@echo off echo Welcome to the junction creation batch file! echo. echo. echo You will need the path of the folder that you intend on linking to. echo This can be pasted into this window by right clicking and selecting echo 'Paste' from the context menu that appears. echo. echo Input the path of the folder you wish to link to then hit Enter. echo Example: C:\Users\Public\Documents\ echo. set /p target= Target Folder: echo. echo Input the path of the junction link that is to be created. echo Example: C:\SkyDrive\My Public Documents\ echo. echo This should *NOT* be a folder that already exists as one will be created echo as soon as you hit enter! echo Typing in a folder name (example: "My Public Documents") instead of a full path echo will create the link in this folder (the one where this batch file resides). echo. set /p link= Junction Folder: echo. mklink /j "%link%" "%target%" echo. echo To remove link double-click the removeJunction.bat file that just been created. echo rmdir "%link%" >removeJunction.bat echo del removeJunction.bat >>removeJunction.bat echo. pause