slumberingOccultist [SO] began trolling illogicalCipher [IC] SO: hell]o[ there! judging fr]o[m the stars, y]o[u're an excellent tr]o[ll t]o[ talk t]o[ n]o[w! IC: Hello. IC: That's quite an odd statement to begin with. SO: ]o[r maybe by the rand]o[m functi]o[n, ]o[ne ]o[r the ]o[ther. SO: ha ha, well, i guess it helps t]o[ break the ice f]o[r saying hell]o[! i mean a plain ]o[ld "hi" is pretty dull, d]o[n't y]o[u think? IC: Hmm, I don't mind dull, but yes. It is a rather boring way to start a conversation. SO: th]o[ugh i guess y]o[u c]o[uld always g]o[ "that's stupid" and the c]o[nversati]o[n dies there! :) IC: Luckily for you, my curiousity was greater than my confusion. IC: And I decided to continue it. SO: ha ha, great then! let's h]o[pe i can keep up the curi]o[sity. IC: That would most likely be beneficial for the both of us. SO: um, shit... IC: You get entertainment, while I learn more. IC: Hmm? SO: ha ha, well, i'd rather learn as well! maybe mutual entertainment! :) IC: That's always a possibility. SO: um shit being that i can't think ]o[f anything really interesting t]o[ g]o[ fr]o[m there, except maybe ]o[ffering t]o[ judge y]o[ur h]o[r]o[sc]o[pe, but that is never accurate and it's a pretty big waste ]o[f time, ha ha! IC: Actually, I'm quite curious about this horoscope you keep referring to. IC: It might be an interesting test. SO: ha ha, well, it's n]o[thing special! it's just judging the current p]o[siti]o[n ]o[f the f]o[rty-eight c]o[nstellati]o[ns, calculating their individual impact based up]o[n y]o[ur wriggling day, and then piecing t]o[gether a f]o[rtune! SO: a test? ha ha, am i being tested? IC: No, a test of its accuracy. IC: And this is entertainment for me IC: C|B J SO: well that's a test i'm g]o[ing t]o[ fail because they've never c]o[me true! at least f]o[r myself! but maybe it'll be different f]o[r y]o[u! IC: There is always a chance. IC: Nothing is absolute in this world. SO: but if y]o[u'd like, sure! just tell me y]o[ur c]o[]o[rdinates and wriggling day and i'll be able t]o[ figure it ]o[ut! SO: ha ha, maybe the abs]o[lute shittiness ]o[f these f]o[rtunes! :) IC: No, I refuse to believe in any absolute. SO: ha ha, y]o[u might change y]o[ur mind after y]o[u heard s]o[me ]o[f these! i mean i get "y]o[u will have a fateful enc]o[unter" every ]o[ther week, if that came true then there w]o[uld be n]o[ such thing as a fateful enc]o[unter since fateful enc]o[unters w]o[uld l]o[se their fatefulness after en]o[ugh ]o[f them happened! IC: Not if fate is determined by every single moment in existence. SO: what an ]o[dd thing t]o[ say! what d]o[ y]o[u mean by that? :) IC: Then every encounter is fateful. IC: Have you heard of the flutterbeast effect? SO: ha ha, well, i d]o[n't think this enc]o[unter is very fateful, t]o[ be h]o[nest! i'm pretty sure i'm c]o[ming acr]o[ss as a huge fucking spaz, which isn't very fateful at all! SO: and i haven't, actually! IC: No, you are coming off quite pleasant, although slightly self-deprevating. SO: ha ha, thank y]o[u! y]o[u are pretty curi]o[us y]o[urself! SO: s]o[ what is the flutterbeast effect? :) IC: As for the effect, it is theorized that even something as small as a flutterbeast affects the outcome of the universe. IC: And if one was to change a single moment in history, even down to the flap of a flutterbeast's wings, the world will be a completely different place. SO: d]o[es the flutterbeast kn]o[w that it can