class Gui(QtCore.QObject, object): # This is class A that is instanced elsewhere capture = # Capturing webcam image mySignal = QtCore.SIGNAL('mySignal(str)') def __init__(self, name=None, parent_node=None, **kwd): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) def init_handler(self, **kwd): # The initial declarations go here self.gui=guiThread(self) self.gui.start() def compute_handler(self): # This is the loop that will keep executing periodically window = self.gui.window # This window is the gui created in QtDesigner self.tempimage = print "about to emit" self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL('mySignal'),"Hello World") print "emitted" class guiThread(Thread, QtCore.QObject, object): def __init__ (self, creator): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) self._creator = creator # And now self._creator is the creator object Thread.__init__(self) = None self.window = None def run(self): = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) self.window = MainWindow() print "about to connect" self.connect(self._creator, QtCore.SIGNAL('mySignal'),self.printSuccess) print "passed the connect" def printSuccess(self, var): print "received", var def stop(self): self.window.close() ______________ OUTPUT ______________ about to connect passed the connect about to emit emitted about to emit emitted about to emit emitted about to emit emitted about to emit emitted .....