Imagine being a straight white guy. How do you feel about nail shops? Theres quite a few guys who feel comfortable in that setting, but theres many who are not. It's alien, isnt it? There's staff, regulars. Banter. It's a culture, almost. It smells weird, you probably dont speak the language, and you have pretty much no control over the social order. There's gels, there's shellac, theres acrylics, theres pink and white, and so much acetone and nail polish you're going to get a contact high. Ladies are trying to convince you to get your nails done. Being straight, white, and male puts you pretty much in the minority. People can talk all kinds of shit about you - not that you're really worth the time, but you have that loss of power. I really want you to think about that feeling. Anyone can make fun of you, and pretty much everyone else will back them up. Even the men at the salon! That feeling is super important, because it's a feeling many women understand walking into gaming cultures in general, and especially the FGC. Note, I'm going to use the word "you" a lot. I'm not a writer, blogger, or anything other than somebody with an opinion with arguments. The word "you", may not apply at all to you, the reader. Of course, there's also a pretty chance that when I say "You", even if you think I'm not talking about you, I totally am. I'm going to criticize generalizations a lot, while at the same time using this all encompassing term; "you". Try to keep your whitey tighties on. Women in the fighting game scene are a minority to the extent you have to understand that when you're shitting on random girl #9 for not playing and having opinions, you're affecting all women in the community. How do you know that's random girl #9? Maybe she's someone who actually knows what she's talking about, or does well? People apply these prejudices to others. People take this attitude because some person in some community somewhere did something, and there's collateral damage. "Pro hoes" is a concept that seems to just be, hey a girl had sex. That almost never happens!!! There's a few specific things I'm referencing I dont want to dredge up, but if youve followed how everything's progressed you should have a couple ideas. I hear all the shit you people say to girls who dont play. The stuff you say to X girl for Y reason is the exact same shit I hear. I've been told I'm a fake gamer looking for male attention. Seriously, that's completely fucking ridiculous. By kids who were busy being incubated when I was playing Rush'n'Attack. We've since ironed it over, but I made a self deprecating joke "I dont know anything about this game!" when commentating, I dunno it was like Honda vs Guy or something. I dont fking know that matchup, and neither do you, LETS BE REAL. When I say it, ppl make fucking videos about it. I've ironed that situation out like I said, but the issue is the preconception where you so readily accept I dont know what the fuck I'm talking about. It's getting asked repeatedly, "So whose your boyfriend?". Do you know what it's like to play a good player - for real, a good player - and being told the whole morrigan doom fireball thing wasnt going to work and I should switch to sentinel. This is after Chris G started his reign of terror, and neither performing nor demonstrating knowledge and understanding of tech mattered. What mattered is finding a video of a dude doing it, then I get patronizingly how to understand it. Do you know how patronizing dudes are? Over video games? To women? Who beat them? And you expect them to play? I've been fortunate enough to grow up with Street Fighter. It holds a lot of nostalgia. I was also lucky in that I was very young when I become 'initiated'. I cared about the franchise and really wanted to succeed and that drove me through much of the early hazing. I cared about fighting games enough to get serious with Tekken 5 in 2007 and went through a lot of stuff women picking up the game will deal with; exclusion, patronizing, threats, misogyny, sexual harassment, etc. To be honest, I handled myself pretty well, but I also had certain advantages. For one, I've been playing video games before a bunch of yall were born. Most women may not have that advantage. But you know? What if that was just a random girl. Do you think they'd stick around after having someone throw a punch at them, telling them not to speak up(EVEN WHEN YOU BODY THIS PERSON), or have weird ugly creepy guys trying to set up three ways between you and their gross ass and "they knew a girl". What if that wasnt me? What if the women youre judging have had experiences like that or worse? Does that justify people acting out? No. You still dont have the entitlement to judge her in this community. Why do you want to be another brick in the wall? Do you NOT want women in the community? If you do, you're going to have to make concessions. Maybe skip every other usage of the word bitch, maybe write "get raped" out of your vocabulary. Pro ho too, fuck that shit. If a girl is sleeping with a player, well