d]o[ that? IC: I would assume it doesn't. SO: ha ha, t]o[ be h]o[nest, i have a hard time placing that much imp]o[rtance ]o[n a single flutterbeast. IC: But who knows, there might be some philosophical flutterbeasts out there. IC: Meh. IC: To each their own. SO: maybe! they must be interesting c]o[nversati]o[nalists! IC: If you can find one that speaks, I would assume so. SO: c]o[uld be interesting. but i think i understand the flutterbeast effect, if it's expanded t]o[ maybe ]o[ur pe]o[ple! IC: Well, that's supposed to be a subtle implication in the hypothesis. IC: For if something so small could change history, then every moment we spend is a crucial turning point. SO: yeah that subtlety was a bit l]o[st ]o[n me. g]o[]o[dness i'm pr]o[bably c]o[ming acr]o[ss as an idi]o[t, ha ha! IC: No. IC: I'm not very good at explaining things, so it might have been lost in my telling. SO: s]o[ d]o[ y]o[u think this rand]o[m c]o[nversati]o[n is a turning p]o[int, mister ic? IC: Possibly. SO: ha ha, i think y]o[u explained quite well! a bit simplistic, but f]o[r that phil]o[s]o[phy, maybe simple is the best r]o[ute t]o[ address it! IC: And please, the name is Raesho. SO: nice t]o[ meet y]o[u raesh]o[! i'm epirra! IC: The pleasure is mine. SO: guess i sh]o[uld have started with an intr]o[ducti]o[n, ha? :) IC: No, this made the conversation much more interesting. IC: Less personal, more scientific. IC: Not that I'm saying that the conversation will now become dull. SO: ha ha, well shit, there g]o[es all ]o[f the scientific credibility ]o[f this discussi]o[n! IC: Heh. SO: is this the p]o[int where we talk ab]o[ut ]o[ur pers]o[nal vices and c]o[mpletely shatter the intellectualism we started with? because, um, t]o[ be h]o[nest, i d]o[n't think i have any interesting vices. SO: and that w]o[uld be dull. SO: and ruin the c]o[nversati]o[n. IC: Only if you wish to, but it doesn't sound like you do. SO: ha ha, i w]o[uldn't want t]o[ b]o[re y]o[u! plus that s]o[unds far less interesting than musing ]o[n fate and phil]o[s]o[phy. IC: Yes, philosophy is a rather interesting subject. IC: Nothing else is based solely on personal opinions and not facts. SO: it d]o[esn't c]o[me up very much hist]o[rically, but it is pretty interesting! th]o[ugh it can be pretty danger]o[us t]o[ study, phil]o[s]o[phy! SO: and hist]o[ry t]o[]o[. pers]o[nal ]o[pini]o[ns and ]o[bservati]o[n, i think! but i'm n]o[t a phil]o[s]o[pher s]o[ i'm just guessing ]o[n that. IC: Yes, one wrong step and you have whole cults after you. IC: Heheh. SO: ha ha, i guess that is a danger, if y]o[ur phil]o[s]o[phy is especially engaging! SO: i was talking m]o[re ]o[f culling, but i guess cults springing up ar]o[und y]o[u is equally w]o[rris]o[me! IC: Oh true. IC: I forgot about that for a second. SO: ha ha, really? IC: To busy laughing in nostalgia to think of it. SO: ha ha, y]o[u're a c]o[nfusing guy! what's s]o[ funny ab]o[ut that? :) IC: Oh just a memory. IC: Something that most wouldn't find very funny. SO: ha ha, are y]o[u implying that y]o[u've unintenti]o[nally started a cult thr]o[ugh y]o[ur phil]o[s]o[phies bef]o[re? :) IC: No, more my moirail has had an entire cult after his head due to a slip of the tongue. SO: w]o[w, what was his cult like? what phil]o[s]o[phy was it based ]o[n? IC: It was the followers of the mirthful messiahs. SO: ugh! that is very unpleasant. i'm surprised y]o[ur m]o[irail survived, t]o[ be h]o[nest! IC: He