dbtable = $wpdb->prefix . $this->dbtable; $this->plugin_version = $this->plugin_get_version(); add_action('the_content', array(&$this, 'do_the_content'), 10); /* prio 10 prevents a conflict with some odd themes */ add_action('init', array(&$this, 'init')); /* init also tries to insert script/styles */ add_action('admin_init', array(&$this, 'admin_init')); /* try multiple methods of inserting our scripts and styles */ /* add_action('wp_print_styles',array(&$this, 'add_style_script')); add_action('wp_print_scripts',array(&$this, 'add_style_script')); add_action('wp_head',array(&$this, 'add_style_script'), 0); */ add_action('template_redirect',array(&$this, 'template_redirect')); /* handle redirects and form posts, and add style/script if needed */ add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'addmenu')); add_action('wp_ajax_update_field', array(&$this, 'admin_view_reviews')); /* special ajax stuff */ add_action('save_post', array(&$this, 'admin_save_post'), 10, 2); /* 2 arguments */ add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(__FILE__), array(&$this, 'plugin_settings_link')); } /* keep out of admin file */ function plugin_settings_link($links) { $url = get_admin_url().'options-general.php?page=wpcr_options'; $settings_link = ' Settings'; array_unshift($links, $settings_link); return $links; } /* keep out of admin file */ function addmenu() { add_options_page('Customer Reviews', ' Customer Reviews', 'manage_options', 'wpcr_options', array(&$this, 'admin_options')); add_menu_page('Customer Reviews', 'Customer Reviews', 'edit_others_posts', 'wpcr_view_reviews', array(&$this, 'admin_view_reviews'), $this->getpluginurl() . 'star.png', 50); /* 50 should be underneath comments */ global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->wpcr_add_meta_box(); } /* forward to admin file */ function admin_options() { global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->real_admin_options(); } /* forward to admin file */ function admin_save_post($post_id, $post) { global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->real_admin_save_post($post_id); } /* forward to admin file */ function admin_view_reviews() { global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->real_admin_view_reviews(); } /* returns current plugin version */ function plugin_get_version() { require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $plugin_data = get_plugin_data( __FILE__ ); $plugin_version = $plugin_data['Version']; return $plugin_version; } function get_jumplink_for_review($review,$page) { /* $page will be 1 for shortcode usage since it pulls most recent, which SHOULD all be on page 1 */ $link = get_permalink( $review->page_id ); if (strpos($link,'?') === false) { $link = trailingslashit($link) . "?wpcrp=$page#hreview-$review->id"; } else { $link = $link . "&wpcrp=$page#hreview-$review->id"; } return $link; } function get_options() { $home_domain = @parse_url(get_home_url()); $home_domain = $home_domain['scheme'] . "://" . $home_domain['host'] . '/'; $default_options = array( 'act_email' => '', 'act_uniq' => '', 'activate' => 0, 'ask_custom' => array(), 'ask_fields' => array('fname' => 1, 'femail' => 1, 'fwebsite' => 1, 'ftitle' => 1, 'fage' => 0, 'fgender' => 0), 'business_city' => '', 'business_country' => 'USA', 'business_email' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'), 'business_name' => get_bloginfo('name'), 'business_phone' => '', 'business_state' => '', 'business_street' => '', 'business_url' => $home_domain, 'business_zip' => '', 'dbversion' => 0, 'enable_posts_default' => 0, 'enable_pages_default' => 0, 'field_custom' => array(), 'form_location' => 0, 'goto_leave_text' => 'Click here to submit your review.', 'goto_show_button' => 1, 'hreview_type' => 'business', 'leave_text' => 'Submit your review', 'require_custom' => array(), 'require_fields' => array('fname' => 1, 'femail' => 1, 'fwebsite' => 0, 'ftitle' => 0, 'fage' => 0, 'fgender' => 0), 'reviews_per_page' => 10, 'show_custom' => array(), 'show_fields' => array('fname' => 1, 'femail' => 0, 'fwebsite' => 0, 'ftitle' => 1, 'fage' => 0, 'fgender' => 0), 'show_hcard' => 1, 'show_hcard_on' => 1, 'submit_button_text' => 