humans are humans surprise surprise. Guess what? She can pick up a stick. She can ask questions. She can watch videos, she can learn, but if you've already labeled her as a non playing fake gamer attention whore... Or, not even you. Maybe someone else did. SURELY someone else did. Do you think that's going to make her want to play? Can you blame her? I see lots of people blaming women. They want a group that's safe where they can talk about... shit that they wanna talk about without assholes telling them theyre wrong? I completely empathize with that 100%. If they wanna talk about how cute Kobuns are, whos got the smallest dick, or how to do sword loops or danmaku, great for everyone. It's not in your face to insult your sensibilities, and it's also not really about you. I understand the appeal of the FGC to the dudes who are misogynistic and etc etc. Youre a bunch of guys with extended boyhoods - I've got an extended childhood through games too, so im not judging.. yet - who are looking for a safe place to basically let your less savory personality traits out loose and wild. It's an outlet, insulated from women, and I believe I see a lot of frustrations. Kind of a fight club sort of therapy with the stresses in life, and unfortunately a lot of that manifests itself misogynistically. I'm not perfect. When I was younger, I dated a guy and in our nerd culture, I shared his really toxic attitude towards women. So, actually, I participated in the misogyny by creating these ridiculous constructions in my head that judged the worth of a person by a metric based off things I was particularly good at, and I really missed a lot of opportunities to make friends and I'm honestly kind of disgusted with myself. Who cares if someone's a slut? What did it really take away from my enjoyment of the game? I was looking for approval, shamefully I admit, and eventually I came to realize how horribly wrong I was. Maybe I found someone personally annoying, but that doesnt justify being a little machiavelli about it and vilifying other women because in the context of the game I was a stronger player. It's hard enough without ripping at each others throats, and I see plenty of women calling each other bitches and whores and I dont get it. With grit, determination, and some semblance of solidarity(not saying you gotta be BFFs) the image of women in the scene can be reversed, although there will undoubtably be numerous conflicts along the way. I'm still making mistakes, I'm human, and I'm sorry for those in my past I havent done the best by. It's not hopeless. The advantage that women have in the community is visibility and increased access that comes associated with said visibility. Intrinsically, this is also probably the biggest single disadvantage, because of shitlord fedoras and neckbeards looking for any chance they can to discredit you; and holy shit will they leap on it. Not even talking about myself, any lady whos been around for a few years knows what I'm talking about. Dudes dont. They dont realize what theyre doing half the time, I think? Be aware. My newsfeed is full of stuff like this: "THESE BITCHES IN THE FGC BE LIKE..." "THESE FEMALES SURPRISED WHEN..." ... Here is a novel and hopefully constructive idea: refocus the conversation away from portraying women negatively, and instead encourage those women who are succeeding. Provide visibility and dont reduce it to 'white knighting', if at the very least to give women someone they identify with. Helps very much with a sense of belonging. Chances are, you have dudes you can relate to! hooray! Maybe your girlfriend doesnt. Maybe all the vitriol is a bit too intimidating. I am just one person. I'm one face, one opinion. I've spoken with other women in the scene, and there's a lot of similarities with their experiences with men(Kill all men). Talk to them; listen. If you're a straight guy, think about being in that nail shop, and being uncomfortable, and at the mercy of possibly getting verbally chopped up for the amusement of patrons and staff. Dont make women feel like that. And dont be afraid of nail shops either, I'm just playing on preconceptions and common fears to illustrate a point about respecting the women in the scene. Besides, if youre in the FGC you probably need it. Nerds and neckbeards, ew gross. Tip your tech. Women are a bunch of pro hoes and non players looking fr male attention and approval? Fuck what you heard, you were lied to. Lets see some man-eaters here. At any time, any girl could randomly be possessed of the fire and passion to grind it out, rise above, and regulate the competition. Could be anyone, you never know what tomorrow is going to be like. Still, though, guys? It wont be because you called her a pro ho whore and she fucked EG/EMP/PA/CTRl| McProguy and it went up on Kappa. I hope in 2014 we see some ladies rustle some jimmies and we can collectively dam all the little baby tears, evaporate it, and shake the salt wherever we walk. I'm not sure who's with me, but I'm ready to conquer. signed _______________