{$i srl/srl.simba} const USERNAME = 'parabot'; PASSWORD = '6135284495'; Var X,Y, tree,DTM_black, count, water:Integer; Status:String; procedure proggy; //idea from rj begin cleardebug; writeln('Oral Time ~~ Exiled Nser'); writeln(' Time Running: '+ MsToTime(GetTimeRunning,3)) exit; end; Procedure MouseBox1(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; ClickType: Integer); Begin MMouse(RandomRange(X1,X2),RandomRange(Y1,Y2),0,0); ClickMouse2(ClickType); Wait(RandomRange(50,100)); End; function IsLoggedIn: boolean; begin if not findcolortolerance(x, y, 1226218, 664, 163, 669, 177, 40) then begin result := true end else begin result := false end; end; procedure setmeup; begin //Status := ('Setting up'); // proggy; sleep(500); //rsps_prayercheck(); sleep(500); MouseBox1(538,35,555,55, mouse_left); end; procedure login; begin if (isloggedIn) then begin exit; end else begin wait(1000); movemouse(453, 363); Wait(100); clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); wait(200); movemouse(383, 212); //Status := 'Entering Username'; //proggy; Wait(100); clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); count := 0; repeat Inc(count); PressKey(VK_Back); until count > 25; Wait(1000); typesend(USERNAME); wait(1000); count := 0; repeat Inc(count); PressKey(VK_Back); until count > 25; Wait(250); typesend(PASSWORD); //Status := ('logging in'); //proggy; Wait(5000); setmeup; end; end; Procedure LoadDTM; Begin tree := DTMFromString('mQwAAAHicY2ZgYLBmYmCwAWI7IE4B8jOAOBGI7Y0FGUzVhBjMtcQZuIB8GGZEwkAAAJaiA3U='); water := DTMFromString('mQwAAAHicY2ZgYFjKxMCwkAlC5wL52UBcAMSFgUIM7x6uZnh7UZlBEsiHYUYkDAQAZCAIug=='); DTM_Black := BitmapFromString(4, 5, 'meJxjY2JmIxcBABquAN0='); End; Procedure FreeMem; Begin FreeBitmap(DTM_black); freeDTM(water); freeDTM(tree); End; function DebugTPA(Points: TPointArray; BmpName: string): Boolean; var Bmp: integer; Box : TBox; TempTPA : TPointArray; begin Box := GetTPABounds(Points); Bmp := BitmapFromClient(Box.x1,Box.y1,Box.x2,Box.y2); TempTPA := CopyTPA(Points); OffsetTPA(TempTPA,Point(-box.x1,-box.y1)); DrawTPABitmap(Bmp,TempTPA,clRed); DisplayDebugImgWindow(box.x2-Box.x1 + 1, box.y2-box.y1 + 1); DrawBitmapDebugImg(Bmp); if bmpname <> '' then SaveBitmap(Bmp, ScriptPath + BmpName +'.bmp'); FreeBitmap(Bmp); Result := True; end; function rsps_getUpText:string; var blueTPA: tpointarray; blueATPA: t2dpointarray; begin FindColorsTolerance(blueTPA, 15593993, 0, 0, 294, 29, 255); if (length(blueTPA) > 1) then blueATPA := splitTPAEx(blueTPA, 1, 10); sortATPAFromFirstPointX(blueATPA, point(0, 0)); result:= getTextATPA(blueATPA, 5, 'UpChars'); //DebugTPA(blueTPA, 'bmp'); end; Function rspsIsUpTextMultiCustom(Text: TStringArray): Boolean; Var TheText: String; i, n: Integer; Begin TheText := rsps_getUpText; n := High(Text); For i := 0 to n do If (Pos(Text[i], TheText) > 0) then Begin Result := True; Exit; End; End; Function rsps_prayercheck(): Boolean; Var X,Y:Integer; Begin wait(100); MouseBox1(711,176,724,194, mouse_left); Begin If (Not FindColorTolerance(X,Y,7185335,593,280,613,287,13)) Then begin wait(100); MouseBox1(597,290,615,304, mouse_left); wait(200); end; If (Not FindColorTolerance(X,Y,7185335,666,245,683,260,13)) Then begin wait(100); MouseBox1(669,252,691,270, mouse_left); wait(400); end; End; Result:=True; end; procedure EnterPortal; Var TPAA: T2DPointArray; TPA: TPointArray; CTS, clicked, I: Integer; Begin count := 0 repeat inc(count); presskey(40); until count > 25; rsps_prayercheck; CTS := GetColorToleranceSpeed; ColorToleranceSpeed(2); setcolorspeed2modifiers(0.25, 0.12); if FindColorsSpiralTolerance(61, 31, TPA, 11515077, 0, 0, 516, 336, 20) then begin ColorToleranceSpeed(CTS); TPAA := TPAToATPAEx(TPA, 30, 30); SortATPASize(TPAA, True); For I := 0 To High(TPAA) Do If GetArraylength(TPAA[i]) > 20 Then Begin MiddleTPAEx(TPAA[i], x, y); MMouse(X, Y, 3, 3); If (rspsIsUpTextMultiCustom(['safe'])) Then begin clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); wait(100); MouseBox1(534,12,550,28, mouse_left); wait(randomrange(6000, 7000)); exit; end else KeyDown(39); wait(100); KeyUp(39); wait(10); end else KeyDown(39); wait(100); KeyUp(39); wait(10); end else KeyDown(39); wait(100); KeyUp(39); wait(10); end; function inClw: boolean; begin wait(500) if findDTM(water, x, y, 547, 1, 702, 164) then begin result := true wait(50) EnterPortal; end else begin result := false end; end; function walkin(): boolean; var a, b, Dist_To_Black:Integer; x, y, i: Integer; colours1: TIntegerArray; Begin if (inClw) then exit; if FlagPresent then exit; colours1 := [1515121, 1778265, 1449082, 1251941] for i := 0 to High(colours1) do begin if FindColorTolerance(x, y, colours1[i], 607, 79, 620, 83, 60) then begin Result := True begin wait(randomrange(50, 500)); mousebox1(620, 72, 641, 79, mouse_left); wait(randomrange(2000, 3000)); MouseBox1(534,12,550,28, mouse_left); wait(500); end; end else end; end; procedure runsouth; begin mmouse(627, 97, 4, 4) wait(10); clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); end; procedure runwest; begin mmouse(599, 76, 5, 5) wait(10); clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); end; procedure runeast; begin mmouse(652, 84, 4, 4) wait(10); clickmouse(x, y, mouse_left); end; procedure antilure; var a, b, Dist_To_Black:Integer; Begin findbitmaptolerancein(DTM_black, a, b, 611, 104, 652, 164, 35) Dist_To_Black := Distance(a,b,627,85); //Writeln('Current Distance from Bank symbol:' + ToStr(Dist_To_Black)) If (Dist_To_black >= 58) and (Dist_To_black < 600) then begin wait(randomrange(50, 1000)); mousebox1(623, 108, 632, 112, mouse_left); wait(randomrange(500,1000)); end; If findcolortolerance(x, y,5401142, 659, 31, 675, 41, 25) then RunWest(); If findcolortolerance(x, y,5007472, 607, 18, 617, 118, 10) then RunSouth(); If finddtm(tree, x, y, 570, 70, 616, 124) then RunEast(); end; Begin setupsrl; mouseresetclientarea; imageresetclientarea; LoadDTM; Repeat login; proggy; inClw(); walkin(); antilure; Until False; AddOnTerminate('FreeMem'); End.