'Submit your review', 'support_us' => 1, 'title_tag' => 'h2' ); $this->options = get_option('wpcr_options', $default_options); /* magically easy migrations to newer versions */ $has_new = false; foreach ($default_options as $col => $def_val) { if (!isset($this->options[$col])) { $this->options[$col] = $def_val; $has_new = true; } if (is_array($def_val)) { foreach ($def_val as $acol => $aval) { if (!isset($this->options[$col][$acol])) { $this->options[$col][$acol] = $aval; $has_new = true; } } } } if ($has_new) { update_option('wpcr_options', $this->options); } } function make_p_obj() { $this->p = new stdClass(); foreach ($_GET as $c => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $this->p->$c = $val; } else { $this->p->$c = trim(stripslashes($val)); } } foreach ($_POST as $c => $val) { if (is_array($val)) { $this->p->$c = $val; } else { $this->p->$c = trim(stripslashes($val)); } } } function check_migrate() { global $wpdb; $migrated = false; /* remove me after official release */ $current_dbversion = intval(str_replace('.', '', $this->options['dbversion'])); $plugin_db_version = intval(str_replace('.', '', $this->plugin_version)); if ($current_dbversion == $plugin_db_version) { return false; } global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->createUpdateReviewtable(); /* creates AND updates table */ /* initial installation */ if ($current_dbversion == 0) { $this->options['dbversion'] = $plugin_db_version; $current_dbversion = $plugin_db_version; update_option('wpcr_options', $this->options); return false; } /* check for upgrades if needed */ /* upgrade to 2.0.0 */ if ($current_dbversion < 200) { /* add multiple page support to database */ /* change all current reviews to use the selected page id */ $pageID = intval($this->options['selected_pageid']); $wpdb->query("UPDATE `$this->dbtable` SET `page_id`=$pageID WHERE `page_id`=0"); /* add new meta to existing selected page */ update_post_meta($pageID, 'wpcr_enable', 1); $this->options['dbversion'] = 200; $current_dbversion = 200; update_option('wpcr_options', $this->options); $migrated = true; } /* done with all migrations, push dbversion to current version */ if ($current_dbversion != $plugin_db_version || $migrated == true) { $this->options['dbversion'] = $plugin_db_version; $current_dbversion = $plugin_db_version; update_option('wpcr_options', $this->options); global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->notify_activate(3); $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->force_update_cache(); /* update any caches */ return true; } return false; } function is_active_page() { global $post; $has_shortcode = $this->force_active_page; if ( $has_shortcode !== false ) { return 'shortcode'; } if ( !isset($post) || !isset($post->ID) || intval($post->ID) == 0 ) { return false; /* we can only use the plugin if we have a valid post ID */ } if (!is_singular()) { return false; /* not on a single post/page view */ } $wpcr_enabled_post = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wpcr_enable', true); if ( $wpcr_enabled_post ) { return 'enabled'; } return false; } function add_style_script() { /* to prevent compatibility issues and for shortcodes, add to every page */ wp_enqueue_style('wp-customer-reviews'); wp_enqueue_script('wp-customer-reviews'); } function template_redirect() { /* do this in template_redirect so we can try to redirect cleanly */ global $post; if (!isset($post) || !isset($post->ID)) { $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = 0; } if (isset($_COOKIE['wpcr_status_msg'])) { $this->status_msg = $_COOKIE['wpcr_status_msg']; if ( !headers_sent() ) { setcookie('wpcr_status_msg', '', time() - 3600); /* delete the cookie */ unset($_COOKIE['wpcr_status_msg']); } } $GET_P = "submitwpcr_$post->ID"; if ($post->ID > 0 && isset($this->p->$GET_P) && $this->p->$GET_P == $this->options['submit_button_text']) { $msg = $this->add_review($post->ID); $has_error = $msg[0]; $status_msg = $msg[1]; $url = get_permalink($post->ID); $cookie = array('wpcr_status_msg' => $status_msg); $this->wpcr_redirect($url, $cookie); } } function rand_string($length) { $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $str = ''; $size = strlen($chars); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $str .