# Date - Update Log Entry # 12/12/2013 - Updated /tpr to be more customizable # 12/13/2013 - Updated /tpr to fix a bug when checking for 0 # 12/16/2013 - Updated /tpr to set player Pitch and Yaw # 01/23/2014 - Merged Vote Help with Vote Command, Tweaks to /tpr, Tweaks to /reload # 01/24/2014 - Fixed Yesterday's date, Fixed missing / in /reload for STL, Tweaks to /vote #give - Smites anyone that doesn't have permission for /give *:/give $ = >>> if(has_permission(player(),'essentials.give'), # then run('/give' $) , # else msg(concat(color('red'), '[FCoFix] No permission for /give')) lightning(ploc(player())) ) <<< #help - Replace Essentials Help to Prevent players from seeing plugins *:/help [$search=''] [$=''] = >>> msg(concat( color('yellow'), ' ---- ', color('gold'), 'List: commands', color('yellow'), ' -- ', color('gold'), 'Page ', color('red'), '1', color('gold'), '/', color('red'), '1', color('yellow') '---- ' )) msg(concat( color('gold'), '/Put, /Available, /Commands, /Here' )) <<< #plugins - Replace /Plugins to Prevent Players from seeing plugins *:/plugins = >>> msg(concat( color('white'), 'Plugins (3): ', color('green'), 'FCoFixTekkitPack, TekkitHacksDetector, TekkitLockdown' )) <<< #reload - Reloads all available plugins reload:/reload [$=''] = >>> run('/CapsBlock reload') run('/Essentials reload') run('/ReloadAliases') run('/STL reload') run('/TekkitRestrict admin reload') run('/WB reload') run('/WE reload') run('/WG reload') <<< #save - Short for /save-all /save [$=''] = >>> run('/save-all') <<< #tpr - Random TP *:/tpr = >>> assign(@min, 1024) # Replace 512 with your minimum distance assign(@max, 16384) # Replace 16384 with your maximum distance assign(@zero, 0005) # Replace 0005 with times to check for zero assign(@spawnx, -192) # Replace -192 with the X coord of your spawn assign(@spawnz, -328) # Replace -328 with the Z coord of your spawn # Ensures X TP both - and +, but not 0 assign(@r0,rand(-1,1)) for( assign(@i,1), lte(@i,@zero), inc(@i), if(equals(@r0,0), # then assign(@r0,rand(-1,1)) ) ) # Ensures Z TP both - and +, but not 0 assign(@r1,rand(-1,1)) for( assign(@i,1), lte(@i,@zero), inc(@i), if(equals(@r1,0), # then assign(@r1,rand(-1,1)) ) ) # X assign(@X, add( @spawnx, multiply( @r0, rand(@min, @max) ) ) ) # Y, Make sure the player is holding swiftwolf! It's a long fall! assign(@Y, 128) #Z assign(@Z, add( @spawnz, multiply( @r1, rand(@min, @max) ) ) ) # Set player facing North, and Neither Up Nor Down pfacing(180,0) # Does the Actual TP of Player using /tpr set_ploc(player(), @X, @Y, @Z) <<< #tprandom - Random TP caller *:/tprandom = >>> call_alias('/tpr') <<< #Vote - Used for voting sites *:/vote [$site=null] = >>> assign(@site1, ' http://www.votesite1.com/yourserver') # Replace with a vote site assign(@site2, ' http://www.votesite2.com/yourserver') # Replace with a vote site assign(@site3, ' http://www.votesite3.com/yourserver') # Replace with a vote site switch(equals(1,1), # Case Statement is_null($site), # Case No Parameters msg(concat( color('yellow'), ' ---- ', color('gold'), 'List: Vote', color('yellow'), ' -- ', color('gold'), 'Page ', color('red'), '1', color('gold'), '/', color('red'), '1', color('yellow') '---- ' )) msg(concat(color('gold'),'Site 1',color('white'),': ',@site1)) msg(concat(color('gold'),'Site 2',color('white'),': ',@site2)) msg(concat(color('gold'),'Site 3',color('white'),': ',@site3)), switch(equals(1,1), # Case Parameters equals($site,0), run('/vote'), equals($site,1), msg(concat(color('gold'),@site1)), equals($site,2), msg(concat(color('gold'),@site2)), equals($site,3), msg(concat(color('gold'),@site3)), call_alias('/vote') ) ) <<<