accidentally said that he didn't like faygo while talking to a group of them. IC: Their shock at the statement was the only thing that kept him alive SO: i've read ]o[f such terrible things ab]o[ut the messiahs, they're damn vici]o[us. IC: Gave him a good 10 second start. IC: Yes they are. SO: s]o[metimes that's all y]o[u need t]o[ escape! but i think they're less ]o[f a cult and m]o[re ]o[f a r]o[wdy bunch ]o[f psych]o[paths. IC: They almost reached my house, which my moirail used to hide from them. SO: m]o[res]o[ than any ]o[ther gr]o[up ]o[f tr]o[lls. and g]o[]o[dness, what st]o[pped them? IC: I only consider them a cult because of how well they banded together. IC: I live on a plateau high in the mountains. IC: If you don't know the path, you're as good as dead IC: My moirail knew the path, they didn't. IC: As soon as he was out of their sight, they had no hope. SO: as an]o[ther m]o[untain dweller, i can understand that! i'm glad t]o[ hear y]o[ur m]o[irail survived! SO: they didn't g]o[ after his hive in retributi]o[n, did they? IC: Heh. IC: Funny that you say that. IC: My moirail is a wanderer. IC: His hive is nothing more than a tent. SO: ]o[h w]o[w! s]o[ he has a p]o[rtable recuperac]o[]o[n and everything? IC: No. IC: Just a tent. IC: The idiot didn't think of that when the construction drones came around. SO: h]o[w d]o[es he c]o[pe with the nightmares? i've slept a few times ]o[utside ]o[f a recuperac]o[]o[n, it's really unpleasant. IC: I don't know. SO: ha ha, that w]o[uld definitely be s]o[mething i'd ask him ab]o[ut! m]o[stly because if there's a secret t]o[ it, i'd like t]o[ learn it s]o[ i c]o[uld d]o[ the same! SO: sleeping with]o[ut a recuperac]o[]o[n, that is! IC: He only says that the voices help him sleep. IC: And laughs. IC: The idiot. SO: ]o[h, ]o[kay! actually, i think that can make sense! psychic p]o[wers are very weird like that, and maybe that's what it is! IC: No. SO: ]o[r maybe it's talking t]o[ the dead? IC: I know it's not that. SO: ]o[h? that's ]o[dd then! IC: Yes. SO: and maybe a bit c]o[ncerning! IC: Heh. IC: If it's concerning for you, think of it from the perspective of his moirail. SO: ha ha, it must be nerve-wracking! h]o[w can y]o[u keep track ]o[f him when he d]o[esn't have a hive? IC: I've tried for years to convince him for sweeps to let me build him a portable recuperacoon, but he won't let me. SO: d]o[es he at least have a lusus t]o[ watch ]o[ut f]o[r him? IC: Heh. IC: He watches out for his lusus just as much as his lusus watches out for him. IC: And I keep track of him through trollian. SO: speaking as a stranger y]o[u've just met, i think that y]o[u sh]o[uld just build him the recuperac]o[]o[n and sh]o[ve it int]o[ his sylladex! IC: I built him a compact generator, so I can always talk to him. IC: Heheheheh. IC: Haha. SO: it's pretty neat that y]o[u w]o[uld kn]o[w h]o[w t]o[ build ]o[ne ]o[f th]o[se! y]o[u're quite smart, if i may say s]o[! SO: huh? IC: His sylladex. IC: I couldn't put something in there if I tried. SO: ]o[h, is it a piece ]o[f shit? :) IC: No. IC: I'd say it's the best sylladex possible. SO: ]o[h? h]o[w s]o[? :) IC: But it only takes what it wants. SO: that s]o[unds like it w]o[uld be excepti]o[nally fussy! IC: It's a Deus Ex Machina modus. IC: It takes what is deemed necessary and releases it when it needs to be released. SO: ha ha, i've never heard ]o[f a m]o[dus like that! IC: Nor have I. IC: He's the only person