= $chars[rand(0, $size - 1)]; } return $str; } function get_aggregate_reviews($pageID) { if ($this->got_aggregate !== false) { return $this->got_aggregate; } global $wpdb; $pageID = intval($pageID); $row = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`,AVG(review_rating) AS `aggregate_rating`,MAX(review_rating) AS `max_rating` FROM `$this->dbtable` WHERE `page_id`=$pageID AND `status`=1"); /* make sure we have at least one review before continuing below */ if ($wpdb->num_rows == 0 || $row[0]->total == 0) { $this->got_aggregate = array("aggregate" => 0, "max" => 0, "total" => 0, "text" => 'Reviews for my site'); return false; } $aggregate_rating = $row[0]->aggregate_rating; $max_rating = $row[0]->max_rating; $total_reviews = $row[0]->total; $row = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `review_text` FROM `$this->dbtable` WHERE `page_id`=$pageID AND `status`=1 ORDER BY `date_time` DESC LIMIT 1"); $sample_text = substr($row[0]->review_text, 0, 180); $this->got_aggregate = array("aggregate" => $aggregate_rating, "max" => $max_rating, "total" => $total_reviews, "text" => $sample_text); return true; } function get_reviews($postID, $startpage, $perpage, $status, $random) { global $wpdb; $startpage = $startpage - 1; /* mysql starts at 0 instead of 1, so reduce them all by 1 */ if ($startpage < 0) { $startpage = 0; } $limit = 'LIMIT ' . $startpage * $perpage . ',' . $perpage; if ($status == -1) { $qry_status = '1=1'; } else { $qry_status = "`status`=$status"; } $postID = intval($postID); if ($postID == -1) { $and_post = ''; } else { $and_post = "AND `page_id`=$postID"; } if ( $random ) { $reviews = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `date_time`, `reviewer_name`, `reviewer_email`, `review_title`, `review_text`, `review_response`, `review_rating`, `reviewer_url`, `reviewer_ip`, `status`, `page_id`, `custom_fields` FROM `$this->dbtable` WHERE $qry_status $and_post ORDER BY RAND() DESC $limit "); } else { $reviews = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `id`, `date_time`, `reviewer_name`, `reviewer_email`, `review_title`, `review_text`, `review_response`, `review_rating`, `reviewer_url`, `reviewer_ip`, `status`, `page_id`, `custom_fields` FROM `$this->dbtable` WHERE $qry_status $and_post ORDER BY `date_time` DESC $limit "); } $total_reviews = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `$this->dbtable` WHERE $qry_status $and_post"); $total_reviews = $total_reviews[0]->total; return array($reviews, $total_reviews); } function aggregate_footer() { $aggregate_footer_output = ''; if ($this->options['show_hcard_on'] != 0 && $this->shown_hcard === false) { $this->shown_hcard = true; /* start - make sure we should continue */ $show = false; if ( $this->options['show_hcard_on'] == 1 ) { $show = true; } else if ( $this->options['show_hcard_on'] == 2 && ( is_home() || is_front_page() ) ) { $show = true; } else if ( $this->options['show_hcard_on'] == 3 && $this->is_active_page() ) { $show = true; } /* end - make sure we should continue */ $div_id = "wpcr_hcard_h"; if ( $this->is_active_page() ) { if ( $this->options['show_hcard'] == 1 ) { $div_id = "wpcr_hcard_s"; } } if ($show) { /* we append like this to prevent newlines and wpautop issues */ $aggregate_footer_output = '
'; $aggregate_footer_output .= '' . $this->options['business_name'] . '
'; if ( $this->options['business_street'] != '' || $this->options['business_city'] != '' || $this->options['business_state'] != '' || $this->options['business_zip'] != '' || $this->options['business_country'] != '' ) { $aggregate_footer_output .= ''; if ($this->options['business_street'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .= '' . $this->options['business_street'] . ' '; } if ($this->options['business_city'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .='' . $this->options['business_city'] . ', '; } if ($this->options['business_state'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .='' . $this->options['business_state'] . ', '; } if ($this->options['business_zip'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .='' . $this->options['business_zip'] . ' '; } if ($this->options['business_country'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .='' . $this->options['business_country'] . ' '; } $aggregate_footer_output .= ''; } if ($this->options['business_email'] != '' && $this->options['business_phone'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .= '
