carefully */ $_size = getimagesize( $bp->avatar_admin->original['file'] ); if ( $_size[0] > BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH ) { $_thumb = wp_create_thumbnail( $bp->avatar_admin->original['file'], BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_WIDTH ); // Need to check if upload succeeded - issue with small files! if ( is_object($_thumb) && get_class($_thumb) == 'WP_Error' ) { bp_core_add_message( sprintf( __( 'Upload Failed! Error was: %s', 'buddypress' ), $_thumb->get_error_message()), 'error'); return false; } $bp->avatar_admin->resized = $_thumb; } $bp->avatar_admin->image = new stdClass; /* We only want to handle one image after resize. */ if ( empty( $bp->avatar_admin->resized ) ) $bp->avatar_admin->image->dir = $bp->avatar_admin->original['file']; else { $bp->avatar_admin->image->dir = $bp->avatar_admin->resized; @unlink( $bp->avatar_admin->original['file'] ); } /* Set the url value for the image */ $bp->avatar_admin->image->url = str_replace( WP_CONTENT_DIR, BP_AVATAR_URL, $bp->avatar_admin->image->dir ); return true; }