# Number guessing game. # The computer plays itself, if the number is too high or too low the player is informed. # If the game takes longer than 10 rounds, it is an automatic lose. import random random.seed CompGuess = random.randint(1,100) CompPlayer = random.randint(1,100) print "CompPlayer\'s secret number is " +str(CompPlayer) LowInt1 = 1 HighInt1 = 100 RoundCount = 1 running = True while running == True: print "Round Number : " +str(RoundCount) if RoundCount == 11: print "CompPlayer: You took too long, you lose!" running = False print "CompGuesser: My guess is " +str(CompGuess) if CompGuess > CompPlayer: print 'CompPlayer: Your guess is high' HighInt1 = CompGuess CompGuess = random.randint(LowInt1, HighInt1) print "Range is " +str(LowInt1)+ ' , ' +str(HighInt1) print CompGuess if CompGuess < CompPlayer: print 'CompPlayer: Your guess is low' LowInt1 = CompGuess CompGuess = random.randint(LowInt1, HighInt1) print "Range is " +str(LowInt1)+ ' , ' +str(HighInt1) print CompGuess if CompGuess == CompPlayer: print "CompGuesser: I win! :3" running = False RoundCount = RoundCount + 1