'; } if ($this->options['business_email'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .= '' . $this->options['business_email'] . ''; } if ($this->options['business_email'] != '' && $this->options['business_phone'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .= ' • '; } if ($this->options['business_phone'] != '') { $aggregate_footer_output .= '' . $this->options['business_phone'] . ''; } $aggregate_footer_output .= '
'; } } return $aggregate_footer_output; } function iso8601($time=false) { if ($time === false) $time = time(); $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:sO', $time); return (substr($date, 0, strlen($date) - 2) . ':' . substr($date, -2)); } function pagination($total_results, $reviews_per_page) { global $post; /* will exist if on a post */ $out = ''; $uri = false; $pretty = false; $range = 2; $showitems = ($range * 2) + 1; $paged = $this->page; if ($paged == 0) { $paged = 1; } if (!isset($this->p->review_status)) { $this->p->review_status = 0; } $pages = ceil($total_results / $reviews_per_page); if ($pages > 1) { if (is_admin()) { $url = '?page=wpcr_view_reviews&review_status=' . $this->p->review_status . '&'; } else { $uri = trailingslashit(get_permalink($post->ID)); if (strpos($uri, '?') === false) { $url = $uri . '?'; $pretty = true; } /* page is using pretty permalinks */ else { $url = $uri . '&'; $pretty = false; } /* page is using get variables for pageid */ } $out .= '
'; if ($paged > 2 && $paged > $range + 1 && $showitems < $pages) { if ($uri && $pretty) { $url2 = $uri; } /* not in admin AND using pretty permalinks */ else { $url2 = $url; } $out .= '«'; } if ($paged > 1 && $showitems < $pages) { $out .= ''; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if ($i == $paged) { $out .= '' . $paged . ''; } else if (!($i >= $paged + $range + 1 || $i <= $paged - $range - 1) || $pages <= $showitems) { if ($i == 1) { if ($uri && $pretty) { $url2 = $uri; } /* not in admin AND using pretty permalinks */ else { $url2 = $url; } $out .= '' . $i . ''; } else { $out .= '' . $i . ''; } } } if ($paged < $pages && $showitems < $pages) { $out .= ''; } if ($paged < $pages - 1 && $paged + $range - 1 < $pages && $showitems < $pages) { $out .= '»'; } $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; return $out; } } function output_reviews_show($inside_div, $postid, $perpage, $max, $hide_custom = 0, $hide_response = 0, $snippet_length = 0, $show_morelink = '', $random = 0) { if ($max != -1) { $thispage = 1; } else { $thispage = $this->page; } $arr_Reviews = $this->get_reviews($postid, $thispage, $perpage, 1, $random); $reviews = $arr_Reviews[0]; $total_reviews = intval($arr_Reviews[1]); $reviews_content = ''; $hidesummary = ''; $title_tag = $this->options['title_tag']; /* trying to access a page that does not exists -- send to main page */ if ( isset($this->p->wpcrp) && $this->p->wpcrp != 1 && count($reviews) == 0 ) { $url = get_permalink($postid); $this->wpcr_redirect($url); } if ($postid == 0) { /* NOTE: if using shortcode to show reviews for all pages, could do weird things when using product type */ $postid = $reviews[0]->page_id; } $meta_product_name = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_name', true); if (!$meta_product_name) { $meta_product_name = get_the_title($postid); } $meta_product_desc = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_desc', true); $meta_product_brand = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_brand', true); $meta_product_upc = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_upc', true); $meta_product_sku = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_sku', true); $meta_product_model = get_post_meta($postid, 'wpcr_product_model', true); if (!$inside_div) { $reviews_content .= '
'; } if (count($reviews) == 0) { /* $reviews_content .= '

There are no reviews yet. Be the first to leave yours!