that I know of with it. SO: that is very interesting! IC: I still don't even know how it works. IC: Why it deems useless objects like rocks necessary, but won't take food half the time. SO: i guess it's ]o[ne ]o[f th]o[se m]o[duses that y]o[u really can't understand! h]o[w mysteri]o[us! IC: Exactly. IC: I've given up. IC: Sweeps of analysis have led to nothing. SO: ha ha, that m]o[dus s]o[unds terrible! even w]o[rse than mine! IC: No, it's perfect. SO: ha ha, i think y]o[u c]o[uld figure it ]o[ut if y]o[u had ]o[ne y]o[urself! IC: What is better than a modus that warps destiny to its whim? SO: i d]o[n't kn]o[w, if it d]o[esn't take f]o[]o[d half the time, i'd think it's pretty bad. IC: But the food it takes half the time is enough to keep him alive. IC: A bit more, but never too much. IC: Never anything that would spoil before he got to it. IC: And nothing that he wouldn't be able to cook with his limited supplies. SO: i d]o[n't kn]o[w, trusting a sylladex t]o[ kn]o[w what's best f]o[r me rather than my ]o[wn judgment seems a bit reckless! SO: but maybe i'm just a wuss, ha ha! IC: I wouldn't trust it either. IC: But it's amazing to watch. SO: it d]o[es s]o[und like it w]o[uld be an interesting sight! :) but i d]o[n't kn]o[w if i w]o[uld say that it warps destiny t]o[ its whim! IC: Hmm, yes, it is going a little far to say that. IC: But it's close. IC: It can take things that he'd normally be unable to access, giving him access to new possibilities. SO: it is a bit ]o[f a w]o[rris]o[me idea. :) and i guess that's a p]o[sitive way t]o[ l]o[]o[k at it! IC: It changes his destiny with every single item it takes and releases. SO: it seems a bit reckless t]o[ give that much c]o[ntr]o[l t]o[ y]o[ur sylladex! SO: but i'm n]o[t ]o[ne t]o[ talk! IC: Nor am I. IC: But he trusts it. IC: And I trust him. IC: So I must trust it. SO: have y]o[u tried asking him ab]o[ut where he g]o[t the m]o[dus? and maybe h]o[w t]o[ get an]o[ther c]o[py ]o[f it? :) SO: might help with understanding it, plus maybe give y]o[u m]o[re reas]o[n t]o[ trust it! IC: His answer is always the same. IC: He's had it for as long as he can remember. IC: And it's always been there for him. SO: what an enigmatic answer! IC: Yes it is. IC: But he is an enigma himself. SO: ha ha, t]o[ be h]o[nest, that s]o[unds like it w]o[uld be really frustrating! i'd want t]o[ understand everything ab]o[ut my m]o[irail. SO: s]o[ i can best pr]o[tect and help them. :) IC: I do want to understand him, but his enigmatic life is one of the things that drew us together. IC: And I've accepted that. SO: s]o[unds like there w]o[uld be an interesting st]o[ry behind that, but i'm pr]o[bably being incredibly n]o[sy and fussy and maybe a bit intrusive as it is! IC: No, it's fine. IC: This is actually quite entertaining for me. IC: I'm quite boring, but he's the one exciting thing in my life. SO: ha ha, really? i d]o[n't think y]o[u're quite that b]o[ring! IC: Heh. IC: Well, thank you. SO: y]o[u have interesting phil]o[s]o[phies, and y]o[u're pretty smart! SO: y]o[u're welc]o[me! :) IC: Heh. IC: I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. SO: ha ha, well, we talked a l]o[t ab]o[ut y]o[ur m]o[irail, which was fun! i'd talk ab]o[ut mine, but... SO: i d]o[n't have ]o[ne, ha ha! IC: Well, that's too bad. IC: Although you seem fine without one. SO: ha ha, it's n]o[t really that bad! and thank y]o[u! SO: i have my lusus fussing and w]o[rrying ]o[ver me, i w]o[uldn't want s]o[me]o[ne else t]o[ be t]o[]o[! IC: Heh. IC: My lusus dotes on me too, but he never was the best at making me less introverted. IC: So I'm lucky to have one. SO: mine is a class-a w]o[rryw]o[rt and a bit ann]o[ying, t]o[ be h]o[nest! she's als]o[ a shitty hunter, s]o[ am i, s]o[... IC: I'm sure you're not that bad. IC: But lack of food is rather concerning. SO: y]o[u have t]o[ l]o[ve them th]o[ugh, ha ha! pr]o[tected us when we were little and taught us all we kn]o[w! and y]o[u seem pretty nice, s]o[ i think y]o[ur lusus did a g]o[]o[d j]o[b! IC: He taught me to be polite. IC: My moirail taught me how to express myself to others. SO: ha ha, well, i have my little garden full ]o[f weeds and nasty shit. and there are eaglebeast nests all ]o[ver this m]o[untain, s]o[ i'm g]o[]o[d at swiping them! IC: Without them, I'm not sure where I'd be. IC: Heh. SO: y]o[u'd be l]o[nely, i'd imagine! IC: Probably dead too. SO: ha ha, i think that's a given, if we didn't have ]o[ur lusii! :) IC: Well, I might have made it. IC: But I'd be much worse off. IC: I was a feisty little wriggler. IC: As my lusus likes to say. SO: ha ha, were y]o[u? i w]o[uldn't have guessed! SO: y]o[u struck me as a peaceful little wriggler. maybe a bit sleepy! IC: Heh. IC: No, that's the politeness my lusus taught me. IC: And my general apathy. SO: ha ha, he did a g]o[]o[d j]o[b! i'm s]o[rry, th]o[ugh, y]o[u d]o[n't strike me as apathetic! IC: Well, my moirail has helped with that over the sweeps. IC: But I'm still not much for emotions. SO: f]o[rmal and intellectual, but y]o[u clearly d]o[ care f]o[r y]o[ur lusus and m]o[irail! IC: Yes, they are the only two major beings in my life. IC: So they get all of the affection I have. SO: and i'm certain they'll help y]o[u find m]o[re! ]o[r, at least, maybe help y]o[u find m]o[re fateful enc]o[unters leading t]o[ that? IC: Yes, there's always the fateful encounters. SO: i think y]o[u're d]o[ing just fine! and that y]o[ur lusus, y]o[ur m]o[irail, and y]o[u are all str]o[ng individuals! IC: Thank you. IC: I'm sure they'll be happy to hear that. SO: y]o[u're welc]o[me! :) and i'm sure they kn]o[w! especially with having y]o[u ar]o[und and being able t]o[ see h]o[w y]o[u've all helped each ]o[ther gr]o[w! IC: ∴∴∴ SO: ha ha, what? IC: Um... IC: Nothing IC: Thank you. SO: ]o[kay then! and y]o[u d]o[n't have t]o[ keep thanking me, th]o[ugh i d]o[ appreciate it! y]o[u really are super p]o[lite! IC: ΩΠ‼ IC: Sorry IC: I do that sometimes. SO: y]o[u d]o[n't need t]o[ ap]o[l]o[gize either. :) um, shit, ]o[nly if y]o[u want t]o[, ]o[f c]o[urse! i'm n]o[t trying t]o[ be b]o[ssy ]o[r act ab]o[ve my place, just saying that y]o[u can be c]o[mf]o[rtable and relaxed and such talking t]o[ me! IC: No, no. SO: ha ha, it's all right! if it happens, it happens! :) IC: It's fine. IC: You have the right to say that. SO: ha ha, n]o[t many w]o[uld agree with y]o[u there! SO: but thank y]o[u f]o[r saying s]o[. :) IC: Maybe. IC: You're welcome. SO: anyway, raesh]o[, my lusus is making a nuisance ]o[f herself, s]o[ i sh]o[uld pr]o[bably g]o[! it was nice meeting y]o[u! IC: Okay. SO: h]o[pe i didn't disapp]o[int f]o[r a fateful enc]o[unter, ha? :) IC: It was nice for me too. IC: No, it was a pleasant encounter. IC: Goodbye. SO: stay safe! and if y]o[u want t]o[ talk again, feel free t]o[! SO: see y]o[u! :) slumberingOccultist [SO] ceased trolling illogicalCipher [IC] --