'; */ } else { $this->get_aggregate_reviews($postid); $summary = $this->got_aggregate["text"]; $best_score = number_format($this->got_aggregate["max"], 1); $average_score = number_format($this->got_aggregate["aggregate"], 1); if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'product') { $reviews_content .= ' ' . $meta_product_brand . ' ' . $meta_product_name . ' ' . $meta_product_desc . ' SKU ' . $meta_product_sku . ' UPC ' . $meta_product_upc . ' Model ' . $meta_product_model . ' '; } foreach ($reviews as $review) { if ($snippet_length > 0) { $review->review_text = $this->trim_text_to_word($review->review_text,$snippet_length); } $review->review_text .= '
'; $hide_name = ''; if ($this->options['show_fields']['fname'] == 0) { $review->reviewer_name = 'Anonymous'; $hide_name = 'wpcr_hide'; } if ($review->reviewer_name == '') { $review->reviewer_name = 'Anonymous'; } if ($this->options['show_fields']['fwebsite'] == 1 && $review->reviewer_url != '') { $review->review_text .= '
' . $review->reviewer_url . ''; } if ($this->options['show_fields']['femail'] == 1 && $review->reviewer_email != '') { $review->review_text .= '
' . $review->reviewer_email . ''; } if ($this->options['show_fields']['ftitle'] == 1) { /* do nothing */ } else { $review->review_title = substr($review->review_text, 0, 150); $hidesummary = 'wpcr_hide'; } if ($show_morelink != '') { $review->review_text .= " $show_morelink"; } $review->review_text = nl2br($review->review_text); $review_response = ''; if ($hide_response == 0) { if (strlen($review->review_response) > 0) { $review_response = '

Response: ' . nl2br($review->review_response) . '

'; } } $custom_shown = ''; if ($hide_custom == 0) { $custom_fields_unserialized = @unserialize($review->custom_fields); if (!is_array($custom_fields_unserialized)) { $custom_fields_unserialized = array(); } foreach ($this->options['field_custom'] as $i => $val) { if ( isset($custom_fields_unserialized[$val]) ) { $show = $this->options['show_custom'][$i]; if ($show == 1 && $custom_fields_unserialized[$val] != '') { $custom_shown .= "
" . $val . ': ' . $custom_fields_unserialized[$val] . ' • 
'; } } } $custom_shown = preg_replace("%• 
",$custom_shown); } $name_block = '' . '
' . '' . date("M d, Y", strtotime($review->date_time)) . ' ' . 'by ' . '' . '' . $review->reviewer_name . '' . '' . '
' . $custom_shown . '
'; if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'product') { $reviews_content .= '
<' . $title_tag . ' class="summary ' . $hidesummary . '">' . $review->review_title . '
' . $this->output_rating($review->review_rating, false) . '
' . $name_block . '

' . $review->review_text . '

' . $review_response . '

'; } else if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'business') { $reviews_content .= '
<' . $title_tag . ' class="summary ' . $hidesummary . '">' . $review->review_title . '
' . $this->output_rating($review->review_rating, false) . '
' . $name_block . '

' . $review->review_text . '

' . $review_response . '

'; } } if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'product') { $reviews_content .= ' ' . $average_score . ' ' . $best_score . ' ' . $this->got_aggregate["total"] . ' ' . $this->got_aggregate["total"] . ' ' . $summary . ' ' . $meta_product_name . ' '; $reviews_content .= ''; /* end hProduct */ } else if ($this->options['hreview_type'] == 'business') { $reviews_content .= ' ' . $this->options['business_name'] . ' ' . $this->options['business_phone'] . ' ' . $this->options['business_street'] . ' ' . $this->options['business_city'] . ' ' . $this->options['business_state'] . ', ' . $this->options['business_zip'] . ' ' . $this->options['business_country'] . ' ' . $average_score . ' ' . $best_score . ' ' . $this->got_aggregate["total"] . ' ' . $this->got_aggregate["total"] . ' ' . $summary . ' '; } } if (!$inside_div) { $reviews_content .= ''; /* wpcr_respond_1 */ } return array($reviews_content, $total_reviews); } /* trims text, but does not break up a word */ function trim_text_to_word($text,$len) { if(strlen($text) > $len) { $matches = array(); preg_match("/^(.{1,$len})[\s]/i", $text, $matches); $text = $matches[0]; } return $text.'... '; } function do_the_content($original_content) { global $post; $using_shortcode_insert = false; if ($original_content == 'shortcode_insert') { $original_content = ''; $using_shortcode_insert = true; } $the_content = ''; $is_active_page = $this->is_active_page(); /* return normal content if this is not an enabled page, or if this is a post not on single post view */ if (!$is_active_page) { $the_content .= '
'; $the_content .= $this->aggregate_footer(); /* check if we need to show something in the footer then */ $the_content .= '
'; return $original_content . $the_content; } $the_content .= '
'; /* start the div */ $inside_div = true; if ($this->options['form_location'] == 0) { $the_content .= $this->show_reviews_form(); } $ret_Arr = $this->output_reviews_show( $inside_div, $post->ID, $this->options['reviews_per_page'], -1 ); $the_content .= $ret_Arr[0]; $total_reviews = $ret_Arr[1]; $the_content .= $this->pagination($total_reviews, $this->options['reviews_per_page']); if ($this->options['form_location'] == 1) { $the_content .= $this->show_reviews_form(); } if ($this->options['support_us'] == 1) { $the_content .= '
Powered by WP Customer Reviews
'; } $the_content .= $this->aggregate_footer(); /* check if we need to show something in the footer also */ $the_content .= '
'; /* wpcr_respond_1 */ //$the_content = preg_replace('/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r|\t|\s{2}/', '', $the_content); /* minify to prevent automatic line breaks */ $the_content = preg_replace('/\n\r|\r\n|\n|\r|\t/', '', $the_content); /* minify to prevent automatic line breaks, not removing double spaces */ return $original_content . $the_content; } function output_rating($rating, $enable_hover) { $out = ''; $rating_width = 20 * $rating; /* 20% for each star if having 5 stars */ $out .= '
'; if ($enable_hover) { $out .= '
'; } $out .= '
'; $out .= '
'; return $out; } function show_reviews_form() { global $post, $current_user; $fields = ''; $out = ''; $req_js = "\n"; if ($this->options['goto_show_button'] == 1) { $button_html = '
' . $this->status_msg . '
'; /* show errors or thank you message here */ $button_html .= '

' . $this->options['goto_leave_text'] . '

'; $out .= $button_html; } /* different output variables make it easier to debug this section */ $out .= '
' . $req_js . '
' . $fields; $out2 = ' '; $out3 = '
' . $this->options["leave_text"] . '
' . $this->output_rating(0, true) . '
' . $some_required . '
'; $out4 = '
'; $out4 .= '
'; return $out . $out2 . $out3 . $out4; } function add_review($pageID) { global $wpdb; /* begin - some antispam magic */ $this->newp = new stdClass(); foreach ($this->p as $col => $val) { $pos = strpos($col, '-'); if ($pos !== false) { $col = substr($col, $pos + 1); /* off by one */ } $this->newp->$col = $val; } $this->p = $this->newp; unset($this->newp); /* end - some antispam magic */ /* some sanitation */ $date_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if (!isset($this->p->fname)) { $this->p->fname = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->femail)) { $this->p->femail = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->fwebsite)) { $this->p->fwebsite = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->ftitle)) { $this->p->ftitle = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->ftext)) { $this->p->ftext = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->femail)) { $this->p->femail = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->fwebsite)) { $this->p->fwebsite = ''; } if (!isset($this->p->frating)) { $this->p->frating = 0; } /* default to 0 */ if (!isset($this->p->fconfirm1)) { $this->p->fconfirm1 = 0; } /* default to 0 */ if (!isset($this->p->fconfirm2)) { $this->p->fconfirm2 = 0; } /* default to 0 */ if (!isset($this->p->fconfirm3)) { $this->p->fconfirm3 = 0; } /* default to 0 */ $this->p->fname = trim(strip_tags($this->p->fname)); $this->p->femail = trim(strip_tags($this->p->femail)); $this->p->ftitle = trim(strip_tags($this->p->ftitle)); $this->p->ftext = trim(strip_tags($this->p->ftext)); $this->p->frating = intval($this->p->frating); /* begin - server-side validation */ $errors = ''; foreach ($this->options['require_fields'] as $col => $val) { if ($val == 1) { if (!isset($this->p->$col) || $this->p->$col == '') { $nice_name = ucfirst(substr($col, 1)); $errors .= 'You must include your ' . $nice_name . '.
'; } } } $custom_fields = array(); /* used for insert as well */ $custom_count = count($this->options['field_custom']); /* used for insert as well */ for ($i = 0; $i < $custom_count; $i++) { $custom_fields[$i] = $this->options['field_custom'][$i]; } foreach ($this->options['require_custom'] as $i => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $custom_i = "custom_$i"; if (!isset($this->p->$custom_i) || $this->p->$custom_i == '') { $nice_name = $custom_fields[$i]; $errors .= 'You must include your ' . $nice_name . '.
'; } } } /* only do regex matching if not blank */ if ($this->p->femail != '' && $this->options['ask_fields']['femail'] == 1) { if (!preg_match('/^([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\@([A-Za-z0-9_\-\.])+\.([A-Za-z]{2,4})$/', $this->p->femail)) { $errors .= 'The email address provided is not valid.
'; } } /* only do regex matching if not blank */ if ($this->p->fwebsite != '' && $this->options['ask_fields']['fwebsite'] == 1) { if (!preg_match('/^\S+:\/\/\S+\.\S+.+$/', $this->p->fwebsite)) { $errors .= 'The website provided is not valid. Be sure to include http://
'; } } if (intval($this->p->fconfirm1) == 1 || intval($this->p->fconfirm3) == 1) { $errors .= 'You have triggered our anti-spam system. Please try again. Code 001.
'; } if (intval($this->p->fconfirm2) != 1) { $errors .= 'You have triggered our anti-spam system. Please try again. Code 002
'; } if ($this->p->frating < 1 || $this->p->frating > 5) { $errors .= 'You have triggered our anti-spam system. Please try again. Code 003
'; } if (strlen(trim($this->p->ftext)) < 30) { $errors .= 'You must include a review. Please make reviews at least a couple of sentences.
'; } /* returns true for errors */ if ($errors) { return array(true, "
"); } /* end - server-side validation */ $custom_insert = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $custom_count; $i++) { if ($this->options['ask_custom'][$i] == 1) { $name = $custom_fields[$i]; $custom_i = "custom_$i"; if ( isset($this->p->$custom_i) ) { $custom_insert[$name] = ucfirst($this->p->$custom_i); } } } $custom_insert = serialize($custom_insert); $query = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO `$this->dbtable` (`date_time`, `reviewer_name`, `reviewer_email`, `reviewer_ip`, `review_title`, `review_text`, `status`, `review_rating`, `reviewer_url`, `custom_fields`, `page_id`) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, %d)", $date_time, $this->p->fname, $this->p->femail, $ip, $this->p->ftitle, $this->p->ftext, 0, $this->p->frating, $this->p->fwebsite, $custom_insert, $pageID); $wpdb->query($query); $admin_link = get_admin_url().'admin.php?page=wpcr_view_reviews'; $admin_link = "Link to admin approval page: $admin_link"; @wp_mail(get_bloginfo('admin_email'), "WP Customer Reviews: New Review Posted on " . date('m/d/Y h:i'), "A new review has been posted for " . $this->options['business_name'] . " via WP Customer Reviews. \n\nYou will need to login to the admin area and approve this review before it will appear on your site.\n\n{$admin_link}"); /* returns false for no error */ return array(false, '
Thank you for your comments. All submissions are moderated and if approved, yours will appear soon.
'); } function deactivate() { /* do not fire on upgrading plugin or upgrading WP - only on true manual deactivation */ if (isset($this->p->action) && $this->p->action == 'deactivate') { $this->options['activate'] = 0; update_option('wpcr_options', $this->options); global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->notify_activate(2); } } function wpcr_redirect($url, $cookie = array()) { $headers_sent = headers_sent(); if ($headers_sent == true) { /* use JS redirect and add cookie before redirect */ /* we do not html comment script blocks here - to prevent any issues with other plugins adding content to newlines, etc */ $out = "Redirecting...
" . "Processing... Please wait..." . ""; $out .= "
"; echo $out; } else { foreach ($cookie as $col => $val) { setcookie($col, $val); /* add cookie via headers */ } ob_end_clean(); wp_redirect($url); /* nice redirect */ } exit(); } function init() { /* used for admin_init also */ $this->make_p_obj(); /* make P variables object */ $this->get_options(); /* populate the options array */ $this->check_migrate(); /* call on every instance to see if we have upgraded in any way */ if ( !isset($this->p->wpcrp) ) { $this->p->wpcrp = 1; } $this->page = intval($this->p->wpcrp); if ($this->page < 1) { $this->page = 1; } add_shortcode( 'WPCR_INSERT', array(&$this, 'shortcode_wpcr_insert') ); add_shortcode( 'WPCR_SHOW', array(&$this, 'shortcode_wpcr_show') ); wp_register_style('wp-customer-reviews', $this->getpluginurl() . 'wp-customer-reviews.css', array(), $this->plugin_version); wp_register_script('wp-customer-reviews', $this->getpluginurl() . 'wp-customer-reviews.js', array('jquery'), $this->plugin_version); /* add style and script here if needed for some theme compatibility */ $this->add_style_script(); } function shortcode_wpcr_insert() { $this->force_active_page = 1; return $this->do_the_content('shortcode_insert'); } function shortcode_wpcr_show($atts) { $this->force_active_page = 1; extract( shortcode_atts( array('postid' => 'all','num' => '3','hidecustom' => '0','hideresponse' => '0', 'snippet' => '0','more' => '', 'random' => '0'), $atts ) ); if (strtolower($postid) == 'all') { $postid = -1; /* -1 queries all reviews */ } $postid = intval($postid); $num = intval($num); $hidecustom = intval($hidecustom); $hideresponse = intval($hideresponse); $snippet = intval($snippet); $more = $more; $random = intval($random); if ($postid < -1) { $postid = -1; } if ($num < 1) { $num = 3; } if ($hidecustom < 0 || $hidecustom > 1) { $hidecustom = 0; } if ($hideresponse < 0 || $hideresponse > 1) { $hideresponse = 0; } if ($snippet < 0) { $snippet = 0; } $inside_div = false; $ret_Arr = $this->output_reviews_show( $inside_div, $postid, $num, $num, $hidecustom, $hideresponse, $snippet, $more, $random ); return $ret_Arr[0]; } function activate() { register_setting('wpcr_gotosettings', 'wpcr_gotosettings'); add_option('wpcr_gotosettings', true); /* used for redirecting to settings page upon initial activation */ } function include_admin() { global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; require_once($this->getplugindir() . 'wp-customer-reviews-admin.php'); /* include admin functions */ } function admin_init() { global $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin; $this->include_admin(); /* include admin functions */ $WPCustomerReviewsAdmin->real_admin_init(); } function getpluginurl() { return trailingslashit(plugins_url(basename(dirname(__FILE__)))); } function getplugindir() { return trailingslashit(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . str_replace(basename(__FILE__), "", plugin_basename(__FILE__))); } } if (!defined('IN_WPCR')) { global $WPCustomerReviews; $WPCustomerReviews = new WPCustomerReviews(); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$WPCustomerReviews, 'activate')); register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$WPCustomerReviews, 'deactivate')); } ?>